no cheques


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Registered Shopper
Nov 1, 2009
just had an email to say cheques will not be accepted as from next month.

that's prob the end of me with qvc. i put everything on cheque hold and wait till i see the reviews - then almost everything comes off.........:doh:
Yes me too, plus it's a good way of reserving things until payday! Probably save me a hell of a lot of money tho!
and also if you're dithering and they're screaming - jump to the phones!!! limited stock!
Oh no!

I have to admit I've taken to firstly making a cheque reservation of late, before changing to card payment.

Would someone not still be able to post a postal order should they wish?
hmmmm, i don't know bags - never even thought about postal orders. this is what it says, only mentions cards -

We would like to make you aware that from 2nd April 2012 payment by cheque will no longer be available at QVC, as an alternative you can pay for your order using any major debit/credit card.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for shopping with QVC.

Yours sincerely

Sue Roscoe
Customer Care Manager
I got the email too. At first I thought it was just me and it was because they thought I had abused the cheque hold facility, but clearly it's everyone!
It will make me think before ordering, but I expect my return rate will go up now, so one way or another everyone will lose out. Hey ho, as long as it's not just me, I can't complain. I doubt many people actually send cheques in anyway-most probably just add their card details afterwards, like me.But for those without a bank card, it's "bugger off we don't want you" by the look of it!
I just got that email too, thought initially it was only me as I tend to put a lot of orders on cheque hold and then revert to debit card details when I am 100% sure. (had too many orders where I've cancelled within an hour of pressing the submit order button, but the money has remained allocated to them for 7 days in the "system" until its cleared automatically)

It is also an ideal way on reserving things for a few days until pay day etc, lets hope they put more things on Easy Pay as if people have to pay immediately from 2nd April then I am sure it will reduce orders for them.

Bummer all round really. Disappointed!!!, I doubt many post cheques in anyway, I expect 95% do what I do and phone card numbers across afterwards, but for the people who do not have a debit card (and I am sure there are some!!) they will be really stuffed now.

It will be a case of "No debit cardy - No goodies!!!"

I personally do not have any credit cards, my debit card is it.
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I also got the mail and thought it was just me, lol

That's most likely the end of QVC and me as I rarely buy anything without cheque holding it first so I can do some reviews or check they are not fleecing me on postage and packing and cost
I seriously think everyone will think twice now about ordering things as cheque hold always felt unpressurised, like you could put it by and then decide later on - after tea or something - when it was quieter. Sometimes I use cheque hold if I am going to be out and not around to watch the actual show - so QVC will miss these potential orders too. Daft idea!
But I doubt many people actually sent cheques in. In my opinion this is to stop the cheque hold facility that most of us on here use to give us thinking time. Return rates will go up, but then they will close those accounts, so Q won't care really
Sounds like a cost cutting exercise to me, handling cheques is expensive, no cheques - fewer bums on seats required at QVC?

it costs the merchant to use a credit card though doesn't it? which is why some small businesses still don't accept them or have a minimum spend.
OHhhhhhhh , give it time, give it time - you wait, whats betting before long, THEY WILL bring a minimum spend in, then they will be snookered ! no bl....dy sales at all !
Hmmm, I got the email too and yes, thought for a minute it was directed just at me :cheeky: I do quite a lot of stuff on cheque hold TBH but still go ahead with practically all the orders switching to card payment within the required 10 days. For me it was a useful ploy to delay deliveries a bit and drip feed them in so Mr OMT didn't notice them quite so readily or just to get me beyond the next credit card cut off point :cash: Shame really ... but not entirely unexpected ... t'will restrict my ordering a bit though :sad:
I've not had the email - yet ....... but I've only ever used my debit card when ordering (I don't have a credit card) so maybe the 'powers that be' don't think I've got a cheque book.
I have been waiting for this for sometime now. None of the other channels and very few online retailers accept cheques. If they are not accepting cheques then will say postal orders also gone too.
I have never used cheques hold but feel that they are "cutting off their noses to spite their faces" as my Granny would say.
Surely in this day and age with every one watching what they are spending Q would be doing all it could to maximise sales not closing a well used method of payment.
There are many people who are slightly older who still don't trust electronic payment methods so are still using cash or cheques ,so they will no longer be able to shop on Q
just had an email to say cheques will not be accepted as from next month.

that's prob the end of me with qvc. i put everything on cheque hold and wait till i see the reviews - then almost everything comes off.........:doh:

Oh my Goodness! that is me too! I look on it as a form of reservation, especially if there is not enough money in my account. will cut my spending totally. disaster!
I don't think I've used a cheque this century but the cheque hold facility was useful for reasons already stated. That aside, haven't cheques been phased out in most retailers and will be completely obsolete before too long?
There was talk at one point of banks phasing cheques out completely by 2018 but I think it has been temporarily withdrawn due to the lack of a suitable alternative. Lots of retailers have stopped accepting them though so not really surprised that QVC have gone down this route. Have to agree that in the current financial situation you'd think they'd be doing everything they can to hang onto as many customers as possible and this will rule those out who have no debit or credit card facility :taphead:

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