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Jun 24, 2008
OK. So. I was having my afternoon cuppa and switched QVC on for some background noise. Now I know we've had a few discussions about Perricone in the past, but this afternoon I was genuinely mortified at what was coming out of Jill Frank's mouth, not to mention how complicated the routines are.

First of all, there was a product called Acyl Glutathione Now, this is £125 for 30ml. That's two tablespoons of product. Jill said she'd got in (either in a kit or from the last TSV) but that she "hadn't got a clue what it was or how to use it, but that she was getting great results from it". Fabulous. Great stuff.

Deep Winkle Serum appeared. Again, not cheap. But on Easy Pay because according to Franks "we are investing in premium skincare and the fifty odd pound first easy pay makes it much more accessible and easy for us to afford". No, it bliddy well doesn't. Fifty pound is damn expensive and probably doesn't even cover half of most people's food shopping bills these days. The reason you can tell it is premium, apparently is by the way it comes out of the pippette. It isn't oily or watery, but just perfect and you need to use so little of it, it's really economical. It's 30ml of product. Two tablespoons. £166.50 plus P&P. On your bike...

Then there was this: Neuropeptide Facial Cream and Cleanser. Jill said that she hadn't realised it was a face cream and had been using it as a body moisturiser. It quite clearly says what it is on the packaging. "Hellloooo, no WONDER my body was loving it..." she cooed!

She went on to rave about the No Foundation Foundation, which she wears every single day when she isn't on air, apart from today when she was on air but she had to put two layers of it on, and apart from when she's at home and is wearing BE or Mally or any of the others she wears all the time when she's not on air or at home. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it.

Lastly an Eyelid Serum. 15mls for £93, because the other eye cream they sell can't be taken over your eye area. :whew:. Sometimes, according to Jill eye products and serums can be really quite "glooky".

Franks aside, the complicated and expensive nature of the routine is just beyond belief. First you cleanse with the Nutritive Cleanser. Then you apply Cold Plasma Cream. Then on top of that you put the Acyl Glutathione. Then the Deep Wrinkle Serum. Then your Eye Cream, then your Eyelid Serum.
Then your moisturiser. Then your No Concealer Concealer...Then the No Foundation Foundation. By which time your children have grown up, left home got married and had children of their own. But you never see them because you are too busy applying your Perricone.

I am not for one minute suggesting that no-one should spend their money on this stuff. If you have the money, you want to try it and you love it - all power to you. I am more irritated at the bad presentation and the making it sound affordable, when it really isn't...not to mention whether it really does work or not...:giggle:
The woman talks utter ***** without a single thought in her miniscule brain for the people who are truly living hand to mouth in this country. It makes me so mad

Up the revolution

OK. So. I was having my afternoon cuppa and switched QVC on for some background noise. Now I know we've had a few discussions about Perricone in the past, but this afternoon I was genuinely mortified at what was coming out of Jill Frank's mouth, not to mention how complicated the routines are.

First of all, there was a product called Acyl Glutathione Now, this is £125 for 30ml. That's two tablespoons of product. Jill said she'd got in (either in a kit or from the last TSV) but that she "hadn't got a clue what it was or how to use it, but that she was getting great results from it". Fabulous. Great stuff.

Deep Winkle Serum appeared. Again, not cheap. But on Easy Pay because according to Franks "we are investing in premium skincare and the fifty odd pound first easy pay makes it much more accessible and easy for us to afford". No, it bliddy well doesn't. Fifty pound is damn expensive and probably doesn't even cover half of most people's food shopping bills these days. The reason you can tell it is premium, apparently is by the way it comes out of the pippette. It isn't oily or watery, but just perfect and you need to use so little of it, it's really economical. It's 30ml of product. Two tablespoons. £166.50 plus P&P. On your bike...

Then there was this: Neuropeptide Facial Cream and Cleanser. Jill said that she hadn't realised it was a face cream and had been using it as a body moisturiser. It quite clearly says what it is on the packaging. "Hellloooo, no WONDER my body was loving it..." she cooed!

She went on to rave about the No Foundation Foundation, which she wears every single day when she isn't on air, apart from today when she was on air but she had to put two layers of it on, and apart from when she's at home and is wearing BE or Mally or any of the others she wears all the time when she's not on air or at home. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it. She cannot live without it.

Lastly an Eyelid Serum. 15mls for £93, because the other eye cream they sell can't be taken over your eye area. :whew:. Sometimes, according to Jill eye products and serums can be really quite "glooky".

Franks aside, the complicated and expensive nature of the routine is just beyond belief. First you cleanse with the Nutritive Cleanser. Then you apply Cold Plasma Cream. Then on top of that you put the Acyl Glutathione. Then the Deep Wrinkle Serum. Then your Eye Cream, then your Eyelid Serum.
Then your moisturiser. Then your No Concealer Concealer...Then the No Foundation Foundation. By which time your children have grown up, left home got married and had children of their own. But you never see them because you are too busy applying your Perricone.

