Philosophy and Lee


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Wonder what is going on at Philosphy.

Lee is no longer going to be on QVC, Skinstore no longer sell it in the UK, and the US Skinstore won't ship it to the UK now......Makes you wonder what is happening.

Didn't Christina sell Philosphy to one of the big companies recently? Wonder if that has anything to do with the changes.

I found this yesterday, but didn't post it cause you can't read the whole article without joining up. It may be 2 years old but it certainly works with the skintore not shipping here and Lee disapearing...if they were already planning a bigger presence here before the crunch hit.

also this link to same article:
Makes me think that Lee has either been sacked or had a falling out with QVC but whatever the situation, he should have been given a mention at least.

Usual QVC policy, keep schtum and hope no-one notices. It would have given them much more kudos if they had said that Lee was no longer working for Philosophy or that his work schedule no longer afforded him the time to appear, but no, as usual, we were left in the dark. :33:
I placed a couple of orders over the 2 days and one was cancelled as they couldn't get the stock (although I got a confirmation email) and the other is still saying in process:20:
Perhaps I'm just naiive but I don't necessarily see there was anything untoward about Lee not being the guest any more.
I placed a couple of orders over the 2 days and one was cancelled as they couldn't get the stock (although I got a confirmation email) and the other is still saying in process:20:

Was it the orange cranberry and pear set of sg and lip gloss. I rang CS and she knew what I was going to ask about before I said. Apparently the stock in the warehouse was not up to usual QVC standards so they couldn't ship it out.
Doesn't stop them with some other products mind you!

Maybe all the bottles had sprung a leak.
Was it the orange cranberry and pear set of sg and lip gloss. I rang CS and she knew what I was going to ask about before I said. Apparently the stock in the warehouse was not up to usual QVC standards so they couldn't ship it out.
Doesn't stop them with some other products mind you!

Maybe all the bottles had sprung a leak.

That was it but I got no explanation just that they couldn't get the stock but if there was a problem you'd think they'd know before they went to air (but then again???). I ordered the on a clear day blemish serum as well but that is still saying in process, but i was soooo annoyed about the pear set!!!
The links to the article say 2006.

Yes Philosophy was sold to someone else, not sure but could be one of the big players in the cosmetic world. Christine still appears on QVC US with the shows as the face of Philosophy. I know reading the beauty board on the QVC US community quite a few are not happy with the quality of Philosophy lately.
Philosophy introduced a new face cream which is really expensive compared to their normal price range.

Skinstore have done some changes lately in the US too with every range they sell. I doubt Philosophy will pull out of the UK market, its all to do with decisions behind the scenes with the marketing people usually.

When Daniel left and before him Timber Smashbox sent the new person to QVC on their last show telling us they would be taking over. At the end of the day QVC are selling the products at its up to Philosophy on how they handle a person disappearing.
It's just annoying they get you on first name terms with these guest presenters, promote it then they disapear and no one is supposed to wonder why? They should be more honest about things and also when product ranges go like Molton Brown.
That's a real shame, I was lucky enough to meet Lee at the NYNY event in 2007 and he was as genuinely lovely and enthusiastic in person as he was on QVC. He happily talked to everybody that approached him (and believe me there were other guests who were not as pleasant!).
gosh takeovers sackings now we know why the grace tsv smells different.....well watered down. i hope that qvc dont stop selling it i really cant afford it on the high street dam anather great brabd bites the dust
That's a real shame, I was lucky enough to meet Lee at the NYNY event in 2007 and he was as genuinely lovely and enthusiastic in person as he was on QVC. He happily talked to everybody that approached him (and believe me there were other guests who were not as pleasant!).

Ooh who wasn't nice then? (Am having a hellish day and could use some gossip!) ;) :D
Does anyone know why Lee isn't presenting the anniversary shows? I think the lady guest said she'd been asked to come to London at short notice to cover these shows instead.

