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Have you tried Asda's delivery service Janie? Makes my life much easier and saves me a fortune as I don't see things I "fancy".

Attaboy for eating your biscuits Louis, big hugs from me. ((((((((xxxx))))))))

i have used it mam - when i broke my wrist a couple years ago and couldn't drive for 3 months. i didn't like the fact it wasn't bagged - then man had to wait while i emptied the crates which seemed crazy to me. also i like to choose my own stuff - i go up to the shoulder in the chiller cabinets to get stuff with a long date :wink: also, having been more or less joined at the hip with louis since he came home, i'm trying to detach myself a bit. vet told me i need to try and get my life back and stop stressing all the time. i'll only leave him for a couple hours at a time though. thank goodness i'm retired!
It's not surprising that you are having trouble as you have too much to think about at the moment. Write yourself a check list of everything you need to take with you so that you're not leaving it till the time when you have to leave Louis as you will be concentrating on making sure everything is ok with him before you go.
You're just stressed janie, leaving him to go to Asda without your bag shows it. But i think the vets right , you have
to start acting normal again, and leave him. You can build the time up, slowly.You need a break, and Louis probably
does too. Hopey is licking my toe, so funny. Get out in the daylight and see the Christmas decorations and have a
nice coffee and a big deep breath and relax. Ready to go home and see Louis again and put QVC on and it'll give you
a good laugh x x x
barbs - what really put me off is the time i left him and came back to find him with the tube cover hooked over his tooth, all dribbly and upset. :sad: his fur under his chin is still stained red. i now put the soft collar on him to try and avoid that but then i worry about him getting that caught up on something. yes i know - i'm a worrier.

xmas decorations? can't think of anything worse. roll on january. lol
Yes its a worry when you leave him im sure. But the vet has confidence in you, you've
done so well with all the feeding and medicine etc. I love Christmas, even sitting
having a coffee and watching everyone rushing about, and the music in the background,
but i realise its not everyones cup of tea. Just give yourself a treat, whatever you
fancy. You did well to get to Asda, pity about the bag. As Julia said earlier you could
take the Butler & Wilson to the shops with you, so picture going to Asda with the multi
coloured bag, that'd give anyone a laugh x
managed to make it to asda today - WITH bag :rolleyes: louis was in the wardrobe when i left and when i got back was sitting on the stairs. as i bent down to take of his collar and rub his head, he reached up and gave me a nose kiss :heart: :sun:

he's been back in there all afternoon and again has hardly eaten anything. he seems ok in himself though :nod: specialist vet finally back from hols tomorrow - anxious to hear what he suggests :sweat:
Oh thats so cute, funny how you can love a cat so much isn't it. Sounds like the wardrobe is his favourite
place. Good luck tomorrow, it'll be interesting to see the big vet, and hopefully he can put your mind at
rest. Positive thoughts for tomorrow. xx
thanks barbs - i'm only phoning him tomorrow. i think louis has to have a blood test in 2 weeks so maybe he'll want to see him then - and possibly remove the tube. i'm also glad to report he's eaten a few more biscuits :nod:

hope you're feeling better today (((hugs))) :sun:
specialist vet rang this morning for an update, told me to get some duck biscuits from the vet as louis' gone off the venison. local vet had them in stock but louis' not keen on them either. i think it's just because he wants his usual food but spec vet, doom laden as ever, thinks it may mean 'we don't have the disease under control'. i told him he always depresses me and he said 'well on a positive note, he's doing much better than i thought he would'. shame he didn't say that without being backed into a corner. i know he's trying not to give me false hope but a little bedside manner works wonders.
With you on that but vets aren't generally known for their people skills. We once saw a newly qualified girl at our nearest practice who complained bitterly that our cat had peed down her trousers while she was trying to get a urine sample from him. When I suggested that it was presumably an occupational hazard when dealing with animals, she dropped him onto the examination table, threw a towel over his head and flounced out of the surgery. We didn't go back.
I totally agree with FP Jane, and also disenchanted. Vets are like surgeons they always have to give you
the worst news, i had it before a major operation years ago, what could go wrong, nearly put me off,
but i went through with it and everything was great. You need to give yourself some credit as i know
all about tube feeding, and a lot of people wouldn't have been able to handle it. You did well and
managing wonderfully. Its only natural louis is getting fed up with biscuits, and to me its a good sign he's
feeling much better, and wanting normal food again. He's a fighter, or he wouldn't be here now after all
he's been through. Think back to his worst when he was at the vets, and you'll realise how far he's come.
Just keep doing what you're doing janie, id say its working. I'd say the vet needs a personality transplant,
or maybe to learn some people skills. Lots of good and positive thoughts . xx
In my experience female vets seem less negative with prognosis' than their male colleagues, the men seem to have little 'bedside manner' and tend to tell it like it is with a glass half empty rather than half full outlook, I expect it's something to do with the female nurturing instinct

