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barbs - the steroid which i know is long term is a tablet i have to grind up. i know all cats are difficult to pill but louis is impossible. when he had a lump removed from the top of his head a couple years ago, i injected him with antibiotics for a week because it was a million times easier than trying to get tablets down him. the steroid is injectable apparently but the new vet isn't keen on the idea. because i've been trying to take one stage at a time, i didn't pursue it at the time because we had a lonnnnnnnng way to go.
well, i was a bit deflated after speaking to the spec vet today. he wants the tube to stay in another month and to continue the drugs for another month. pretty annoying because he said a month when i brought louis home 3 weeks ago and i've been buying drugs accordingly. now i have to buy a load more which is a lot more expensive than buying greater quantities in the first place. so disappointing to feel you're nearing the top of the mountain, only to be kicked back down to the bottom. sigh. i keep telling myself it could be a lot worse, louis could have become really ill again. he's fairly bright and that's the main thing.
He certainly sounds like he is on the mend Janie. He's a little battler is that one. He just wants to get better and out to duff up the neighbours cat!! :tongue: Sending lots of tail-sniffs from Rossi & Casey :mysmilie_515: and a big kiss from me :mysmilie_857:
I know it's easy for us to say but try not to be too disheartened. From what you have told us it sounds like Louis is doing very well and if the continued drug regime makes him even stronger it will be worth it in the end. I, for one, think you are coping brilliantly.
thanks everyone - i know you're right. i'm just exhausted emotionally. it's been since oct 1st but it feels like forever. i also can barely leave the house and that sure makes life hard. ok, whine over.
You're not whining, your telling friends who want to know the latest in whats happening with louis.
And its for the best. As i said before, look back to when he was really ill, and look how good he's
doing now. And eating loads and loads. You're a tough cookie and so is he, keep going. And try
and get out a bit x
You're not whining, your telling friends who want to know the latest in whats happening with louis.
And its for the best. As i said before, look back to when he was really ill, and look how good he's
doing now. And eating loads and loads. You're a tough cookie and so is he, keep going. And try
and get out a bit x
Meant that in the best possible taste. ;)
If anyone deserves to have a moan it's you Janie. You've coped so well through all the turmoil and worry, I feel exhausted for you. :sweat:

I feel annoyed with that vet for not telling you that it would be cheaper to buy the meds in bulk up front. I honestly think they're on another planet sometimes and have no conception of what effect these huge bills have on us mere mortals:( Louis is the luckiest cat ever to have you for a mammy, I dread to think how many people would have just given up at the mere mention of the costs involved in the treatment. We're always here as a sounding board and whenever you feel like a good old whinge you go for it girl.

Keep your pecker up and try and pamper yourself a bit if it's at all possible. You certainly deserve it.

Love Ann
thanks mam (((hugs))) i'm a bit fed up again at the moment because louis was very lively last night and woke me at 2, 4 and 6, just for attention really. had to get up and walk round with him, try and sort it out and try and get back to sleep. then when i finally got up for the day, he didn't seem so well and didn't want breakfast. he didn't eat his 100g yesterday. now at 11.30 i'm still sitting here, scared to get in the shower, cos i'm waiting for the postman with the drugs as they have to be signed for. wondering if he's been and didn't have them. sigh. it just seems constant aggro somehow.
ok postman finally arrived with the meds and i'm all pink and clean :sun:

postie can empathise cos his poor horsie has had an operation on his leg. he has to construct a maze for him so he can exercise without risking him jumping. what a palaver. one interesting thing about cost - he had it done at a specialist equine hospital and the total including scans and surgery was £2000. i was amazed in comparison to my bill because i thought anything to do with horses was mega expensive. postie was surprised himself, he thought it would be at least double.
One of my colleagues at work had a puppy who kept collapsing and falling over the cause was diagnosed as a bone missing in it's neck the bill would have been more than £3,500 to put it right but her vet contacted one of the specialist veterinary teaching hospitals who del with unusual conditions and problems so their students can have hands on experience and they did it for a fraction of the price !
A friend of mine once had her dog treated at a specialist veterinary teaching hospital in Bristol. She just had to make a donation for thousands of pounds worth of treatment. It did involve many return trips to Bristol though.
Wow animals can be expensive. One of the girls in work was telling me about her friends dog, who caused a car
accident, and the owner was suing the owner of the dog, who then had to sell her house to pay the claim, as
it wasn't insured. Are we depressing today or what. On the good side, yu sounded so much happier when you
had your shower janie. And poor louis up 3 times during the night. I'm sorry but i had to laugh at the thought
of you walking around with him. And your jeans items made me laugh also, am i being horrible?? Hope your
headache is better x
dear auntie barbs :mysmilie_484:

