NONE of it works...........


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What annoys me about the beauty shows on QVC is all the moisturers do not have an SPF with the exception of Elmis liquid layer that Keely says to use after tri enzyme. AY is always going on about sun damage which is ageing on the skin. Both Decleor and Gatineau do a moisturiser with an SPF but QVC do not sell them. As AY should know it doesn't have to be a bright sunny day to damage the skin, windy overcast days are no good to the skin. Also the eye creams they sell - none have an SPF. I have always used an eye cream with an SPF, it used to be a Clinique one but they stopped making it. Now I use Elizabeth Arden, Dermalogica sell one as well. I am now in my early 50s and do not have many lines around the eyes, this I put down to always using an SPF eye cream. I use Gatineau/Decleor but during the day always a moisturiser with SPF.

The way we age is down to lifestyle/genes but a moisturiser with an SPF in my view is essential.

Good points - and I can remember not too long ago when AY was on presenting Ultrasun she more or less said that moisturisers containing SPFs would only protect you for an hour or so, whereas if you bought a 'proper' SPF ie Ultrasun it really would last you all day...:wonder: who or what do you believe?
So really, in a nutshell (thank you all for joining in) nothing at all will actually stop or even help wrinkles, no matter what we pay for it:doh: Honestly, don't bother paying high prices, it simply doesn't work:down:
I'm seriously tempted to put a little dab of extra virgin olive oil on my skin because there are also claims for that being a great moisturiser. Can you imagine how economical that would be, around a fiver for a big bottle, it'd last for years and do just as good a job with no nasty chemicals:sun:

I'm not convinced that slathering on night cream is a good idea either. Princess Diana was an advocate of going to bed with nothing on her face to allow her skin to breathe and repair itself. Sounds sensible to me.
I don't actually cleanse my face every day because I don't wear foundation very often and I live in a country area where the air is pretty clean so don't always feel the need.
I'm not going to be tempted to buy expensive creams in the future:sun:

Ive seen loads of articles about using plain old olive oil as a cleanser and women rave about it. remove with a warm wet cloth and due to it being an oil it removes make up and leaves the skin incredibly soft..

One of my bug bears is about creams being in pots. once they are open to the air they degenerate and vitamin c is particularly known for this. If they were serious about the cream and wanted to maintain its potency it would come in an airtight container, like a pump.
Soft, neither dry or greasy, but scarred by acne,crimson with rosacea, my skin leaves much to be desired. However, now in my 60s, it's never LOOKED better. Thanks to BE, for the first time in my life,I can now go out without looking as if I'm wearing makeup-I couldn't be seen makeup free.......but I remove it with highstreet wipes and moisturize at night from which ever pot my finger comes to rest in , I do the same with eyecream if I remember!!! Luckily, I have no crows' feet- only scars!! I "wipe" again in the morning and use just a primer before applying makeup.
The other thing which winds me up is the extortionate charges for hair "therapies." The only cure for chemically damaged hair is a pair of scissors, preferably in the hands of a professional! For anyone on a budget, a beaten raw egg will condition the hair but don't rinse with very hot water or it will scramble!!!
Seems to me that F.A.R.T.S are alive and well and living aton this thread!!!
Best wishes from Springflower.
I tell you what ladies (an assumption lol) isn't it great to have a thread that's stayed on topic with no controversy or back-biting?
Just shows what nice and knowledgeable folk we have here on ST and most of them are in this thread! xxxxxxxxx:sun::sun::sun:
Sunglasses are your friend too for preventing wrinkles around the eyes...I wear mine practically all year round. I seem to be quite sensitive to light anyway but squinting in the sun is the worst thing you can do for your eyes. Wearing them also helps protect against macular degeneration apparently which can be a serious eye condition in older age.
Sunglasses are your friend too for preventing wrinkles around the eyes...I wear mine practically all year round. I seem to be quite sensitive to light anyway but squinting in the sun is the worst thing you can do for your eyes. Wearing them also helps protect against macular degeneration apparently which can be a serious eye condition in older age.

I live in sunglasses too as my eyes are also photosensitive - although my Optometrist disagrees somewhat and tells me it's a bit of a catch 22 - the more you wear sunglasses, the more you need to wear them iyswim..

I think wearing sunglasses is a sensible precaution and certainly reducing squinting will help stave off the wrinkles. I believe the jury is still out though with regards to any possible link in helping protect against Age-related Macular Degeneration, both wet and dry types. The advice given much more concentrates around following a healthy diet and in particular the eating of dark green vegetables especially spinach and kale.
Jackie mamma of 4. Liz Earle wrote a lot of books when she was beauty expert in this morning. Many moons ago . Face mask- really ripe advocado(get one one it's last legs at supermarket- full of natural source vit e. Use it mixed up with sugar for a really moisturising scrub. Buy rosewater & witch hazel as toner. Invest in essential oil of lavender great all rounder for adding to potions at lotions. At 24 your skin doesn't need loads of anti wrinkle stuff. Drink loads of water cut out rubbish from diet don't smoke or sunbathe too much. Beauty doesn't have to cost the earth
in my opinion, prevention is key...the sooner u start a regime (regardless of brand) and keep moisturised then the wrinkles may not come as thick and fast! although, I do think there are many products stocked by qvc which help with other skin problems i.e. acne, oily skin, open pores etc....

I've found some brands much more effect than others but have found that in most cases, it is not always the 'more expensive' product that is the most effective! however, i do believe that once the lines are there they are there to stay!! unfourtunatley!!!!
Hi I'm new here ... hello peeps ... and I am a skincare fanatic. Only in that I want great skin and believe prevention is better than cure and that something is better than nothing. I do actually use Elemis and Liz Earle now ... yes thanks to QVC ... but I used Oil of Ulay/Olay for years and now I'm knocking on the door of 50 with very few wrinkles so when people ask me for "my secret" I have to say it's down to using a moisturiser, keeping out of the sun (well my face anyway!) and my mother's genes.

I'm not convinced that any "over the counter" products can turn back time, but I do believe that a good skincare routine can keep the ravages of time at bay. And keeping the old wrinkles at bay, in my case, was down to a supermarket moisturiser and not the Elemis I now use. You may well ask then why don't you still use Oil of Olay ... hormone sensitive 40+ skin meant that I suddenly became allergic to pretty much everything. I am not allergic to PCMC. My skin is now much improved but as yet I haven't dared to try anything else.

I don't believe there is a dream cream out there ... you just need to find one you like, that you're happy to part with your money for and then use twice a day every day.

I use Liz Earle cleanser and toner and PCMC twice a day. I don't use any of the serums or "treatments" other than Elemis Skin Buff once or twice a week and whatever facial oil I've been seduced by a night every now and then.
I have just collected the Judith Williams 'Luxury Diamond' trial kit containing 3 products.I knew they were not going to be large, hence the 'Trial' but these came to a total of £26.78! They may be the answer to the great anti age search?! & haven't tried them yet, but what is the cost of the full sized products going to be? Am heading for the H.St in future Clarins & Clinique etc. 'give away' better sizes with purchases.

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