Pay back time


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
I thought we have exported Sara Griffiths to QVC France?! Well no wonder we are experiencing all these travel horrors linked to Calais ---it's pay back time UK! BUT is she still with us? apparently so with her 'teachers gifting lines' etc. etc. Deal with France-- we will take her back if you open up Calais Then she can go to Japan--Goodbye Sara ( ME? applying for HR position at QVC)
Just cant tolerate her voice ,waxing and waning and her facial expressions .put her on mute.
She's my #1 most disliked QVC presenter. I find her rude and aggressive - a horrible combination. She's only barely tolerable when not on with a guest. When she has a guest I can't watch, no matter how much I'm interested in the brand and products being presented.
was soooo disapointed when she came back to qvc. the worse presenter on qvc. rasping and gasping and hissing and rolling her eyes
I'm not Sara's biggest fan but to be honest Mr Wilson can be downright awful to others. Looks like he has a very bad case of the CBA's at times.

I mute her when she's on. Can't stand the monotonous voice - literally - and the rude interruptions. Does she smile a proper smile ever?
All of the above plus she has an odd vocabulary at times, she needs to study a dictionary before she opens her mouth. In my opinion she has a poor un-watchable presenting style.
And what is that monstrosity stuck on her head that passes for hair?
I think I'm missing something too. I'm not that keen on her but I've never noticed her being rude or overly interrupt-y.
she cant help herself she forgets that she presenting with a guest. its the sara grifiths show dont you know...awful presenter the worse on qvc followed by simom biaggi
she cant help herself she forgets that she presenting with a guest. its the sara grifiths show dont you know...awful presenter the worse on qvc followed by simom biaggi

Wow - you and I have the same two as our worst presenters! :mysmilie_3:
she cant help herself she forgets that she presenting with a guest. its the sara grifiths show dont you know...awful presenter the worse on qvc followed by simom biaggi

I think Jill Franks takes some beating.
I think Claire Sutton take some beating-total show off, look at me syndrome and as false as a van load of monkeys!!

Sara is just a bit of a pratt imho!

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