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well the venison went down a treat. absolutely stank the house out cooking it :puke: i simmered it in water for about 20 mins, then cut it in half and it looked just right so let it cool then cut it in tiny pieces :puke: this evening lou was on my bed so i lifted his scruff as though i was going to inject him, then rubbed it, then gave him 2 little pieces. he was immediately alert, eyes wide and sniffing round. he LOVED it!! shot off the bed looking for more so i put about a spoonful on top of his upstairs biscuits and came back downstairs. he ate it all but didn't come down demanding more, which i was worried about. i'm so happy for him that after all this rime on the prescription stuff, he can have a little treat :clapping:
Glad he liked the venison. Sorry it stank the house out though. Have you got leftovers or do you have to go through that again tomorrow.

Alf's easy to pill. Put him on the floor and get his attention. Gently roll pill towards him. He will try to eat it. If that doesn't work ... and for the one off pills it does every time ... get a small blob of cream cheese on your finger. Stick pill to cream cheese. Blob more cream cheese on pill. Hold finger out to Alf. Jobs a goodun.

Harvey is a different kettle of fish. First tack is to hope to god he doesn't need pills. Second tack is cut pill into tiny pieces and stuff inside a juicy prawn. Put prawns in front of Harvey and pray.

The downside of the ease of getting pills down Alf is that if you drop a paracetamol in my house the first thing you do is pick Alf up lol.
Oh great news Janie, glad he enjoyed it. Poor you cooking it though.. But i'm sure Louis appreciated it. Good news , steroids
reduced and him eating normal food again, lets hope he's well on the way to recovery now. Brill xxx ((( )))
tink - it came as 2 steaks. as i had no clue what i was doing i froze the other one. i've probably got enough chopped up for him to have a spoonful for 2 or 3 days. not sure how long it will keep in the fridge? i didn't ask the vet how much he could have. i put some of the cooking water on a few of his biscuits. he had a little lick but wasn't very impressed.
So pleased that he enjoyed his treat Janie, it should keep for four of five days in the fridge so you can have a bit of a break from the pong. That's the benefit of pressure cooking, you don't get as much odour from the contents of the pot. :puke:
I'm going to remember that tip in case Millie ever needs pills, she really likes prawns and I hate A&E!

with dylan, i used to wrap the pill in a bit of chicken skin, like clingfilm and follow it with a piece of chicken. that worked pretty well.
When I went to cook the corn-fed stuffed chicken I bought whilst shopping without my cheapo glasses perched on my nose last week - I realised on the wrapper it wasn't £6, it was £6per kilo and had cost me £11! - lesson learned !!

Anyway, it was extremely nice, but when I stripped the carcass for the cats - they didn't like it!! :eek:
When I went to cook the corn-fed stuffed chicken I bought whilst shopping without my cheapo glasses perched on my nose last week - I realised on the wrapper it wasn't £6, it was £6per kilo and had cost me £11! - lesson learned !!

Anyway, it was extremely nice, but when I stripped the carcass for the cats - they didn't like it!! :eek:

I make a hole with a wooden skewer so there's plenty of prawn around the pill.
Damn lol quoted the wrong thing!!

But whilst I'm on ... Alfie will eat anything but Harvey will only eat meat that is freshly cooked and cooled. Anything over a day old and he ain't touching it. And he will only eat whole prawns. He's taught me which prawns in the supermarket are actually prawns and which ones look like prawns but are actually made from squished up prawns. I'll eat either as will Alf but ol pixie face won't.
Of course that's as it should be he's taught you well, after all dogs have owners and cats have staff!
Could we have updates on both Louis from Janie and Jasper from Frazz please?
Laughing at the pill methods and wish I liked prawns or chicken skin!! I am completely unable to swallow a pill and at the mo am emptying capsules of powder into my porridge in the morning and a yogurt in the evening - at least this isn't bad and I'm getting them down!

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