Peter Simons Sales Techniques ! !


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Jan 3, 2010
KEY: Everything in bold is peter simon, everything normal is me!

I was watching him Last night, and I was actually listening out for what things he says, and it amazed me at how many things he came out with:

- It was a Christin Lars Watch.

''I can't believe that we have been able to get and of these into our company Well, Ive never heard of the brand myself!

If I was you I'd be getting this right now because they will fly out The auction has only just started!

Not only is it a solid gold mesh plated design strap...not only does it have a midnight blue face...not only will it look amazing on your hand. - It will be a brilliant buy. Get ready
Solid gold? Really? Right I'm ready!

Oh no. What £100? We wanted much more than this Really? But the start price is £100

You are having a laugh! £50, this is the top end of all designers. We wanted £200 for this! How? The start price was £100! Top end? I've never heard of him until I watched sit up!

This is going to give you a cutting edge of style which really is a terrific buy I wont want it then!

If you have got the holidays booked then look no further Oh well, if it is gonna make my holiday better, I better go for it!

This is a watch that is really engineering perfection and style Great....

It is already comes with a 30m water resistantcy So do the £5 watches in Argos!

Not only is it toughened glass...not only is it 3 hand precision movement, it also have a rectangular dial of eligance....-It really is spectacular (Yawn)

This price really is a BARGAIN! You buy one then!

You wouldn't beable to grab a sandwich at a store for that price these days... Really? I did the other day for £2.29

For five £10 notes you can't go wrong. - You will probably find that down the back of your sofa I wish!! - I just went and only found 50p!

0904...terrific buying 251, just buy, you will be lost without it. Not really...I haven't been lost the last 16 years!

Its moving again!! At £47, you would pay that for a leather strap at the market! Out standing value for money. At our market, they cost only £5. - Where ever he goes, he gets ripped off!!

The blue on the face will go with anything from jeans to jumpers to your design of sunglasses. Oh, I better get the watch then, even though the jumper would cover it up!

This is just a terrific buy You said that earlier....

Its quality, and if you are looking at the mont blancs, this is as good, if not better. Oh, I better have 10 of them then!

The strap on this is so understated and thin, it is terrific. Well it would be thin if it is mesh!

Now for 4 tenners go and enjoy yourself because this will have gone Well tnhey wont be gone that fast, as you still have 70 left!

Good luck if you get it My favourite!! :D

Good luck if you get it for christan lars. This will fly out. You just said that!, and it doesn't look like it is flying out!

Press one..0904 25, this will be gone this! It wont if you dont tell us the number!

Please don't miss it, it is a wonderful buy Tell us the number and more idiots may dial!

60 left, how many have you on the phone ferrel? 12..well this will be gone this! really? But there are still 48 empty lines!

This will fly out. You have to be quick if you want it Not really, unless 50 people decide to jump on the phone now!

Get yourself in. 0904 251 and press not miss this. I just done what you said peter, and it said the number isnt recognised....strange having a 7 digit phone number! lol - I really wanted one aswell!

You will be delighted with this, and something which is with the current trend of design Well I wont want one then!

Not only with a solid 18ct gold plate, not only with the midnight blue saphier backing but also a wonderful buy Solid gold plate?! Wonderful buy...terrific buy ARRGGGHH!!!

It goes on and on, and this is the reason I LOVE sit up!! - There were plenty more, but can't be bothered to write more! :)
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle: :mysmilie_510::mysmilie_510:

Post of the year without a shadow of a doubt well done brilliant.

Please do more.
Peter's a real gem. I didn't watch him last night. But after reading your post I feel as though I did. :happy:
You ask for more, I give you more!! :p

I recorded that christin Lars watch one, so I have 30 mnins recorded after it, so i can give you another snippet! ;)

This time it is on a gold inspirations ring

Now to the buy of the night. Oh it must be good then!

It is 18ct gold plate. And it really is extrordinary. Great!

This is going to make your jewellery box come alive. I'll buy it then, just to see it come alive!!

Not only does it elongate the finger, not only does it give you an added touch of glammour, it is going at a price to clear. Elon what?! I don't want an added bit of glammour though!

Get ready for the buy of the night. Okay....I'm on the edge of my chair, as I'm sure you will say it will fly out soon!

We already have lots of you on the phones for this, and I'm not surprised. But the graphics aren't on the screen yet! lol

This is without a doubt my favourite piece of the day. Okay, came down mate!

This is the first time you will have seen it. But I thought you said it was priced to clear?! lol

Not only are they going to give you colour...not only do they shimmer and dance away to the light, there are 104 crystals which give you the ultimate glamour piece. Well they aren't dancing now, are they?! lol

Not only do they give you 57 cuts of reflective light, not only is it design wear which you will enjoy wearing...this is spectacular. Yeah....enjoy wearing this piece of meal! :D


Just dial one its yours Dial one what? lol

Gold is sky high at the moment, near £30 per gram. This is a solid piece of spectacular jewellery Yeah, but it is glod plate, and not pure gold, so would be more like 30p than £30.

