NV Perricone TSV - 08/09/11


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He's just using his medical qualification as a money making exercise. We go to the doctor and he/she prescribes us something to improve whatever it is we've sought advice on, so we're brain washed into thinking it must work. If people are gullible enough to pay that kind of money for something to rub on their faces, then he's cracked it. You can't criticise him for his customers having more money than sense.

Maybe one day someone will come up with something that will actually work. We can live in hope.
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WOW!!!!! This now means that Decleor,Elemis and Gatineau and cheap brands compared to NV.

He has always said you have to eat his special diet rich in certain foods to help stop aging as well.
Just been reading this review of Perricone's 'scientific' beliefs here http://www.quackwatch.com/11Ind/perricone.html

They've certainly failed to convince his medical peers. Although I'd like to believe in all this, it does sound like a dose of 'magical thinking', and no reason to think the skincare is any less fallible. Anyway - my Elemis indulgences seem relatively economical in comparison, so that's a good result! :handshake:

When I put the TV on this morning and saw the price with no easy pay my first thought was you are having a laugh. As per the other comments - what planet are Q living on. My belief is that they think only high earners will buy this kit and therefore they will not need easy pay and can have it auto delivered every 3 months. Looking at the state of the woman presenting it with gobby, not a good advert in my opinion and as for the state of her hair...... put a comb through it luv!!
It is odd isn't it that we think more expensive is obviously better. Also if a celebrity has devoloped a product it must be better - I mean what qualifications do they have as 'skincare experts'?

I do like using products from QVC as I can try them and send back if I don't like or they don't suit my skin. Unlike the number of jars of cream etc I have bought from Boots and thrown away after a couple of uses which works out more expensive. But I would never spend that amount on a few tubs of cream.

I did invest in the Clarasonic at the begining of the year and I think that has made a massive difference to my skin better than Gatineau, Decleor or Elemis had produced - and I think that is a far better investment than a few tubs of cream.
You really have to wonder who can be so gullible to be buying this stuff. The guest presenter is enough to put me off ! She looks horrendous. Her neck is awful, very scrawny & chicken like & her hair :mysmilie_505:

I'll stick to Judith Williams thank you with Decleor, Gatineau & Elemis for good measure.

AND Baby Bottom Butter for £2.50 ( I think ) from Waitrose which is absolutely fab. My skinn feels really soft & looks great.
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You really have to wonder who can be so gullible to be buying this stuff. The guest presenter is enough to put me off ! She looks horrendous. Her neck is awful, very scrawny & chicken like & her hair :mysmilie_505:

I'll stick to Judith Williams thank you with Decleor, Gatineau & Elemis for good measure.

AND Baby Bottom Butter for £2.50 ( I think ) from Waitrose which is absolutely fab. My skinn feels really soft & looks great.

Obviously I have no idea whether his skincare is any better than any other brand, I've not tried it and I'm not a scientist. I can see the logic in what he says and that brands like decleor, ememis, liz earle etc will not fight wrinkles because essential oils and plants may be 'natural' but they are not natural to the human body so the body. The body needs what it's lost over time and it never had plant oils to begin with.

He has lots of wealthy clients who have their pick of the best products and they must choose his for a reason. If you like his range then the TSV IS good value, but no one's pretending it's at the Liz Earle price point. I must say, Alison's skin looked the best I've ever seen it last night.
It's horses for courses - I've been really impressed by some of his products :talking: The tsv is a massive saving if you compare to the full retail prices, although still a considered purchase. Very tempted as I would like to try the cold plasma range, but don't really need the other elements - although the cleanser is lovely. Probably wont go for this, but may try the concentrated restorative treatment instead as that's on EP and I need a new night cream :wonder:
I actually had some of his products. A friend in NYC used to send me Try Me* sizes of lots of brands including this one. Did nothing.

*The Try Me sizes were good 10mls as the norm.
Let's face it, there is no wonder cream. Its a fact of life that we all age, as most things do. If you care about how you look then it's all about keeping your skin hydrated, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun and generally looking after yourself. Genes also play a big part. The celebs for whom money is valueless would all look young forever if anything really worked.
How true Bensmum.
I meet up with two school-friends every couple of months. Over the decades we've discussed a variety of topics from weaning our children to our menopause symptoms & post menopause changes, our aches & pains and what we call 'our face aches' - lines & wrinkles. We really have aped our mothers.
M. had a beautiful peach-like flawless teenage skin which she describes as more like a prune now and her neck needs scaffolding
K has a good face, but deep necklace lines and a turkey neck
I've lost it around the eyes, but face is good and neck is brilliant.
Pot-luck we reckon
I don't know what would be worse with this range buying it and finding it didn't work or buying it and finding it did work but you couldn't afford to keep using it. I suppose with the former you could always send it back. I wouldn't mind trying something like this out of curiosity but £130 plus each two months at the TSV price and probably considerably more when the auto-delivery ends is just too much.
I've bought three of them. One for myself, one for the present draw and one for the ensuite in my guest bedroom (the one with the Kelly Hoppen £345 lamps in it).
And one for your hairdresser & don't forget the woman you see walking past your house every day on her way to work:grin:
I'll split the one from the present draw between two teachers, the lollipop lady and my daily. I feel quite stingy really but we are in a recession and I wouldn't want to appear ostentatious.
I heard Kathy Taylor saying she has been using the range for a few months and loves it:cheeky: bet she has got freebies i can't see her paying full whack for the products.
Alison is really earning her money tonight trying to flog this TSV. I don't think I've ever seen her in such a hard-sell mode as she is with these products.
By the 11 o'clock show they'd sold 2,500 of them - she said that in the same hyper-ventilating manner that she tells us they've sold that many in the first 10 minutes of a Decleor/Gatineau/Elemis TSV.

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