He left ages ago
Lee is the reason I found this forum. I really wanted to know why he wasn't at QVC any more so I googled him and this forum came up. I never found out where he is but I am so glad to have found this site. I have had a whole new world opened up for me and I have spent a lot less since joining as well as having a good laugh (and cry) at some of the posts. Has he vanished of the face of the earth?
Ooh who wasn't nice then? (Am having a hellish day and could use some gossip!) ;) :D

Most were lovely - Alexis (L'Occitane) was not. She had a mardy cow face on her all day and barely grunted out responses to people when they asked her questions. She was probably just having a bad day but I was unimpressed by what I saw! :sad:
Ooh thanks Bags.

My daughter and I went to NYNY in 2007 as well! and We walked up to Alexis smiling and she said very curtly "There aren't any more freebies" and turned her back! "How rude!" said my 12 year old daughter - after we'd retreated to a safe distance!

The Pecksniffs lady wasn't exactly warm either. :rolleyes:

Having worked in customer facing jobs I know it can be exhausting smiling at people for hours on end when you may not feel like it - but sometimes you just have to so you put your "game face" on and get on with it. Pretending to be be chirpy usually cheers me up anyway. :D

It's not on to potentially spoil someone's day because she's a moody cowbag. For all she knew we'd travelled all that way with the express purpose of meeting her... :eek:

Anyway, speaking of work, I'd better get back to mine (bit of a crisis going on ) xx
Most were lovely - Alexis (L'Occitane) was not. She had a mardy cow face on her all day and barely grunted out responses to people when they asked her questions. She was probably just having a bad day but I was unimpressed by what I saw! :sad:

Fraggle I went to NYNY event and Alexis was exactly the same when we went , miserable and grumpy, she didn't have a nice word to say to anyone. Her feebies were carp too, sachets of things when everyone else was very generous.
I posted the following on another thread about Philosophy the other day:

I wouldn't be surprised if Philosophy disappeared from QVC Uk and, indeed, UK retailers altogether. Something is quite definitely peculiar since Lee's deaparture, and I know for a fact, after having it confirmed by someone in the know, that the range is not selling nearly so well now, and the last fragrance TSV attracted a lot of complaints from regular users of the Grace fragrances that the fragrance was 'watered down' and could not be detected on the skin after a very short period of time. The majority of Philosophy buyers stopped watching after Lee's departure, and made enquiries to CS about where he had gone, only to be given the scripted, pat response, which is fine, but he was never again mentioned on-air, and this miffed a lot of loyal customers, since they had purchased due to his enthusiastic and informative presentations, when not constantly interrupted by the 'resident beauty expert with 12,000 years in the business. I don't believe there has been one sell-out since he left, and that is most unusual, as there were sell-outs every Philosophy hour when he was on. I'm guessing that Lee has had the last laugh on this one. Good luck to him, the man is a born salesman and must have been the most popular and successful guest expert on QVC.

And later in the same thread:

My contact is a buyer in the beauty department at Selfridges, and she is adamant that Lee was pushed from Philosophy, and that a lot of people were very unhappy about it. She also tells me that that Philosophy is on the downslide in the UK, hence there are now fewer outlets for the brand. The changes seem to have taken place since Philosophy was bought by another company, and, judging by the QVC US reviews, there is a Tova-Gate type of situation going on, with poorer quality products and less scent in the fragrances. Typical of what happens when a company changes hands.
Lee is the reason I found this forum. I really wanted to know why he wasn't at QVC any more so I googled him and this forum came up. I never found out where he is but I am so glad to have found this site. I have had a whole new world opened up for me and I have spent a lot less since joining as well as having a good laugh (and cry) at some of the posts. Has he vanished of the face of the earth?

I could have written his post! Except I joined wondering what had happened to Molton Brown. I feel this site brings you back to reality after being put in a daze with the sales pitch. As far as Lee goes QVC shot themselves in the foot; promoting him as the main personality of Philosophy then nothing he was gone and as a result the brand lost credibility.
He's OK!

Hi All.

First posting ever - been reading for ages but never actually typed in but you all seem to be concerned about the lovely Mr Bradley.

Lee has moved to Australia - he's extremely happy and living the life of riley - as they say!

Just thought I would let you know!!


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