Online Auditions? Car Crash Viewing!


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Dear God. Please make it stop. :headbang:

Who is the "presenter" below. She is the very very worst presenter I have EVER seen. It's like watching a car crash. :down:

Everything is repeated twice. Everything is repeated twice.

"This is a lovely butterfly design" "This is a lovely butterfly design"
"This is very very pretty. A boutique design" "This is a very pretty boutique design"
"I love this colour of Kunzite" "This is a lovely colour of Kunzite"
"These are very lovely sapphires" "These sapphires are lovely"
"All 16 sapphires" "There are 16 sapphires"
"You're going to look fabulous" "Imagine how fabulous you'll look"
"This is a low price" "Even by our standards this is a low price"
"These are diamonds" "These are graded diamonds"
"Always popular with people" "These are always popular
"Don't forget to check it out" "Have you checked it out yet?"
"Text and email me and tell me what you think" "Send me a text or email and tell me what you think"

No, I really don't think you want me to do that!!!

Bored yet? Well couple the above with embarrasing silences, not knowing where to look to camera, fake tanned hands with splodges and a nasal twang.

The Tourmaline pictured below she described as having "no brown". Well I'd better get my eyes checked then :drunk:

Are Rocks and Co doing online auditions or is this just a test to see if we're awake? They've got Lee Clark working for them and yet they let this "presenter" go on air????? Who on earth thought that was a good move? :taphead:

I'm sure this lady is good to her Mother and a sweet person BUT in my humble opinion as a jewellery channel viewer she is not presenter material. Sorry.


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That's Tania. I quite like her - she's calm.

I hadn't noticed that she says everything twice. I have a good friend who does that, so maybe I'm used to it!
I haven't seen her, but I haven't been watching lately - GemsTV mega clearance has kept me otherwise occupied. ;-) I find it easier on the stress levels these days to watch with the mute button on (unless it's John and Lee).
Oh I watched her last night, same words used over and over and she seemed at pains to string a sentence together too. I couldnt help but notice her terrible hands and fingernails too, R&C should employ a manicurist(sp) for the majority of their presenters as most are pretty grim.
I echo all you have said with bells on!!! Plus if she said you could wear it on holiday once more! I heard her say "all need now is this diamond and Angelina Jollies lips and I'll be complete" (or words to that vain effect). All she needs is to change jobs!! It wasn't an audition, I've seen her on a few times before and had to turn over!
She is banal, non descript, superficial, into herself too much,clueless beyond belief, inane, fake, dull soooo dull, would not believe a word of what she says, terrible at selling and the WORST presenter ever. She must be someones friend or lover at R & C and they have promised her presenting work in return for something! Why do they do it and get rid of some of the good presenters I've seen. Thinks thats my rant done with. Glad someone else noticed.:headbang:

Dear God. Please make it stop. :headbang:

Who is the "presenter" below. She is the very very worst presenter I have EVER seen. It's like watching a car crash. :down:

Everything is repeated twice. Everything is repeated twice.

"This is a lovely butterfly design" "This is a lovely butterfly design"
"This is very very pretty. A boutique design" "This is a very pretty boutique design"
"I love this colour of Kunzite" "This is a lovely colour of Kunzite"
"These are very lovely sapphires" "These sapphires are lovely"
"All 16 sapphires" "There are 16 sapphires"
"You're going to look fabulous" "Imagine how fabulous you'll look"
"This is a low price" "Even by our standards this is a low price"
"These are diamonds" "These are graded diamonds"
"Always popular with people" "These are always popular
"Don't forget to check it out" "Have you checked it out yet?"
"Text and email me and tell me what you think" "Send me a text or email and tell me what you think"

No, I really don't think you want me to do that!!!

Bored yet? Well couple the above with embarrasing silences, not knowing where to look to camera, fake tanned hands with splodges and a nasal twang.

The Tourmaline pictured below she described as having "no brown". Well I'd better get my eyes checked then :drunk:

Are Rocks and Co doing online auditions or is this just a test to see if we're awake? They've got Lee Clark working for them and yet they let this "presenter" go on air????? Who on earth thought that was a good move? :taphead:

I'm sure this lady is good to her Mother and a sweet person BUT in my humble opinion as a jewellery channel viewer she is not presenter material. Sorry.
Hee hee this made me laugh loads, just the image of Klos trying to keep it buttoned and sitting firmly on her hands .... :grin:

Aww, bless her! T hought that when Klosmade that ( somewhat rash) promise, that she must be going away for a week , somewhere where there is no internet access..... 'twas the only way I thought she'd manage the task!!!:grin:

Good luck Klos!! :sweat::blush:
My son says I have a sad empty life cos I keep going on about the dreadful presenters I must try sitting on my hands and sewing my lips shut.
Oooh, nannieA, you don't wanna try that..... just too hard to sew anything while sitting on hands...!! just let is out..... tee hee!!

The useless presenters drive you crazy.... why shouldn't you complain?
You have too much time

My wife and I happen to think the new presenter is lovely. She's improved a hell of alot in the last two weeks and she's clearly selling alot of stock. We think you are very mean and you obviously have far too much time on your sad hands be writing such a long winded message in a shopping channel forum. My wife thinks you are jelous because you are probably very ugly compared to the lovely girls that present the show.
Diamondbloke40 welcome to the forum.

Just a few words of advice if you intend to carry on posting here.We are a welcoming and friendly bunch,however,it is not looked on too kindly if in your first post you insult other forum members.It's a bit like arriving at a party and insulting the host and his friends!Of course take this on board only IF you intend to carry on posting,you may just be another R&C employee ;)

Oh and by the's spelt jealous!:smirk:
My wife and I happen to think the new presenter is lovely. She's improved a hell of alot in the last two weeks and she's clearly selling alot of stock. We think you are very mean and you obviously have far too much time on your sad hands be writing such a long winded message in a shopping channel forum. My wife thinks you are jelous because you are probably very ugly compared to the lovely girls that present the show.

Tania is lovely!!! She sells loads of jewellery and is a pleasure to watch. Hint of jelousy girls?

Here we go again! Why is it that some people think it's a good idea to take the time to join a forum only to make childish, ignorant remarks about the members? Who gives a toss about what "your wife" thinks?? Do you really think anyone cares?

"She sells loads of jewellery" - on a Jewellery Channel? Well that's clever! How would you know how much jewellery she sells unless you work for Rocks & Co of course!

Grow up and if you don't have anything decent to say don't say anything!

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