I am not for one minute suggesting that no-one should spend their money on this stuff. If you have the money, you want to try it and you love it - all power to you. I am more irritated at the bad presentation and the making it sound affordable, when it really isn't...not to mention whether it really does work or not...:giggle:
As I've said before QVC have lost the plot the price of this stuff is just ridiculous and of course doesn't make a scrap of difference to the ageing process IMO. As for J.F. they should enter her into The Worlds Biggest Liar competition as I am sure she would have no problem winning or do you know a stronger contender from Q of course.
If I was EVER paying that much for a product I would want some individual analysis as to what I needed.I watched the a.m & Chuntley can go on & on & on & on about the 30 day MBG but it can't spur me on to this level of spending.Maybe I am missing out? but the thought of keeping up these routines & the cash involved is a non starter.
I had to switch over. I was getting so irritated with the presenter & these "cosmecuticals"
Jill Franks has been on too much weekend
As for Dr Perricone, I refer you to

Dr. Perricone has mixed a pinch of science with a gallon of imagination to create an elaborate, time-consuming, expensive, prescription for a healthy life and younger skin. There is no reason to think his program is more effective than standard measures. Although some of his advice is standard, most of his recommendations are based on speculation and fanciful interpretation of selected medical literature. He makes lots of money by convincing patients and consumers, but he hasn't succeeded in convincing critical thinkers, doctors, scientists, or anyone who wants to see hard evidence. Perricone's prescription isn't science; it's creative salesmanship. And which ingredient is the answer for healthy skin? Perricone can’t seem to make up his mind, because one group of products contains alpha lipoic acid, another group olive oil, another vitamin C, and still another neuropeptides. Come on, doctor, which is it?
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Not even a parody of herself, would even come close to the farcical original, that is Ms Franks. She truly is an utterly incompetent presenter.

As for Dr. Perri-CON-e, he churns out a new miracle, can't be without potion, all complete with the newest patented-never-before- thought-of-scientific-ingredient:whew: all exclusive only to him - every two months. What does that tell me: that none of the previous potions ever worked. Otherwise I won't need another (new) promise to add to the expensive layering! I tried a number of his stuff, once upon time, before I came to my senses in regards to the "antiageing" seduction of the cosmetic world. Perri-CON-e relies heavily on exfoliation in his "cosmeceuticals". There isn't anything clever in there (despite the long names of unpronounceable ingredients in tiny quantities, that would have you think otherwise). The only workhorse in majority of his products is the glycolic acid. Pure and simple trick to make the skin, fresh and more youthful. No magic, certainly not to warrant the price tag.

For a good skin all you need is a good cleanser that does not strip the skin, basic moisturiser that makes it supple and comfortable throughout the day and regular exfoliation. Once passed a certain age, I find hyaluronic acid serum that plumps the skin and adds moisture and a drop or two of facial oil on top, to seal the moisture and boost the moisturiser is all it's needed as an extra. Of course, good sunscreen to reduce the photoageing is a must, as well. That's it for me. No more Perri-CON-e or any other CONs for me, when it comes to beauty regimes.
I think there are worse presenters than jill imo( craig) however what i dont undertand has jill ever looked in the mirror she looks very old looking and her makeup looks awful so all this great skin care and makeup she uses clearly doesnt work and i no she is very keen on her exercise and healthy eating etc however i think she doesnt look healthy at all in fact she looks ill at times , she needs a gd meal :giggle:
I cant make my mind up about Jill either. I dislike the Perricone women. Jill comes across very materialistic yet I get the feeling that the things money cant buy like friendhsip might not be as easy to come by. well maybe all Jills friendsare in the business. I sometimes feel sorry for her, especially when she clearly isnt too popular with many viewers. If only she would drop the me me me materialism for awhile. I would be friends with Jill and would not want an expensive present from her in return either.
jill franks has grown on me over the years i do suspect enthusiasm is essential for selling on qvc
Yeah, she's done that glooky thing before, I presume it's a combination of gloopy and sticky? maybe she cried off saying Stoopy in case it became her new nickname. I'm sure she'd seem way more genuine if she just said 'I quite like this product, was pleased with how it made my skin look/feel' rather than the 'I had SO many compliments when I used this' which makes her seem like such a vain beeyatch. And what's with the claw hand gestures? Most offputting. Still, I have discovered how fussy she is about her manicures...jog on Jill.
I think I'm one of a few people on here that like Perricone products, I use the advanced face activator, cleansing wash and daily moisturiser but I was not impressed with No Foundation Foundation.

Regarding the earlier post about cheap packaging, IMO I don't think Perricone products look cheap some of the products are in glass bottles that are light protected. I watched the show yesterday with Kara and JF and although I like Kara, I can't stand JF. JF gets on my nerves with everything being "aaammmaaazzing" and "I use this product all the time"
Jill comes across as being very spoilt yes, does this come, in part from a husband who may pander to her every whims or just lets her use his big bank account. who knows. I could never justify spending that kind of money on skincare products.
Although she ticked me off a bit this weekend (probably because she seemed to be presenting every time I tuned into Q), I have to say I don't dislike Jill Franks.
I don't for a moment think she buys all the skincare & make up she says she uses. I'm sure freebies fly around and it would seem logical that presenters are given products to try out before they present a certain line on camera. Even if I'm wrong (Never!) and she does spent her money on everything she says she "loves", that's up to her. She earned it, she can spend it. If Himself got his way we'd all be using Co-Op soap and his brand of shampoo (Head & Shoulders) and his preferred Sanex.
"I've used it for years! Nothing wrong with it."

Although I concede she is a bit inane at times, she does try to sell the product AND she is not vain - in my opinion.
When Jill looks at the monitor it is to see that the product is in shot or she is speaking to the viewer.
There is a certain somebody who looks at the monitor to check that her "caring" facial expression is on properly and to check that her hair & make-up is just so. After an ad break, a certain someone is often ever so slightly different.

I don't think she's ill. She's slim and fit. Her hair might not be thick, but that's not a crime and it is always clean and shiny.
She never looks as if she's been up all night either.

........... There! :grin:

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