Our Marla has cornered the market.


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
The Market is how many ways can you wear rectangles of fabric? That is all these are ( looking at the Layers show 9-10:00a.m).vary the neck trim, maybe a cuff, knot the hemline.The prices usually over £40, the fabric usage is pence, the production, pence.Huge profit for our Marla.
I’m bored rigid with the MW shows. 🙄 It seems to be non stop. I caught a few minutes of it this morning and thought Melissa (?) looked a mess in what she was wearing.

I’m no fashionista, but I wouldn‘t pay those prices for over sized baggy bits of material. I’d never heard of her until I saw her “fashion” on QVC, but apparently she’s a well known designer. 😳 And as I said in another thread, MW must be laughing all the way to the bank.
what’s more about MW ‘s fabric rectangles are the fact that most of them are completely and utterly see through , so they’re not even stand alone garments..but never fear Marla to the rescue, as she’ll sell you a pack of 2 vest tops for £50 in colours of her choosing, so you can protect your dignity!( Gee thanks!) Better to protect your dignity by not buying into her bullish!t designs and extortionate prices!
I know I have gone on about Marla’s offerings but knowing a bit about what goes into garments after more years than I like to admit in the clothing industry & I hate to see rip offs.As long as some are satisfied with their purchases it is their money and their business.The reviews are mixed they appeal to ladies who think they will hide lumps and bumps but instead make them look like a ship in full sail.The only thing I do like are some of her colour ranges, but the fabrics lack quality, I cannot think they would wear well.I will shut up on the subject now!
I know I have gone on about Marla’s offerings but knowing a bit about what goes into garments after more years than I like to admit in the clothing industry & I hate to see rip offs.As long as some are satisfied with their purchases it is their money and their business.The reviews are mixed they appeal to ladies who think they will hide lumps and bumps but instead make them look like a ship in full sail.The only thing I do like are some of her colour ranges, but the fabrics lack quality, I cannot think they would wear well.I will shut up on the subject now!
I have a few of her pieces which do wash and wear well.
I'm surprised to hear that the quality of the fabric's not great..but then again I'm not really! I just think that for the price she's charging for what is essentially an unwearable garment she could include a basic camisole in the same colour to wear under it. Also she could sell them separately so that customers can buy extra, or try a different colour underneath. Personally I'd prefer to wear something a little more opaque, it can be lightweight as you like but you don't need to have all your fol de rols on display. She's selling to middle aged/older ladies, not nightclubbers nor is she just providing something to sling over your cossie when you're on holiday. Marla Wynne? There's only one winner there and it's not her customers!
I've got one MW shirt which I like and the fabric is reasonable quality. Cheap buttons though. It was about £30 and I'd buy another if they had any more colours in my size. The clothes are huge though so I only need an XS and it looks like so does everyone else as they are always sold out.

From an interview with Marla Wynne - talking about Wynne Layers range

"We’re very good at engineering into price and fabrication. We do all French seams. We will spend more on a chiffon, but it’s still very inexpensive fabric"

“I had spent my life wearing Prada and Dior and Gucci. I decided if I was going to make a clothing line that it had to be so good, I would wear it. I will tell you, after ending up last year at $44 million at retail, I could buy anybody’s clothes that I want to. And I do wear my own clothes every day,” said Ginsburg. 😲
I have a few of her pieces which do wash and wear well.
I've got two, both bought for a song from eBay, & they're as good now as they were when I got them. However, they were some of the first things she brought to the Q so, as with so many other items, the quality may have dipped as the prices soared.
Silver Fox's comment hit the nail. The clothes make the wearer look like a galleon in full sail. And honestly ? even Marla herself look huuuuuge when wearing her own creations, and few of her clothes can be worn with a proper coat over the top because of the endless batwing sleeves and floaty layers.
I'm not sure what sort of occasion I'm meant to be wearing her clothes. If I can't get a jacket, coat or jumper over it, it's no good for cooler weather. It's too floaty for the majority of offices, too much material for wearing on the shop floor, too expensive at at least £50 per garment when I'd need at least 2 garments to be decent, and that only when the weather's warmer. It's not the sort of thing folks wear on my local high street. So when do people wear this range? Out for coffee with the girls or at a dressier evening do - all in warmer weather? Maybe round the house when I've finished the washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking so I can look decent in case someone calls to see me while socially distancing? I'm confused.
I'm not sure what sort of occasion I'm meant to be wearing her clothes. If I can't get a jacket, coat or jumper over it, it's no good for cooler weather. It's too floaty for the majority of offices, too much material for wearing on the shop floor, too expensive at at least £50 per garment when I'd need at least 2 garments to be decent, and that only when the weather's warmer. It's not the sort of thing folks wear on my local high street. So when do people wear this range? Out for coffee with the girls or at a dressier evening do - all in warmer weather? Maybe round the house when I've finished the washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking so I can look decent in case someone calls to see me while socially distancing? I'm confused.
I agree, it's often been suggested that you could wear a scarf or pashmina with them on cooler dry days, this always makes me think of Margaret Rutherford as Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit. I suppose you could do a spin when wearing one of these oversized garments to show the government specified distance 💃
Lord knows where you’d wear this sort of clobber! Works Xmas party? But you’d need to make sure that your outer garment is of a similar “throw over “ style. Too floaty for a casual occasion, impractical for the office. Perhaps if you worked in gallery or somewhere.. you could just stand there at the door looking floaty. The Blithe Spirit comment made me think of Isadora Duncan , her floaty scarf was the death of her!
My only MW purchase a year ago was a white shirt. It cost £80 . I was very disappointed with the quality and finishing. I thought it way overpriced .I wouldn’t buy again.I still have it but it’s languishing at the bottom of the laundry basket.
I watch some of the shows though to see what they come up with next. In this mornings show there was a long cardigan made of net.
The price £75.Dont know where you would wear it . I fantasise that there must be hundreds of wardrobes around the country with MW stuff that is never worn.
I wore my shirt last night to the pub, just with jeans and boots and my £1 Lisa Riley cardigan over the top as it was a tad chilly. I thought it looked OK. It's not a fussy piece though but it does have I batwings which I hid with the cardi. Top fashionista me :love:
That sounds really nice CC 🍺🍷🥃 - you didn't say what you were drinking so I've sent you a selection
My only MW purchase a year ago was a white shirt. It cost £80 . I was very disappointed with the quality and finishing. I thought it way overpriced .I wouldn’t buy again.I still have it but it’s languishing at the bottom of the laundry basket.
I watch some of the shows though to see what they come up with next. In this mornings show there was a long cardigan made of net.
The price £75.Dont know where you would wear it . I fantasise that there must be hundreds of wardrobes around the country with MW stuff that is never worn.
What a daft piece of clothing, it looked like that barrier fencing used on building sites, maybe Marla should do it in orange - 'construction chic'.
Standing in aTV studio with a different (free) outfit for every show isn’t representative of how most of us live contrary to what the presenters spout.

If you live in the south of a England perhaps you have a longer period of mild climate but the rest of the Uk spend most of our time in coats and these sort of styles just don’t lend themselves to being hidden under a padded anorak.

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