Percy & Reed guest - tattooed guest's hands


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I hate them My dad and brother in law were both in the Navy and they had them. In fact my brother in law had his removed before they had lasering. It was a right mess but he had the name of his previous wife tattooed on his arm and it wasn't appropriate to keep it. My niece has loads and I think they look horrible.

I'm so glad my daughter hasn't succumbed to them.

I banned daughter from having them. Her father suffers from keloids so I was able to use that as a deterrent.
I worked in the passport office back in the 90s. One application form came in and it was George who was checking it, I remember it well. He started laughing and laughing. Seems the girl applying for the passport had put an extra bit saying she had a dolphin tattoo on her ankle. In case she was decapitated! :mysmilie_19: We all wondered what type of holidays she was intending on going on? Why hell why not think about it, Hey I might be decapitated on my holiday! As you do.

My Dad was in the navy(merchant and royal), never had any tats. As long as it doesn't stop someone doing their job I don't pay attention. A friend's son has this amazing full sleeve of a Chinese dragon, took about 6 months to complete. The tiny details on it. He never had a tattoo before and never had another.

I have seen women in their 60s and 70s who have tattoos must have been done years back. Always the strange dark navy colour ones. Usually Mum or Dad or a name which was a child long dead.
I too have never seen a classy tattoo, not even a delicate, small one. I dislike them all, but my particular bugbear are the multi coloured one - just hideous! Luckily nobody in my family has any and that includes young men under the age of 40! My neighbour, who is approaching 50, has a flower sprig on her foot and every time I see it my reaction is 'what on earth was she thinking?'.
Interesting views and stories. How do people feel about seeing them on a TV shopping channel? I find tattoos quite inappropriate on a shopping channel. Imagine tuning into a Diamonique hour to see Jill Franks with the words "LOVE" and "HATE" etched across her scrawny knuckles. Imagine that! How would you feel, seeing that? It would surely lower the tone, wouldn't it? Or would it?
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I find all QVC guests contradictions though, you've got skin care guests with wrinkles you could park your bike in, hair product guests looking like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards, you've got make-up guests that look like they've put theirs on in the dark and fashion guests with "fashion" I wouldn't even put the bins out in. Alison Young QVC resident beauty presenter wouldn't look out of place selling dental products.
I used to like tattoos but am now thanking my lucky stars that I never got one. I think the Percy and Reed guest looks dirty with his, I wouldn't want his hands anyway near me! They make him look like a yob. Also I would like to know why he wears that stupid hat all the time, even in the middle of summer. I hate it and I turn off whenever he is on because he just looks so scruffy and unclean. Yuck!!
The presenters do not have them, or if they do do not put them on display. They (QVC), do not employ the guest presenters it is the company so they have no say. If QVC stepped in and banned a guest presenter from doing their job because they have tattoos, then a court case waiting to happen as they would be sued for discrimination. Simple
i loathe tattos. never ever had one never ever will. no one in my family has a tattoo. its very taboo. well my 16 year old daughter at the time came home all sheepish with this huge monstrosity all over her hand and wrist. i suffer from heart problems i literally passed out. i sai you will never ever get a job and people will look down on you...

the odd thing is they are everywhere now and she is self employed now and always works. the said tattoo is looked upon as a work of art and bravery as its quite large. :mysmilie_11: life i suspect does go on lol
The presenters do not have them, or if they do do not put them on display. They (QVC), do not employ the guest presenters it is the company so they have no say. If QVC stepped in and banned a guest presenter from doing their job because they have tattoos, then a court case waiting to happen as they would be sued for discrimination. Simple

Not that we see anyway Donna. Although yes, I can imagine Chloe having more than one - perhaps on her legs as she always keeps them under wraps. I think Jackie might have a discreet one somewhere -she's daft enough to have one. Also I reckon Pippa (the pop star :mysmilie_19:) would have one tucked away somewhere. And even Chuntley I suspect of having one out of sight.

No Julias, I don't agree with tattoos on selly telly or anywhere else on the box. I know we are slowly sliding away from men wearing ties, but we don't see news readers having them on show, or politicians or political pundits, - or even doctors when I've had the need to see one, so hopefully tattoos and piercings are the last bastion at crossing the line of decency, which I hope I never see in my lifetime.
According to Adamreedhair instagram pictures show that the tattoos at least extend from the hands to arms, legs and feet, some coloured and some just black outlines.
Someone commented on here when Pipa's blog showed her in shorts that she had tattoos over her legs, though to me it wasn't clear.
In any case they aren't for me, looks rough and dirty, more so too permanent for me.
When I can get it to last I can't stand nail polish on for more than two days.
I think some tattoo artists are very artistic I'm thinking of having my eyebrows microbladed.

Oooh! Please tell us how you get on, I'd love mine done, lost them due to underactive thyroid, but I have so many allergies and skin sensitivity I don't know whether to risk it. Please let us know if it hurts a lot!
I don't like them. Years ago (showing my age here!) tattoos were mainly seen on men who had served in the military (I remember my Grandpa had a big tattoo of an anchor on his arm, just the one and done abroad, and it fascinated me when I was a tot!). As LATI has already said, the idea of someone of 50 plus with 'tatts' all over themselves makes me cringe and I can help but think they will regret having them done. I often watch a TV programme about American 'pickers' (or antique junk collectors to you and me) and they have a lovely girl working for them in their store, but she is COVERED - and I don't use the word lightly - with tattoos! Such a pretty girl and she looks like she's been trapped inside a printing press. Hey, I'm showing my age here!
Oooh! Please tell us how you get on, I'd love mine done, lost them due to underactive thyroid, but I have so many allergies and skin sensitivity I don't know whether to risk it. Please let us know if it hurts a lot!

Well I figure it's going to be worth it as Revitabrow is a waste of money for me it hasn't made a scrap of difference,so I'm willing to have a bit of pain if it last for months.
Seems like tattoos are really trashy. I'm so glad I never got one. I think they look trashier on women than on men. I know that's probably a very sexist thing to say, but it's what I think I think tattoos are horrid and common and nasty. Adam Reed should not be allowed on screen. I don't want to tune into QVC to see a tatted man in a flat cap! Yuck!
Just saw the Instagram pics and nearly threw up! Yuck! What a silly old man. He looks like he's drawn them on with a marker pen. Horrible!
And don't get me started on those who go whinging to the NHS to get them removed at a later date - you wanted it, you pay to get rid of it. I wouldn't give them the time of day, blurdy cheek.

Just saw the Instagram pics and nearly threw up! Yuck! What a silly old man. He looks like he's drawn them on with a marker pen. Horrible!

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