Peony flowers


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
Is it me ? but, erm, who on EARTH pays £115 for a glass bowl with 3 or 4 silk flowers in it ?????????

I'm orf for a Tia Maria soaked coffee !!!!!!:giggle::coffee:
I used to get my flowers from The Pier, how I loved that shop you could wait a while and they would be reduced and you could buy them next to nothing (sighs) it went at the start of the recession .xxxxx
i just keep thinking how many David Austin English rose bushes I could buy with the same money!:thinking:
What struck me as jaw dropping, was that the £115 item actually SOLD OUT !!!! thats why I reached for the Tia Maria with a drop of coffee !!!!

I dont care what 'quality' they are, NO silk flowers are worth that amount of money. It works out at roughly £25 per flower if you say £15 for the vase. No way !

Personally I buy my silk flowers in Dunelm for a fraction of Fanny Flaaaars prices.
Dunelm for me too, am typing this looking at some lilies I bought from there that I have put in a metal jug from TKmax whole thing set me back less than £15 and looks very good even if I say so myself. Will have a look at Bloom tho, thanks for that.
I can't listen to that awful guest presenter. I actually want to stick my foot through the telly after I've heard her say 'flaaaars' for the tenth time.
Ding Dong - shall I call the Doctor

Dear Boycie......
I note you want to stick your foot through the telly following what you intimate to be an annoying habbit of saying the word 'Flaaars' for the tenth time...
May I suggest that instead of ruining your telly ADMIN EDIT that you simply place your hand on your remote control and turn over.
I'm interested to find out if you went beyond the 10th occurance and did indeed kick your foot through your telly? Also, how were you feeling for exampl after the 5th time she said it? What sort of emotional response did this extract from your head? Did you throw a biscuit down in fury and kick over a cup of tea?
Anyway, I suggest that instead of letting your emotions get the better of you, you handle it by removing yourself from the situation and perhaps lying down back inyour hospital bed where the nurse looking after you can administer your latest batch of medication.......
Hey Ho.....
All the best (all in jest).... TheBigRisk......
that you simply place your hand on your remote control and turn over.

This is a forum to discuss the good and bad aspects of shopping telly and if Boycie finds a guest presenter annoying he has every right to post about it.

As for saying turn over it's like me saying to you if you don't like reading comments that you don't agree with then find another forum.
Dear Boycie......
I note you want to stick your foot through the telly following what you intimate to be an annoying habbit of saying the word 'Flaaars' for the tenth time...
May I suggest that instead of ruining your telly ADMIN EDIT that you simply place your hand on your remote control and turn over.
I'm interested to find out if you went beyond the 10th occurance and did indeed kick your foot through your telly? Also, how were you feeling for exampl after the 5th time she said it? What sort of emotional response did this extract from your head? Did you throw a biscuit down in fury and kick over a cup of tea?
Anyway Boycie, I suggest that instead of letting your emotions get the better of you, you handle it by removing yourself from the situation and perhaps lying down back inyour hospital bed where the nurse looking after you can administer your latest batch of medication.......
Hey Ho.....
All the best (all in jest).... TheBigRisk......

Obviously your childish intention to provoke response, which has worked - only jesting!
Ooooops Matron...

Dear All,
You've got me - I'm banged to rights...... Fair enough I could have just 'turned over' so to speak, but unlike the television which lacks a right to reply I just thought I'd pop in my two pence worth. For what its worth, which ultimately isn't much....
There really wasn't any intention to upset, harm or otherwise and if you feel grown up enough to place comments on here attacking someone then surely it can be expected right back? Or is that not fair? In which case I gues you had better take your ball home.....
Thanks again for your interest in my 'childish' comments - perhaps we can start some sort of on/off love affair based around our mutual glee at wasting time writing anything on here...? Can we?
All the best - TheBigRisk....
Dear Boycie......
I note you want to stick your foot through the telly following what you intimate to be an annoying habbit of saying the word 'Flaaars' for the tenth time...
May I suggest that instead of ruining your telly ADMIN EDIT that you simply place your hand on your remote control and turn over.
I'm interested to find out if you went beyond the 10th occurance and did indeed kick your foot through your telly? Also, how were you feeling for exampl after the 5th time she said it? What sort of emotional response did this extract from your head? Did you throw a biscuit down in fury and kick over a cup of tea?
Anyway Boycie, I suggest that instead of letting your emotions get the better of you, you handle it by removing yourself from the situation and perhaps lying down back inyour hospital bed where the nurse looking after you can administer your latest batch of medication.......
Hey Ho.....
All the best (all in jest).... TheBigRisk......

Hilarious. And what, may I ask, is your job title in the flaaaaar company? I do not appreciate you implying that my relatives are criminals, whether said in jest or not and have reported your post to the Administrator.
Oh dear....

I'm terribly sorry I have upset you... Ahem.
It would seem that you are more than willing to spend time attacking others, but for some reason when a light hearted comment is sent back 'attacking' you.... you, what? Tell on me? Really?
Also, my 'attack' on you was obvioulsy a riduclous one - ADMIN EDIT However, when you critisise someone for an accent they have no choice over this is an obvious and blatant and very real assualt on someone..... Lets put everything into perspective shall we?
Well if the result is that I am 'told off' then so be it... I guess you are a bully?
And as for my position within the 'Flaaar's company (seems its still okay for you to make negative assesments of other people).... I make the Tea obviously....
I'm terribly sorry I have upset you... Ahem.
It would seem that you are more than willing to spend time attacking others, but for some reason when a light hearted comment is sent back 'attacking' you.... you, what? Tell on me? Really?
Also, my 'attack' on you was obvioulsy a riduclous one - ADMIN EDIT However, when you critisise someone for an accent they have no choice over this is an obvious and blatant and very real assualt on someone..... Lets put everything into perspective shall we?
Well if the result is that I am 'told off' then so be it... I guess you are a bully?
And as for my position within the 'Flaaar's company (seems its still okay for you to make negative assesments of other people).... I make the Tea obviously....

If someone puts themselves on television then I am afraid that have to take criticism, leaving the accent to one side they really were a terrible guest.
Now this is an interesting thread... this could possibly be someone connected to the company wanting to anonymously defend their friend, possibly a family member or, someone else just avin-a-larf and hoping to stir up some heated comments mmmm...

Aside to this, do you think that having chosen to be in the 'public eye' you should accept the fact that critism goes with the territory? :thinking:

What if through default you find yourself there, its something that you can do, you are qualified to do it, lots of people are enjoying what you do and you also enjoy it ? Would you stop doing it because you were being criticised by some publicly ? (and your character and personality would never criticise someone in this way so you can't comprehend anyone doing this about you?)

What do you think, would you be able to be thick skinned enough to just shrug it off and carry on? I don't think I could...
Been said before I know but if you are in the market for artificial flowers try 'Bloom'

I haven't heard of them! Thank you for the info, I think I might try them out. Up until now I always checked out the flowers on line, there are some fantastic offers and they deliver them promptly. They have a nice variety of 'flaaawrs' as well ;) and not as expensive as the 150 for the glass bowl. I wouldn't go for that.

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