Very sensibly my sister's spoke to their vet before breeding their pedigree bitch who at two years old has qualified for Cruft's, is in very good health and a breed not known to have problems with having pups but following his chat they were absolutely terrified. He left them convinced they'd lose her in prregnancy, that she'd need an emergency Caesarian which would probably lead to complications and/or infection which would prove fatal and even if she survived she'd never be the same again! No matter what I or their breeder said (she even offered to be there for the delivery) nothing would persuade them that it was normal for a dog and even if she was extremely unlucky to have problems it was unlikely to be that traumatic! I dare say all he did was point out quite matter-of-factly all the pitfalls that could happen but not in the right manner and they picked up on all the negativity :mysmilie_848:

Janie you're doing a grand job with Louis just keep on doing what you've been doing !
thank you everyone :happy:

disenchanted - omg!!! i hope you complained/told the head vet. that's awful!

my regular vet is lovely and when louis was an inpatient with him, he would ring me twice a day and always find something positive to say. i loved it when he told me he'd been at the surgery most of the night with an emergency and that he'd let louis out of his cage to wander round the building - and that louis had helped him with the new patient. then said actually the help amounted to a lot of hissing because the new patient was a dog :wink:

the specialist vet is a real high flyer type. he's quite young and is director of the place. he does a lot of lecturing to vets and nurses so is like a professor in human hospital terms. he's very pleasant though and apologises when i tell him he's picked the gloomy option again or put the 'but' caveat on the end of something positive. regular vet's head nurse said she thinks the more intelligent they are, the less bedside manner they have. i said does that mean she doesn't think james is very intelligent? :angel:

i remember reading somewhere once that it is in their training to remember they are treating the owner just as much as the pet and they must be sympathetic to the owners worries and idiosynchrosies. obviously some, as in all things, are better at that than others.

i have to say though i am worried because there is no doubt louis isn't eating enough. he did very well at first as you know but the last few days he's not had much at all. nothing i can do but hope he picks up and keep on keeping on :confused:
hi min

sorry was just too worried and miserable to update yesterday. louis just didn't seem as well. he was in the wardrobe from 9.30 am till 11pm. just came out once to have a few biscuits and once to wee. i know if he'd spent 3 hours on my lap, he'd still have been sleeping but it seemed worse somehow that he didn't want to move.

when he did come down at 11:00, he just seemed miserable. had no interest in looking out the windows like he usually does and was sitting in the hunched position. i was just wondering if i should give him more painkiller (i'm weaning him off) when he decided to eat a few more biscuits. when he came back i shone the laser mousie and to my amazement, he SHOT back and forth chasing it. just for a couple minutes until he remembered i was controlling it then he stopped. he always does though when he realises it's not cool. by this time it was 1.00 am and i felt brave enough to leave him and go to bed.

today i've weighed out his biscuits again - i'd stopped when he was eating well - so i know exactly how many grams he eats from 8am today to 8am tomorrow. we're back on the venison as he went off the duck after a couple days.

again, i don't really know what i'm doing but have decided as long as he's eating something and seems reasonably well in himself, i'll just keep lurching from day to day in the hope it's ok. if he stops eating completely, obviously i'll ring the vet and ask if i should go back to tube feeding. when i told him on monday that although he wasn't eating much, i didn't want to tube feed as it seemed a backward step, he just agreed. didn't say 'well you should if he only eats a very small amount'. again, constant worry.

this morning he'd eaten a few biscuits overnight and when i got up had about a teaspoon of the canned food. i went to the optician (more worry, being referred to hospital) and when i removed the collar when i got back (he was in wardrobe) he woke up. came downstairs and mooched around for an hour and is now back in his usual place.
I think you're doing exactly the right thing Janie. I know it's so disheartening when things don't progress as well as they have been, but we all have off days when we don't feel like eating much and I'm sure your instinct will tell you if it's time to ring the vet. I hope you're managing to get some sleep and are looking after yourself. It's so easy to forget about yourself when caring for a much loved little friend is so all consuming. I hope our little man feels a bit more himself today and takes the pressure off you. We're always here if you need us. Big hugs for you and Louis. ((((((((xxxx)))))))
Slow progress janie, but nevertheless progress.
He's not falling over through lack of food, he's not vomiting & he is eating though not as much as you would like.
As for sleeping a lot, I guess he knows best. He must be feeling weak. We have some days when Meg seems to sleep all day and night & I put that down to her age (14).
It must be depressing for you.
It was good that you were able to stimulate him with the light & I would count that as a bonus too. Does he react to smells (catnip/ bleach), boxes (lol), rolled up paper, ping pong balls, wool?
Any maybe worth a try.

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