Odd bunch???


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I usually have it on last thing at night when I'm in bed and my husband is still watching TV downstairs. It sends me off to sleep :)
When we first got our Freeview box I quickly became hooked on QVC. Whenever there was nothing else on, well there was always QVC to watch, and I found myself ordering all sorts of stuff. In the first couple of years I spent a fortune on rubbish I would not normally have looked twice at in a normal shop. It grieves me to think of the amount of money I wasted. I even got a Christmas card from them, congratulating me on my good taste for heaven's sake!
Fraggle started a confessional thread about secret stashes of beauty products, and it forced me to count the things I had stuffed in various cupboards all over the house. I was horrified. There was far more than I could ever hope to use, and I immediately set about selling my surplus items on ebay. Since then, I've stopped watching QVC. I look in here to get the heads up on what's worth having. I buy hardly anything now, the odd Kipling or Elemis TSV, that's it. I've saved a fortune. I've paid off my credit card debt - and will never go down that road again.
Are we odd? Yes, I think probably I am, at least, but that's what makes the world go round!
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The only people who have ever made me feel like a chump for spending so much money at QVC were Alexis from L'Occitane, and the Pecksniff's lady who were both snappish with us (my daughter and I) at a viewer event.

Alison Young was very gracious, even though I'm sure she finds it all a bit of a trial.
I feel a bit bonkers with my QVC Hobby because I have it on so often as background noise. I would rather listen to people talking than watch a soap. But that is because I live alone. It is like a companion. I dont know anyone who admits to watching QVC as much as I do which is why I like the forum. I think I am unusual in my viewing habits but dont mind too much as it does soothe me and it has been informative. ie skincare - I take more interest in that now and believe it has made a difference. Poor old Ali Young has literally helped me to help my skin but I take her advice more guardedly now. It has fed my handbag obsession but I am learning not to get hooked in so much. It is an expensive shop and I believe the high street is better value really - except make up which you can send back if it doesn't suit which is amazing. Qvc is probably a cynical machine now but every now and again it comes up trumps and I have found their customer care very reasonable. I like it and suspect we all do really as it is entertaining, something shops cannot compete with. I think they could do so much more with it and make it a genuinely amazing business with real values to pursue.
Thanks for all your replies ~ all in all I think we're all much of a muchness and feel the same way about Qvc. Comfort tv which is soothing company with the added benefit of being able to shop! xx
I wish that QVC would send out their items in plain brown packaging to save me from the 'what a saddo' looks I get from the postman as he hands me my parcel :redface:
I wish that QVC would send out their items in plain brown packaging to save me from the 'what a saddo' looks I get from the postman as he hands me my parcel :redface:

My neighbour brought me a parcel she had took in for me yesterday.I felt really embarassed because it had QVC in large writing on the box.
I wish that QVC would send out their items in plain brown packaging to save me from the 'what a saddo' looks I get from the postman as he hands me my parcel :redface:

I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing 'those' looks I get from the courier. It's getting so that I dread answering the door! :blush:
I use QVC as a background to have 'someone' in the house. Thing is you don't have to watch it, it is just someone chatting away in the background and bit like an office really. That way I managed to do all my studying for my degree years ago, now I am learning arabic and they waffle away in the background. To me admitting to watching Corrie, EE and co is more of a sin (apologies to those who do). At least I learn from QVC about all sorts of subjects inc jewellery, fitness and make up....I might be a bit wealthier, but then again it has given me choices that I would never have otherwise.

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