Oh Jill Franks, you silly woman


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Threads are doomed the minute a difference of opinion is derided and/or attacked by others who are incapable of accepting and respecting a different view, and any response is jumped on. It's a put-down, it deters others from posting, and is unnecessary.

It's what happens on forums (not fora, as someone incorrectly posted earlier. We're speaking English, not Latin.). There are certain members here whose response is predictably snippy, as we've seen. Dare to criticize the Q gods and they'll av yer. But it does make life interesting.

Jill Franks is on a different planet so she just can't empathise with the likes of those of us who have to do something called budget. Budget, Jill? watching your pennies - geddit? You should have prefaced your remarks by some sort of an explanation, like, "I know this is a considered purchase but ..." That might have been a touch more appropriate but sorry, if I and most of the country want to do yoga in something, it's a chain store cheapie for me.

Nuclear fallout alert.
Now come on ladies, let us be totally honest. We are not the demographic that QVC are aiming at these days.

They want the woman who drops money like water(or coconut water:mysmilie_14:) and doesn't worry about the price. The clothing ranges are getting more expensive, designer handbags, anything in gold is £££+ up, even the silver is ££+ these days. Usually the only way we can afford beauty is on easy pay. The magazines they advertise in are not your Marie Claire's or Grazia.

One of the most sensible posts I've read in a long time !

Another point to pick up on is the sizing. .... I wouldn't mind betting that most of the 'menopausal and plus' ladies who are probably the mainstay viewers of this channel, are anything but a size 10, and yet most of the 'nicer' fashion ranges stop at a size 18 - er, why ? Yes, there is Together (a rarity), and the disaster of Trinny & Susannah, but in the main its the usual polyester/elastene; and yes I KNOW its because it sells, BUT its only because its the same old same old choice. Don't ANYONE dare to tell me to switch off if I don't like it either - lol !
The Pilates class I used to go to saw many ladies wearing leggings from Primark and some who bought the over-priced spandex items on sale at the sports club reception. The same was true back in the 80s when I did many different dance classes; some ladies appeared with their make up and hair did sporting a new ensemble of fluorescent lycra, legwarmers and that trend for a thin elastic belt over a leotard (Kids from Fame meets Jane Fonda) who barely broke a sweat during a 2 hour lesson; students like me wore the same scruffy kit every lesson, plus a few serious dancers with enough ££ to afford a couple of sensible outfits.

There's always a range of disposable incomes represented at fitness and dance classes just as QVC aims to encourage spending by any viewer. They don't really care whether you're buying a wash ball in an effort to "save" money or whether you're "rewarding" yourself with South Sea pearls.

I also think there's space on a forum for people to discuss items from a range of viewpoints: there are a couple of people who enjoy the odd bit of Yong Kim, Kim & Co, Kipling or Lulu Guinness. I always appreciate posts telling me where I can buy something cheaper than from Q, I don't mind the "I'd never buy it" posts but I'd prefer not to read posts having a dig at other forum members, named or otherwise. The only exception might be between forum members who know each other in the real world and can tease each other without fear of causing offence. I suppose that makes me a soppy optimistic dreamer, but I'm allowed to adjectivise* myself (*honest I've seen that dreadful word used in a document!). But no need to walk on eggshells either.

Think happy thoughts, it's Friday!
Vienna, you have missed the point completely, but perhaps you meant to and I'm sure the more sensible members will see that too. I don't see why forums can't have a decent conversation without being nasty and sarcastic. Disagree by all means but there is something wrong with those who have to put others down. If we were in the pub and someone kept making put downs, most people wouldn't be bothered to talk to them. Such people are not interested in other people's views except to deride and ridicule. I'm sure you know this already. Member makes comment about presenter. Someone responds and is met with 'What a surprise'. It's a put down, and it's not a decent response to someone's view. Person who disagrees posts once more and is accused of 'flaming'. It is unpleasant, untrue, and starting an argument for the sake of it. I find this behaviour indefensible. Some people cannot cope with a different opinion. They very often feel threatened because a differing view is questioning theirs, and their judgement. Their reaction says it all.

PS: Don't presume anything about my thread. I should not have to justify myself to you but it genuinely reflected how I feel some products are best presented by the owner and wondered what other people thought. I wonder if you knew that it was a genuine thread but have made your comments purely to cast doubt on my integrity? Mmmm. I'm sure that members will make up their own mind as to what sort of person I am without any help from you.
Hahaha this comes very much to mind on this thread !
pot-calling-kettle-black-9416841 (1).jpg
If anyone reads a post of mine but doesn't get it, please just ask "do you mean..." or similar. Better than making a knee jerk reaction based on an assumption that might not be correct. I do point and laugh at the expense of Q presenters, I often use sarcarm and I reckon QVC is fair game for seering criticism, but when aimed at a forum member it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't know anyone on here and no one knows me. Been here over a decade but I'm not a member of any cliques.

Back on topic: I find Jill Franks silly and ignorant and she rarely convinces me to part with my money, but I still watch her and marvel at her car-crash abuse of the English language. She must manage to shift stock otherwise QVC wouldn't give her so many hours. If I'm interested in buying an item she's presenting, watching a whole hour can be a trial, but I'd probably manage it. By contrast I wouldn't pull up another forum member for their grammar.

