Once again is it me and my TV


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Mar 7, 2012
Flicked over and caught seconds of the beauty awards and AY. Even Mr L went "holy s***" what does she look like?

Yet on FB they are nearly wetting themselves over how wonderful she is looking.

Is it me?
I only saw her for a few seconds but I thought she looked a bit hot under the lights. And, much as it grieves me to agree with maymorganlondon on this issue *, she had way too much highlighter on which I assume was Bobbi Brown Glimmerbrick or Shimmerbrick, whichever!

* Just my little joke, not a pop!!!! :mysmilie_19:
I only saw her for a few seconds but I thought she looked a bit hot under the lights. And, much as it grieves me to agree with maymorganlondon on this issue *, she had way too much highlighter on which I assume was Bobbi Brown Glimmerbrick or Shimmerbrick, whichever!

* Just my little joke, not a pop!!!! :mysmilie_19:
I only saw her for a few seconds but I thought she looked a bit hot under the lights. And, much as it grieves me to agree with maymorganlondon on this issue *, she had way too much highlighter on which I assume was Bobbi Brown Glimmerbrick or Shimmerbrick, whichever!

* Just my little joke, not a pop!!!! :mysmilie_19:

Successs at last!!! Victory is mine :devil:
Everyone, bar Ali Young appears to be getting properly trollied! The green room where they are awaiting their fates is getting rowdier and rowdier, and Craig is struggling to string a sentence together. Could be just my perception, of course.

I don't think the dress does anything for Alison. The fact that the shoulders are out of it (and Jill F was raving about it earlier on the Ronni Nicole show, as it's from the RN Autumn/Winter range) only emphasises that - with all her horse training and mucking out etc - she's a brawny lass in the arms and shoulders.
She acts like she runs the place, I would love to know what all the brand reps really think of her. Every sentence she starts with 'oooh' very annoying.
I`ve only seen the online videos of the so called awards which is actually nothing but a selling exercise. No other awards ceremony I`ve ever seen or heard of, just happen to have each item for sale at the same time its being awarded. It strikes me as being a you scratch my back, I`ll scratch your back thing. QVC get lots of sales, lots of viewers and the brands get mega advertising, lots of sales and profit and the brand reps get a lump of plastic for their mantlepiece.
As for AY, well to be honest I thought she looked like an escapee from a bordello. The cold shoulder dress did her no favours, the makeup was shiny and badly applied, the red lips looked awful, as did her hair especially from behind. As someone pointed out, there are the ones on FB singing her praises and one woman actually says AY single handedly has educated the masses in all things beauty. I kid you not.
Everyone, bar Ali Young appears to be getting properly trollied! The green room where they are awaiting their fates is getting rowdier and rowdier, and Craig is struggling to string a sentence together. Could be just my perception, of course.

Well I, for one, certainly shared your perception!:mysmilie_17: I actually quite like Ali Young, but she did look like she was melting under the studio lights. i've never seen these awards before, and found them compelling viewing for all the wrong reasons. What was the point of getting everyone to dress up in evening wear, only to sit them all in a studio with all the ambience of a school canteen? Whose idea was it to frogmarch the winners from said canteen to the other studio to receive their awards through what looked like a goods entrance, complete with trolleys of packing materials, lumps of wood etc? Lastly (and I realise this will bother me more than some because of my job), how hideously old fashioned were the onscreen graphics, Beauty Excellence Awards logo etc? It looked like something somebody had knocked up in Powerpoint. The big reveal, plucked from it's sparkly gold envelope, was a no-expense-spared laminated computer printout! In spite of it being car crash viewing from a customer perspective, I was a bit surprised that it wasn't better supported by the brand ambassadors, as - in spite of our many misgivings - I wouldn't have thought that many would want to lose a client with the reach of QVC.
Yes I thought that route was weird. I only saw Fiona (I did like her dress though) and she was escorted by a woman in a full length black dress..... Past a trolley laden with outgoing parcels or so it looked to me, in an area with all the glamour of the post room or a factory. That would be like seeing Brangelina on the red carpet going past the bins!
Yes, the long walk past the empty reception, the reception thought bugger it I'll post those tomorrow.

I did catch old Andrew spending more time looking at a woman in a low cut top boobs.

AY did look as if sprayed down with 3 gallons of Tan Lux which was now melting in the heat. No doubt the shoulder pads on the dress acting as a drip tray.

I love how QVC always make sure their brand choices are getting awards. No open to all brands sold on QVC.
I thought AY looked ****** awful her hair and makeup was a disgrace for a so called beauty expert and the dress did nothing for her it was just awful. There was also a young woman wearing what looked like a big buff coloured envelope I don't know who she was but she looked silly to say the least.
Ooooh, what have I missed?? Didn't see it but I have seen Ali Young in bright red lips and Aunt Sally blusher before now and it most definitely does not suit her. Far too harsh.

Yes I thought that route was weird. I only saw Fiona (I did like her dress though) and she was escorted by a woman in a full length black dress..... Past a trolley laden with outgoing parcels or so it looked to me, in an area with all the glamour of the post room or a factory. That would be like seeing Brangelina on the red carpet going past the bins!

Exactly! It made me laugh because QVC take themselves so seriously, and had decided to try and mimic a proper awards show to give the awards gravitas, but their amateurish efforts just served to highlight how meaningless they are! :mysmilie_19:
I watched a little bit. The Tan Luxe guy seems to be Q's new Leighton Denny. a little known newcomer to be promoted and profited from .I'm sure he will have more products so they can promote him all year round.
Exactly! It made me laugh because QVC take themselves so seriously, and had decided to try and mimic a proper awards show to give the awards gravitas, but their amateurish efforts just served to highlight how meaningless they are! :mysmilie_19:

Yes I caught a bit of that it was so funny, walking the "winner" up to meet her majesty the pretend "qualified" beauty presenter, QVC really do live in their own little world.
I would have liked to watch that show, but when I saw/heard the smarmy one I quickly switched over. I didn't even stay long enough to see Ali, and I haven't looked to see who won what, I expect it was much the same as last year.

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