thank you for being so understanding that i was so bored, i had to wake mama 3 times during the night. :mysmilie_490: she wasn’t at all sympathetic. she just walked round with me for a bit, grumbling, took me to my food dishes with that boring stuff in there as if i didn’t know where they were and took me to look out the windows – what fun is that? :mysmilie_506: i don’t know why she made such a fuss. she can always sleep the whole of the next day like i do. :mysmilie_496: is it my fault she decided to get up at 6.30 when that awful clangy thing went off and go out and leave me?? all on my ownsome?? i bet you wouldn’t do that. :mysmilie_515:

the next night i thought i’d better be good so i left her for a few hours :angel: but last night i was bored again so i woke her a couple times. :giggle: she really is a moaner – doesn’t appreciate my company at all. i’m trying to keep on her good side by eating all that venison stuff but yesterday i didn’t manage it all. :confused: still no sign of me being allowed out - she keeps telling me i wouldn't like it because it wet and windy :rain: as though i'm some sissy who doesn't like getting wet. i don't mind it at all cos when i'm out playing and i get wet, i come in and mama makes me all fluffy again, then i go back out to play :happy: i suppose i’ll just have to keep on trying to amuse myself at night.....:smirk:

love, (lord) louis :mysmilie_515:
At the moment my two girls are not insured, I was still trying to decide who to go with when Soks had her whirling dervish moment and I took her to my vet who informed me she had slipping kneecaps and it was a birth defect he also remarked that the vet who spayed her would have brought this to her previous owners' attention as she would have been examined before her op. The odd thing is when I got Soks she would stretch both back legs out behind her I wondered about that and my vet told me that was her way to put the cap back in.

I'm not a person that get's really cross but I over a year down the line the AD I responded to for the girls was basically a load of phoo-ey, but that's the chance you take. Moet has been diagnosed with one of her kneecaps that could slip so she's under my beady eye bless her.

I don't know whether I could insure them and just exclude the conditions they have already. I will look into that.

dear auntie barbs :mysmilie_484:

thank you for being so understanding that i was so bored, i had to wake mama 3 times during the night. :mysmilie_490: she wasn’t at all sympathetic. she just walked round with me for a bit, grumbling, took me to my food dishes with that boring stuff in there as if i didn’t know where they were and took me to look out the windows – what fun is that? :mysmilie_506: i don’t know why she made such a fuss. she can always sleep the whole of the next day like i do. :mysmilie_496: is it my fault she decided to get up at 6.30 when that awful clangy thing went off and go out and leave me?? all on my ownsome?? i bet you wouldn’t do that. :mysmilie_515:

the next night i thought i’d better be good so i left her for a few hours :angel: but last night i was bored again so i woke her a couple times. :giggle: she really is a moaner – doesn’t appreciate my company at all. i’m trying to keep on her good side by eating all that venison stuff but yesterday i didn’t manage it all. :confused: still no sign of me being allowed out - she keeps telling me i wouldn't like it because it wet and windy :rain: as though i'm some sissy who doesn't like getting wet. i don't mind it at all cos when i'm out playing and i get wet, i come in and mama makes me all fluffy again, then i go back out to play :happy: i suppose i’ll just have to keep on trying to amuse myself at night.....:smirk:

love, (lord) louis :mysmilie_515:
Oh Lord louis, i totally appreciated your lovely message to me. I've had a very stressful time at work today,
and you brought a smile to this grumpy face. I know you want to get out and play, but you have to be patient, it will come and hopefully soon.
Maybe you and Hopey could meet and have a play, she's a bit rough, and if she doesn't want to be bothered, she soon lets you know. I think your mama is really cruel, when all you want to do is come and see her and let her know you're bored. That what mummies are for. She's a right grump sometimes, moaning when your in the wardrobe, and then you visit her and she still moans.. My hopey would get a big smile from me if she woke me, anytime, night or day, so maybe you and mama need to sort this out. Although i laughed out loud at the thought of you waking her 3 times during the night, and mama walking about with you. Sure it just means you love her and wanted to see her. But she's not a bad spud at all, she's mostly put her life on hold getting you well and looking after you, so give her some slack and let her have a good sleep. She's no spring chicken (like myself) he he. So give your auntie Barbs another message and let her know how things are going. (I really laughed and laughed at the message, priceless. Thank you xxx
Lord Louis! That 's twice now. Someone has come up in the world... It must be living in the wardrobe.Well if you are a Lord then your mama must be at least a Duchess.
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Lord Louis! That 's twice now. Someone has come up in the world... It must be living in the wardrobe.Well if you are a Lord then your mama must be at least a Duchess.

lol! he was called louis by the shelter because he was found near the mountbatten estate so naturally he thinks he's lord louis. i was going to call him sylvester but as he'd been in the shelter a long time i kept the name louis as i didn't want to confuse him. so his name is really louis sylvester but he prefers lord louis :grin:

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