Fora or Forum? Both are fine, I don't mind which is used.
I don't watch Yong Kim shows. There are a lot of people who have a big income and whilst it is a little insensitive to some to talk about buying a £102 pair of pants to use as yoga pants, the fact is that there are people who can afford to do that. So much bitterness, it doesn't make nice reading, and if someone is hated that much and you can't afford the range why watch? but perhaps the reason is to gather more fuel for a rant?

Threads are doomed the minute a difference of opinion is derided and/or attacked by others who are incapable of accepting and respecting a different view, and any response is jumped on. It's a put-down, it deters others from posting, and is unnecessary.

I certainly am not being bitter..If people want to spend money on expensive yoga pants that's up to them.I personally wouldn't, and I acknowledge that Q has to use any sales pitches to their advantage to appeal to a wide range of customers.

I spend money on a variety of things which other people wouldn't so it's swings and roundabouts but not bitter,I couldn't care less what people spend their money on.
Don't get upset

I certainly am not being bitter..If people want to spend money on expensive yoga pants that's up to them.I personally wouldn't, and I acknowledge that Q has to use any sales pitches to their advantage to appeal to a wide range of customers.

I spend money on a variety of things which other people wouldn't so it's swings and roundabouts but not bitter,I couldn't care less what people spend their money on.

It's all right, Turandot, we know you are not bitter. There was a bit of a 'to-do' last weekend when someone started posting unpleasant things. I won't say any more. Just we know you are OK.
Everyone is entitled to post their opinion and if you don't agree with someone's opinion, fine, but sniping at them because you don't really is not appropriate! If you really don't like what some people have to say put them on ignore then you won't have to read what they say! I don't want to have to close threads but if this sniping continues then I will!!! So please play nice!!!
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Turandot said "I certainly am not being bitter.."
I assure you that I was not referring to you. It 'was a general comment on some of the more unpleasant criticisms levelled at some presenters. Hatred, bitterness, resentment, jealousy? whatever the reason, it's not very nice but anyone has the right to say these things, but not to demean/undermine someone who disagrees! I'd rather have a forum which does not tolerate that rather than put the culprits on 'ignore', but as Sazza recommends for the forum, ignore those people whose comments you don't want to see, and the same goes for presenters and guests in my opinion. Why not just switch off? I just feel that some people enjoy finding fault so that they can have a good old bitch, but god help you if you disagree.

Oh, and I have always understood that to pull people up on a forum on their grammar is bad form. Both forums and fora are acceptable terms.
if someone is hated that much and you can't afford the range why watch?
Hatred, bitterness, resentment, jealousy? whatever the reason, it's not very nice but anyone has the right to say these things, but not to demean/undermine someone who disagrees!

Would you explain your last sentence, please?
Vienna, you have missed the point completely, but perhaps you meant to and I'm sure the more sensible members will see that too. I don't see why forums can't have a decent conversation without being nasty and sarcastic. Disagree by all means but there is something wrong with those who have to put others down. If we were in the pub and someone kept making put downs, most people wouldn't be bothered to talk to them. Such people are not interested in other people's views except to deride and ridicule. I'm sure you know this already. Member makes comment about presenter. Someone responds and is met with 'What a surprise'. It's a put down, and it's not a decent response to someone's view. Person who disagrees posts once more and is accused of 'flaming'. It is unpleasant, untrue, and starting an argument for the sake of it. I find this behaviour indefensible. Some people cannot cope with a different opinion. They very often feel threatened because a differing view is questioning theirs, and their judgement. Their reaction says it all.

PS: Don't presume anything about my thread. I should not have to justify myself to you but it genuinely reflected how I feel some products are best presented by the owner and wondered what other people thought. I wonder if you knew that it was a genuine thread but have made your comments purely to cast doubt on my integrity? Mmmm. I'm sure that members will make up their own mind as to what sort of person I am without any help from you.

Miss Ellie, you remind me of someone in a class I once taught. He'd always got an answer, always had his hand up first and was always bursting to get in. His answer was always more erudite, more comprehensive, more complete than everyone else's in the class. His parents thought he was the bees knees...

He got a E in his exams.
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Being completely honest about all this, and ignoring Miss Ellie's patronisingly didactic droning on (there you go, you can write another couple of paragraphs criticising that, too), I said 'what a surprise' because it is clear that Tiddlywinks is always going to defend any price charged for any old tat on QVC. She always has, and always will. And she's perfectly entitled to do this. If people really are that sensitive to my saying 'surprise' to this (i.e. it's not a surprise, because that's her expected response) then they need to get out more.

What's also not a 'surprise' is my moaning on about the price of things on QVC and that presenters suggest stupid uses for them or 'buy two' etc etc. I'm always at it. So both Tiddlywinks and I are predictable and dull - but why do we need handbags about it?
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Franks is on with Alexis at midnight for the L'Occy TSV launch. They'll be competing to speak earnestly about soap as though it were the cure for Cancer, Alzheimers and Post Natal Depression. (it's not).

I've been on here a good few years now, and all of a sudden every Thread is being turned into an in-depth psychology course of who can or cannot say what and to whom !

We are here to DISCUSS our opinions, the likes and dislikes of people and products - yes we have a good bitch, but so what ? it ain't the bloody United Nations !!!! and if there is going to be this continual dictatorial attitude by some members, then I'm off !
She's just offering other options to potential buyers.

If the material is soft and flexible enough then why not - if you can afford it - use them for yoga?

Sorry I really can't see what's wrong with this post! It's just a different opinion.

What's Yoga though ;)

For that matter...what's a gym?
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