Phones at Liverpool


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I ned to have a bit of a rant so bear with me.

I am sick to death of these telephone advisors or whatever they are called seeming to be so lazy or downright rude that they cannot call me by my proper title. They constantly when I call in refer to me as Miss & I am a Mrs :angry:

Does it take so much effort to say MRS :mysmilie_13:

Sorry but it really tees me off.
They always call me 'Mrs Stafford' so I always tell them to use my first name. Calling me missus makes me feel ancient!

On a side note, a chap in the Post Office called me 'young lady' yesterday...he's made my year LOL!

Can't believe the things people rant about on here at times.

Our guys and girls are fighting a completely pointless war thousands of miles away and at least one or two of them seem to be coming back in a box each week! Do you watch the news? It's horrible, daily people do horrible evil things to others. So in the scheme of things, someone getting your title wrong is so completely immaterial!

If you get so worked up about it, how about using QCut or the net in future? Have you ever thought that maybe in their details for you they've got 'Miss' instead of 'Mrs' written down?

Harsh I know, so sorry, but it had to be said. :blush:
Can't believe the things people rant about on here at times.

Our guys and girls are fighting a completely pointless war thousands of miles away and at least one or two of them seem to be coming back in a box each week! Do you watch the news? It's horrible, daily people do horrible evil things to others. So in the scheme of things, someone getting your title wrong is so completely immaterial!

If you get so worked up about it, how about using QCut or the net in future? Have you ever thought that maybe in their details for you they've got 'Miss' instead of 'Mrs' written down?

Harsh I know, so sorry, but it had to be said. :blush:

No I don't watch the news actually and I believed that freedom odf speech was granted in this country. If you don't like what I have written they why bother to read it or even respond !!!!

on the rare occasions I call them they call me Mrs though I'm not married! My dentist's surgery does it too, doesn't bother me at all tbh. My second name is quite hard to pronounce so I get called all sorts anyway!
I don't care what people call me! As long as they understand me and I can hear them thats fine!
I don't usually get involved in the "free and frank exchange of views" on here but I do think that lilylurknomore's response was a bit harsh. We are all more than aware of our brave boys and girls fighting what seems to be, sometimes, a losing battle, but our lives over here go on as normal and sometimes little things can get on your wick and we have a right to get it off our chest.

This forum is a fun place to be most of the time and we are tolerant of people who need to vent their spleen from time to time so please don't try to stifle people who just want a bit of light relief from the horrors of what's going on in the world.
I've always found the call centre people to be polite and helpful, I've never ever had a problem with any of them.
Less and less people are married these days so the poor staff at Liverpool have probably been blasted numerous times by over sensitive people who hate to be called 'Mrs' when they are a 'Miss'. Anyway, it doesn't matter what your marital status is, it's of no consequence to anyone. Being a 'Mrs' is hardly a mark of honour (and I am a divorced 'Mrs' and I hate it but don't get bent out of shape if someone uses it).
No I don't watch the news actually and I believed that freedom odf speech was granted in this country. If you don't like what I have written they why bother to read it or even respond !!!!


Maybe if you DID watch the news you would realise your 'rant' is a bit OTT in light of the stuff that is going on all around you and yep you're entitled to your opinion, absolutely, go ahead, fill up your boots BUT I'm also entitled to mine and people won't always agree.

Them's the joys of this forum! :tongue: No need to say 'LAST POST', just because someone doesn't agree with you.

OK stepping down from the soap box now.
I do think getting narked about the letter "R" being used or not is quite a minor thing in the scheme of things , i got married at 18 and still rarely get called mrs although i've been one for 16 years now!
Don't bother me or to be honest register with me much!
If that is your rant and stresser of the day i have to say your day is going alot better than most of mine!!
You can't tell the marital status of men by their title and I think it's 2011 and the same should apply to women. If one title was adopted for all women (Ms or Miss) I'd feel it was an advancement.

I do feel that sometimes people are made to feel uncomfortable on this forum when they have done precious little wrong. In the last few months several very regular posters have disappeared off the forum because they've been made feel their posts are less worthy than 'the regulars'. It's a shame and I think it's the most disappointing aspect of this forum.
When I read Sue's post I thought my goodness,what a silly thing to get annoyed over. Then I read LLNM's post and thought that her comments are what a lot of us would agree with but wouldn't put quite so bluntly.
To stamp ones feet and say 'last post' is a bit dramatic, we are all entitled to our opinions as I have been frequently reminded.
Maybe if you DID watch the news you would realise your 'rant' is a bit OTT in light of the stuff that is going on all around you and yep you're entitled to your opinion, absolutely, go ahead, fill up your boots BUT I'm also entitled to mine and people won't always agree.

Them's the joys of this forum! :tongue: No need to say 'LAST POST', just because someone doesn't agree with you.

OK stepping down from the soap box now.

I agree with what you say, but to be fair to Sue54 this is a forum to have a rant (or otherwise) about shopping telly issues.
I agree with what you say, but to be fair to Sue54 this is a forum to have a rant (or otherwise) about shopping telly issues.

As said before, of course she can have a moan, but it doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with it.

My whole point was and is, that some things that people moan about on here are very petty and immaterial. Maybe when you've had a terminal disease you see things with a different perspective and maybe tolerance comes with age.

I've been told to 'feck off' because I disagreed with her, hasn't bothered me in the slightest, people can't be liked by everyone and opinions differ and thank God for that!

wots goin on here?

Is this or is it not shopping telly forum? :confused: ?? Isn't everything said here trivial compared to war - umm yes but we are here to discuss our thoughts and feelings about SHOPPING TELLY and to pull someone down for expressing their thoughts about something SHOPPING TELLY RELATED on a SHOPPING TELLY FORUM is just WRONG (in my honest opinion).
*here endeth the FIRST POST*:taphead:
I am divorced and still going by my married name, so get called Mrs, Miss or Ms by different people. Personally, I prefer Ms in my situation, but it doesn't really bother me. However, if you correct someone who has used your title incorrectly, they should, out of common courtesy, call you what you have asked.
As said before, of course she can have a moan, but it doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with it.

My whole point was and is, that some things that people moan about on here are very petty and immaterial. Maybe when you've had a terminal disease you see things with a different perspective and maybe tolerance comes with age.

I've been told to 'feck off' because I disagreed with her, hasn't bothered me in the slightest, people can't be liked by everyone and opinions differ and thank God for that!

My feck off was very friendly though.....:tongue:
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