To be honest with you I think we have been burgled! No surprise to me. (Somebody took it out of the light box while it was in vision) - Well, the burgulars wont be happy when they see what they got when they get home!

This is end of line and priced to clear, get ready I was ready when you said the 1st time! - End of line? You said it was new today!!

This is going to go. Why? Because it have 94 individually cut crystals You said 104 earlier?!

This is breath taking It is so tacky, it steals breath out of your mough too.... :p

Get ready... If you say that again, I'm going to punch the screen!

If you went to the highstreet, the price you see is what you would pay for costume jewellery, quite easily...and more Yeah, maybe, but now for that you wouldn't!

Not only is it radiating the 97 oct cystals What the hell are oct crystals? 97? It was 104 to start with, then 94!


This is wonderful for any lady entering a ball room, entering a dance room or even on a night out, you have just got this for three £5 notes. I doubt the people watching willbe going to a ball any time soon!

It gives you glamour. It gives you exquisit taste, not only in colour and light.... So Peter, are you saying the viewers don't have glamour or exquisit taste unless they buy it?

This gives you an explosion on your finger. I think I'll stay away from it them if that's the case!

It is just wonderous. Wonderous? A new word for me! lol

Lots of high end brands are copying us on design including the likes of Buffer and Wilson. Who? And I doubt they copied you, vice vera me thinks!

0904 251 its just magnificent. I think otherwise!

These are flying out now with 16 already on the phones I wouldn't call that flying out, more like a steady flow of buyers..

If you went into the likes of harrods, you would pay a fortune for this Yeah, but they sell decent things, and are more well know than bid tv.

This is now two £5 nots and two £1 can't go wrong Or you could just say £11.99! - You can go wrong with the mysterious £7.99 P&P and £1.53 phone call!

Not only tungsten plate... What the hell?!

Not only 94 oct crystals, 94 left in the quantity box. These are now flying out. 94 crystals, is that your final answer? Oh 94 left? Thts probably why he sais 94! lol

It gives you a bit of glamour, it gives you a bit of style. If you don't buy it, he is just saying you are a tramp!

If this was solid silver, it would cost a lot more Well it would be...what would you pay more for solid silver, or a cheap metal with a very very thin gold finish?!

I tell you what Lucia, it cost me near a tenner to fill my tyres up with air the other day. I was mortified I would be mortified too, as the one near us only costs 20p. lol

This was only 4 minutes into the auction, and it went of for 12 minutes!! lol

I love listening to his tripe :p it is HILLARIOUS!! ;)
To be honest, when Peter Simon coughed up a load of mucus live on air it was just a visual representation of the normal verbal excretions he normally comes out with!

I can't believe he and are allowed to get away with the misrepresentation and outright lies. :sad:
To be honest, when Peter Simon coughed up a load of mucus live on air it was just a visual representation of the normal verbal excretions he normally comes out with!

I can't believe he and are allowed to get away with the misrepresentation and outright lies. :sad:

Couldnt agree more - its one lie after another! They really are all FOS

Ben - awesome posts, thanks!

I was watching some of the Sit-Up channels tonight and it is full of what could be considered as harmless little white lies.

But put them altogether and it comes across as insincere and cynical as a second-hand car salesman or a dodgy market stall trader selling fake watches.

It is really a rather distasteful way to sell goods. Keep a million miles away from these channels. :devil:
I was watching some of the Sit-Up channels tonight and it is full of what could be considered as harmless little white lies.

But put them altogether and it comes across as insincere and cynical as a second-hand car salesman or a dodgy market stall trader selling fake watches.

It is really a rather distasteful way to sell goods. Keep a million miles away from these channels. :devil:

thats why I love the sit up channels! :D My Favourites are Paul Becque and Peter Sherlock, as I find them funny, and they just try and have fun!
I really really cant abide Paul Becque even for a short promo bit before his shift it's that Reg Varney look and style luckily a truly funny man Chris Rhodes is usually on SpeedAuction at same time.
I just wish Paul Becque would shout - I could punch him when he does that... and I'm only 5'4" tall!! :rock::muscle::grin:

My husband ( who is fast approaching age 63 at the end of this month... so isn't easily pleased at the minute!) says this is the best laugh he has had in weeks. More please Ben
My husband ( who is fast approaching age 63 at the end of this month... so isn't easily pleased at the minute!) says this is the best laugh he has had in weeks. More please Ben

I'm glad people are enjoying them! lol - More comming soon, by the end of the week! :D
I'm glad people are enjoying them! lol - More comming soon, by the end of the week! :D

Well done Ben best laught i have had in ages, have to say peter simon is the worse presenter on bid in my opnion NOT ONLY does he tell liesabout the products NOTO NLY does he think hes funny NOT ONLY does he not know about his products NOT ONLY does he big himeself up when its his shift all that stupid introduction stuff when he comes on NOT ONLY does he say the same things over and over and over again NOT only does he not know how to give out the phone number properly he drives me insane with his NOT ONLY GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR NOT ONLY do i get annoyed NOT ONLY do i wish i could punch him on the nose NOT ONLY do i turn over to one of the other channels when hes on NOT ONLY do i wish he would leave it must be time for him to retire now and if he did retire NO I WOULD NOT MISS HIM, NOT ONLY THAT i would be happy not to hear that NOT ONLY any more x
I think he's quite funny (sometimes) - I just wish he would tell the truth!
Due to much interest, I have got another one for you! I found a recording which is 3 HOURS in length from recently....jewellery avalanche....should be good ;)

Here is one product!

