p&p charges - where is the logic?


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Sorry QVC, but I fail to see it.

TSV great big Pilates machine p&p £10.95. Tacori necklace (668168) p&p charge £4.45.

One weighs 32.8 kg, the other few grams.

Surely, it does not make sense???!:taphead:
Sorry QVC, but I fail to see it.

TSV great big Pilates machine p&p £10.95. Tacori necklace (668168) p&p charge £4.45.

One weighs 32.8 kg, the other few grams.

Surely, it does not make sense???!:taphead:

its very simple. the person who buys the necklace is subsidising the person who buys the pilates machine.

sensible mail order companies understand how this pisses people off and have a flat rate delivery charge instead.
Our old friend P & P the subject of many threads that gets everyone mad as hell and when you send an item of say jewellery back first class it is always less than the 2nd class postage that they use to send it out to you!! and with beauty produts many sites don't even charge P & P
And most sites won't keep you waiting for weeks on end for your stuff, even if you didn't pay for P&P on it! 3 to 5 working days? Bulls**t. Maybe after it's taken 2 or 3 days to worm it's way out of the warehouse. And for the amount you pay, they should be using first class post. Heck, for the amount they charge, the CEO should be crawling to your door with it in his teeth! Even the "other side" cap their P&P for most things. Beauty Day is a prime example - I wasn't prepared to shell out so much P&P over multiple items. If they'd had a flat rate charge, I may actually have bought something.
P&P is my biggest issue with QVC, closely followed by the delivery times. First class postage for a second rate service really isn't good enough.
Whatever the price of an item it's nearly always another £5 for P&P well that soon tots up to being not very good value at all.
I don't fall for all the twaddle from them about the parking charges and price of a coffee etc more than covering the charges.
At Brent Cross, my local shopping centre, there is free parking a John Lewis and Fenwicks that stock LE, BE, Ojon, Bobbi Brown and other brands and it works out cheaper to buy there unless it's a super duper TSV.
Get your act together please QVC:headbang:
I have just been to the Post Office to send back an eek veronese ring that was in a tiny box and a cardboard envelope - cost to send to me second class £2.95. Cost to send back first class (not recorded delivery)......... go on have a guess!!
I also sent something back to Boden - free return they send a prepaid label.
P&P puts me off buying TBH.Last year i did all my christmas shopping online - and none of bought from QVC because of their P&P - when everyone was either doing free,promotions for a penny or flat rates for mutliple items at £2.95

QVC have to be really careful because the majority of what they sell is available elsewhere - but then QVC just rely on the people who can't use google
Another here really annoyed over P&P charges.
It's bad enough that you have to pay separate P&P for two different items but what really makes me fume is that ordering two of the same item, but in different colours say, doesn't even qualify for the half price second item postage if they were the same colour!

Most other companies I buy from are either a lump some P&P or free if you spend over a given amount.
their p and p charges are as bizzare and illogical as Julia being a size "small", i really think they make it up as they go along. Over £3 to send out a mascara, they are having a laugh and the jokeis well and truly on the customer.
the p&p drives me to distraction and I am really making a conscious effort not to buy from QVC unless it is for something I really love and cant source elsewhere or a kit with a really good saving.

Can't honestly say I have had any major issues with delivery times, in fact I have often been quite amazed at the speed of delivery.
Have just been having toot about on the german and italian websites and both say that items ordered together or where orders can be combined on one day are charged a single postage charge.
Why should everything be different here?
P+p charges have certainly put me off ordering from QVC, I can't get my head round how they can be justified. I think it was Charlie Brooks (yesterday?) who mentioned that under the 30-day money back guarantee, if you don't like an item return it and you will get a full refund, no mention of minus the p+p. Grrr!

However (and I know this has been mentioned before) there is the 7 day cooling off period rule (Distance Selling Regulations) where an item can be returned if it is unused and the initial p+p has to be refunded. From previous threads referring to this - there is a comprehensive one, thread no. 22718, last post 15/8/10, sorry don't know how to post the link - QVC probably have to be reminded of this but they will do it. There is a section in their Terms and Conditions (9.4) all about it, again, I'm having problems pasting this onto here. Also they exclude certain items. Return p+p still has to be paid though, unless the product is faulty or damaged.
when you return a heavy item such as the Pilates machine, and they collect, do you have to pay? Or are you paying twice over for the delivery in case you return it? P & P generally is a right rip-off and I'm not watching much QVC, let alone buying - I did make an exception to purchase 2 litre bottles of the ABC skinwash, which is invaluable - I can get it elsewhere but it worked out less from QVC with one-and-a-half P & P charge (for a change!)...they keep getting away with it cos folks keep buying of course ...if we could organise a mass boycott, that'd be about the only thing that would make QVC stop & re-think!
I've made this comparison before so apols to those who've already heard it :yawn: :sleepy: but I'm still reminded of that bit in Yes Minister when Sir Humphrey explains the Treasury's approach to taxation - they don't work out how much they need to run their services, and tax accordingly, they simply pitch for as much as they think they can get away with and decide what to spend it on later. That has got to be how Le Q work out their P&P charges :giggle:
When I first fell in love with QVC around 13 years ago I used to tell everyone how much I loved their stuff and thought it was a great place but one thing that used to get repeated back to me was "but what about the P&P charges?". I remember well a conversation I had with my mum about TSV's and what savings there used to be, trying to encourage her to watch but she said to me, "I will never buy from that channel, I've watched it before and when factor in the P&P, most of the time, theres no saving, I always look at the final amount rather than just the goods." I just couldn't argue with that one and never have again, in fact from that moment, never had made a fuss about where I buy my goodies when asked by anyone because I know that will be quoted back to me ad infinitum. I often feel the fool for paying the prices that I do for P&P and it definently makes a difference on considering my purchases.
The half P&P if you order two or more of the same item is cobblers too. I ordered 2 sonic toothbrushes and they both came separately packaged and on different days!! If that's what they do then why can't you order two of the same item but in different colours???

I really do think they make it up as they go along as their postage charges are so random!

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