I think Jill Franks takes some beating.
i prefer jill franks i can at least laugh with her. now with sara i am laughing at her. her hair needs tending to.
I think Jill Franks takes some beating.
Be a dull old world if we all agreed :mysmilie_480:
I saw a bit of Sara on the beauty addicts show this morning before I hit mute and switched over. Her hair, piled on top of her head, should be a good look (down it looks dreadful most of the time) but because it looks very dry and out of condition it just looks awful. I can see she's trying to make the best of her looks, and fair enough. She could do with a heavy dollop of elasticiser, a good trim to get rid of the dry ends, and lay off the revitabrow. Other than that, she looks ok in my opinion. But, that's as much positive as I can say about her.