We are already below cost on many of these items we have to sell everything here for under £700! There are atleast 3 things on here which should go for much more than that. Really? But the product you just sold for £705 normally does go for around that price!

This Hollywood inspired diamond ring? Oh my goodness! This should have been gone ages ago. Yeah, really? But after the graphics came on the screen, it said the start price was £1,050 so it cant be that bad!

Get ready, this item will be below cost, it was meant to sell in the ball part of £1000. So unless you now sell things for the start price, I think you are telling us a little porkie!

This is hollywood lace....I would pay £700 just for the name! Okay...I'll get my sister to change her name to 'Hollywood lace', and you can have her! - But she is worth £1,000,000 - The kind of markups you tell us about!

Get ready for a stonker of a buy....with 293 set diamonds get ready.... I'm ready! I thinkt here will be hundreds on the line ready to buy one...or even two!

These will fly out....0904...get ready these will fly! Okay....they will fly...I got it!

There are 293 carats of diamond here.... WHAT?! £700? Good price....but it says 1.61 Ct at the top! lol

absolutely magnificent Just like your lies then!

Get ready!! Yawn....


We only had a few of these made. Only 10 infact...... sorry I mean 20. Mmmmm likely story, even though the same one was used only a couple of week ago when they have a quantity of tonight they have 14.....that doesn't add up! lol

These 14 are the only ones we have got, and will be the last chance to buy. Doubt it!

Og my goodnesss me! Is that right £704? Well it is an avalance, so I take it that it is!

..Not only the intrecate 273 diamonds which lay on the finger...not only the sparkle and shimmer that these produce, but a wonderful buy. It was 293 diamonds a minute ago!! Not that wonderful, as 20 diamonds have disappeared!

It holds a 310 DEGREE expanse around your finger. WTH is expanse?! You got a pertractor out and measured 310 degrees did you Pete?

These diamonds are flawless, I have never seen any like these before. Well, having over 250 diamonds, and 1.61 ct, it makes it that it is about 0.007Ct per diamond!! They look really grey...not flawless!

This is like a 1920 broach design What do they look like?!

0904 25 2000 dial one its yours. We will call you back in the next 10 minutes... you still get the number wrong peter, even though you have been with the channel 10+ years! And 10 minutes call back time? More like 40-60! lol - I'm sure if it was 10 mins, they would have an advert about it!

I remeber Mrs Simpson who later went on to marry Edward the seventh ((Or something, he mumbled! lol)) and her jewellery went to auction, and went for an absolute fortune! Well if they were famous, ofcourse they would go for more money than if it was yours for instance.... :p

The diamonds go nearly all the way round don't they. You don't usually see that much these days. Don't you? Well Last time I measured 310 degrees, it was nearly a full circle. Welldone....

Gold is at an all time high, and with the gram weight you have in here, its not short off a tonne, lets put it that way. A ****** TONNE!!!! Give me strength!! pmsl

The diamonds stand alone Not really! they are cramped together all 260+ of them!

Not only are the diamonds hard wearing... Last time I saw diamonds they were anyway! They are rarely soft are they?! lol

Good luck if you get it!! Woop!!

These are no ordinary the sense that they are all hand set with each diamond having a unique individual pattern Every diamond has a unique pattern....think about it doesn't make sense!

£550? There are atleast 5 things I can see which were meant to go for much more than that **POINTING AT THE GARNET RING!** Yeah, eventhough when the graphics came in for it, the start price was £129!

Hope you enjoyed ;)
This is hollywood lace....I would pay £700 just for the name! Okay...I'll get my sister to change her name to 'Hollywood lace', and you can have her! - But she is worth £1,000,000 - The kind of markups you tell us about!

Absolute corker, hilarious, brilliant :mysmilie_859:
I really really cant abide Paul Becque even for a short promo bit before his shift it's that Reg Varney look and style luckily a truly funny man Chris Rhodes is usually on SpeedAuction at same time.

Chris Rhodes is wasted on that late shift on Speed Auction.
Peter Simon just said they hardly ever do Jewellrey avalanches???!!!! No you just do one every shift!

Will have to tape Chris Rhodes next time he on and put it on Youtube love the pogo dance he is fast becoming the best presenter on the three channels.
This is hollywood lace....I would pay £700 just for the name! Okay...I'll get my sister to change her name to 'Hollywood lace', and you can have her!

Hmmm, not sure Peter Simon would be very interested in your sister.

But if you changed your name to 'Hollywood Lace...' :happy:

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