Perri 'CON' -- please stay away from this range!


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
For legal reasons I cannot make public on here what this range has done to my skin personally, but just to say to all the dear friends on here
"please stay away" --- as it may cost you more than just the 'price' of purchase.

Sorry, I cant comment further, except to say, if you are getting good results, then great, but for me, no way!
Thanks for that ! it must be bad if you legally cant comment further, but admire your tenacity for letting us know.
you are so welcome - my honesty best policy -- sadly not a top priority on a shopping/selling channel! X
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For legal reasons I cannot make public on here what this range has done to my skin personally, but just to say to all the dear friends on here
"please stay away" --- as it may cost you more than just the 'price' of purchase.

Sorry, I cant comment further, except to say, if you are getting good results, then great, but for me, no way!

Far too expensive for me. I"ll stick to Liz E and Emma H. But nice to know people are looking out
for others. :happy:
JR's Ego- thanks for your insight. Sorry to hear of your experience and I hope your skin is better now. I have been using a RoseCream for a month, not one blemish, moister skin, so I think I've finally FoundTheOne and bought it again. The right skin cream can be so elusive. Thanks again for your thread. x Snarly
Sorry to say this, but that woman on with Alison, cant remember her name, looks a bit bedraggled,
her hair is a mess, and she doesnt look that good to be advertising such a prestige skin line , and
she looks like shes had work done :down:
JR's Ego- thanks for your insight. Sorry to hear of your experience and I hope your skin is better now. I have been using a RoseCream for a month, not one blemish, moister skin, so I think I've finally FoundTheOne and bought it again. The right skin cream can be so elusive. Thanks again for your thread. x Snarly

ooo that's brilliant -do tell - what is it? :)
she also has spots and i for one think that any skincare that gives you rashes,spots,boils should be avoided. my skin is in fine condition with alpha-h as it does not contain a lot of daft ingredients and is not tested on animals to my knowledge.
It is a con. I used to work for a Consultant Dermatologist and there is nothing that is applied topically onto the skin which will give the kind of results they're claiming. Good skin is about simply keeping it well hydrated with a moisturiser that suits your skin.
It is a con. I used to work for a Consultant Dermatologist and there is nothing that is applied topically onto the skin which will give the kind of results they're claiming. Good skin is about simply keeping it well hydrated with a moisturiser that suits your skin.

I've been saying that for years!! Thanks for linking with a credible source.

It's common sense really isn't it? Keep it clean and moisturised - with anything that doesn't irritate - bob's your uncle! That's why I use Aldi when I run out of Elemis. And I only use Elemis because I like the textures!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
It always amazes me how they get away with their false claims. What happened to Trading Standards?
I've been saying that for years!! Thanks for linking with a credible source.

It's common sense really isn't it? Keep it clean and moisturised - with anything that doesn't irritate - bob's your uncle! That's why I use Aldi when I run out of Elemis. And I only use Elemis because I like the textures!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

Yes the important thing is whether you like the texture and enjoy the smell of the product. No need to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get that. AY uses this stuff she says, so why doesn't she look 25?? As you say Capirossi it's just common sense, but unfortunately many people don't have any.
The woman who guest presents Perricone has cheeks like a hamster and the classic trout pout which indicates cosmetic enhancement of the surgical variety. How can she spout all that cr*p about the virtual miracle properties of the products when she clearly has insufficient faith in them herself to use them without the use of dermal fillers?
Dr.Perri, has really built his cult on the anti ageing diet, which you are suppose to follow as well as use the products. Celebs go to him and of course its OMG the greatest thing since sliced bread etc. :taphead:

I really despair of women who rush to buy the newest latest thing which is suppose to do whatever. Please we are not sheep, ladies just stop and think. Find something you will use and enjoy using, remember its better than doing nothing. If a product really did what it claimed then it would be prescription only.
What I can say without any legal repercussions or any real knowledge of the cosmetic industry is feck it's expensive! I've just seen one pot of some such for £192.

I'm prepared to spend money on skincare but that's a bonkers price even with the two easy pays.
I've been saying that for years!! Thanks for linking with a credible source.

It's common sense really isn't it? Keep it clean and moisturised - with anything that doesn't irritate - bob's your uncle! That's why I use Aldi when I run out of Elemis. And I only use Elemis because I like the textures!

I'll stick with Judith Williams as my skin loves it. I would never spend such a silly amount on face cream.
Think I'll stick to goose grease. Works wonders but smells rough! Just off topic ( and I think I might well be on my own here) when I was a kid, my nana used to rub goose grease on my chest if I had a bad cold. It was covered by a layer of brown paper and then I had to put my liberty bodice on top. I must have smelt like a chip shop! Anyone else remember anything similar?
JR I hope you`re ok and thanks for the warning, not that I would have bought the Perri stuff anyway.
I once had a terrible experience with a face cream which shall remain nameless and wasn`t bought from Q.
My face swelled horrendously and the top layer of skin began to peel off as if I`d been sunburned, it was awful. It goes to show how some of these things should have health warnings on the jar. Obviously I was severely allergic to something in it and it scared the hell out of me. Since then I`ve stuck with simple basic skincare and touch wood it`s never happened again.
Stupid prices really. They just mention the word "celebrity" and they expect us all to go running for the credit card. I paid a lot for a wonder cream on QVC and it made my lines 10 times worse. Judith Williams skincare is very good on my skin and it costs a lot less than creams that have either done nothing or caused more wrinkles. once sent me this website and it`s worth having a browse at it just out of interest. It`s an American site so not everything we buy here is listed on it but some of the items I always thought were natural or safe obviously aren`t. It`s surprising to see some of the results. Of course you have to take it with a pinch of salt and put it into context but it`s still quite an eye opener. If you go to the site and a screen pops up asking for a donation just click on the bottom right hand corner where it says go to website and it will take you there.

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