Oh hahahaha, will QVC not admit that MB has gone?


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Sep 4, 2008
N Ireland
I see that there are still some Molton Brown sets on QVC today. Will they ever admit that Molton Brown have given them the elbow?
Exactly! In the 1am hour Miss Young "said we will not be re-ordering this set" but implied they will continue to stock MB! Tut tut! Miss Young!!
MB have left QVC? I didn't know that. I won't miss them at all!
The MB Xmas tsv was always great value,so I will miss it.
I got 2 last year and split them up for gifts.
QVC will be sorry to see them go,must've been the biggest beauty tsv they have ever had but they have never told us,the customers,why MB has gone.They must think we are too daft to notice!
Won't miss it. For me it had got very samey, there was rarely anything new and I got so fed up that heavenly gingerlily was in every kit (yuck!).
I have bought the MB tsv for gifts - not a huge fan myself, so will not miss it too much. It is true, QVC must have got HUGE amounts of profit for it though - usually when the presenters are going on about "x hundred have gone for it in this hour alone" they kept saying "x thousand" for the MB set. Maybe they'll do a day with a choice of TSV like they do sometimes?
I can't believe they haven't told the viewers that there won't be a Molton Brown TSV. My friend used to work for QVC call centre and the Molton Brown Xmas TSV was the biggest day of the year and the day they made the most money, with well over 50,000 units being sold.

Many of these will be expecting the TSV to appear in December. At least if they had told the viewers properly (instead of dropping subtle hints) they might have bought the L'Occitane or Philosophy TSVs. :dunno:

Now they will probably just head off to the high street to buy something else!

Really stupid of QVC in my opinion :confused:
I have emailed QVC loads of times about this but they have not replied to them. IMO as MB were the top selling brand they do have a duty to their loyal customers to let them know what exactly is going on with this brand. I know lots of people who are waiting for the Christmas TSV.

Its like ASDA getting rid of all Kellogs brand and not mentioning it.
But it was Molton Brown who dropped QVC not the other way around so why should they explain that they won't be selling it any more.Probably feeling a bit stung about it.
Hi Rachelle9090. I too will miss the Molton Brown TSV, they were such good deals. Wonder what will be in its place. Why can't QVC stilll sell them and just increase the price a little rather then be done away with them? The Philosophy items have gone up in price and QVC still stock those.
I will miss the MB Christmas TSV too (though not copious quantities of Heavenly Gingerlily). The Christmas TSV from 1997 was one of the first things I ever bought from QVC. I'm guessing it wasn't just the pricing that was an issue. Molton Brown (or their current owners) may have chosen to disassociate themselves from QVC because of the perceived low status of selling on shopping tv. I do have a friend whose Granny buys all her Christmas shopping from QVC and got given a Molton Brown kit a couple of years ago which she instantly dismissed as rubbish because it was from shopping tv and put it in the charity box (don't worry, I soon put her straight). I have an auntie who also does all her Christmas shopping on QVC, but unfortunately she has never given me any Molton Brown!

I used to also love the amenity packs they supplied on long-haul BA, but the quality of them gradually deteriorated and now BA has switched to Elemis packs, which are nice, but I preferred MB. I might actually have to start buying Eye Rescue now!

Let's hope MB changes their mind and they come back to QVC one day.
Hi Rachelle9090. I too will miss the Molton Brown TSV, they were such good deals. Wonder what will be in its place. Why can't QVC stilll sell them and just increase the price a little rather then be done away with them? The Philosophy items have gone up in price and QVC still stock those.

It was MB who left QVC not the other way round.
I have to say I am glad they are gone ... never cared that much for them anyway ..... I got the L'occitabe, but forgot about Philosophy being on Saturday ... was it any good?:21:
I have to say I am glad they are gone ... never cared that much for them anyway ..... I got the L'occitabe, but forgot about Philosophy being on Saturday ... was it any good?:21:

Hi Bathroom Babe , The Philosophy was good, but very expensive, compared to last years TSV, and the pricing on Philosophy has increased. It was a choice of Amazing Grace or Pure Grace. It was Conditioner, Bath and Hair Bubble bath, Buffing Wash, Body Butter, and a large Fragrance. Can't remember the sizes of the other products. It was going on £60, by the time you added the p and p. I was lucky, because my friend brought one for me for Christmas. As for MB I am afraid I will miss them!

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