No charity shop run this year!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Ok we're not visiting OH's family until the new year so there's still time, but this year I LOVED every single present I got and I'm not parting with any of them. I got pyjamas, ok I don't really need any more but you can't have too many pairs can you? A xmas fleece lined hoodie, see what I said for pj's, lip balms, vouchers for Boots and M&S, alcohol, sweets, voucher for a lovely restaurant, tickets for a pantomine, a nice scented candle, cheeses, chutneys, a selection of teas, and a decent pen! This is an absolute first!
I was given a box of M&S chocolate biscuits from the neighbour below. I was very shocked and didn't think about getting a gift from her. Yes, I bring her bins in and out along with mine to organize the man coming to cut our grass. Nothing big really.

I don't eat biscuits!!!
A couple of years ago my DIL bought me an Oodie as part of my Christmas present. I thought it the ugliest piece of clothing ever. It turned out to be a godsend and I wear it over my pj`s or when I`m pottering around the house but I go no further than the dustbins in it.
This year I`ve been given what I consider to be another ugly piece of kit ie. CROC clogs and I`ve never owned a pair before but Mr V has. Anyway I think I`m being dragged into the ugly 21st Century fashions but I confess the crocs are very comfy, they fit my wide feet and I thought they`d be cold but turned out not to be. I may be a convert but yet again I will go no further than the dustbin in them.
My OH is staying at her son's and DIL's house and her grandson. I reminded her that their house is always cold (from our past visits) and to take lots of warm clothes.

Apparently the heating hasn't been on AT ALL and all the radiators ae stone cold.

But luckily they gave her a warm dressing gown, and she has been wearing it ever since on top of her clothes to try and keep warm. She told me that, as they had given it to her, they wouldn't mind her wearing it all the time., which they would if she was wearing her outdoor coat.

Apparently they are not even weraing jumpers!
My OH is staying at her son's and DIL's house and her grandson. I reminded her that their house is always cold (from our past visits) and to take lots of warm clothes.

Apparently the heating hasn't been on AT ALL and all the radiators ae stone cold.

But luckily they gave her a warm dressing gown, and she has been wearing it ever since on top of her clothes to try and keep warm. She told me that, as they had given it to her, they wouldn't mind her wearing it all the time., which they would if she was wearing her outdoor coat.

Apparently they are not even weraing jumpers!
My OH is staying at her son's and DIL's house and her grandson. I reminded her that their house is always cold (from our past visits) and to take lots of warm clothes.

Apparently the heating hasn't been on AT ALL and all the radiators ae stone cold.

But luckily they gave her a warm dressing gown, and she has been wearing it ever since on top of her clothes to try and keep warm. She told me that, as they had given it to her, they wouldn't mind her wearing it all the time., which they would if she was wearing her outdoor coat.

Apparently they are not even weraing jumpers!
It reminds me of my oldest brother who as much as I love him to bits, he could teach Scrooge a thing or two. He`s nearly 80 but even in his younger days and when he was still married to his ex wife, he was as frugal as they come, so was she.
They moved around a lot with his job and each house they bought as they moved, was bigger and colder than the last. I wouldn`t care but he always earned really really good money and he ended up the top of his game, work wise.
One house they lived in was called The Mill House and back in the late 1800`s it was owned by the local Mill owner. The hallway alone was bigger than my lounge and dining room put together and it had a big sweeping staircase going up from the middle of it. It had 6 bedrooms and myself, my late husband, my late sister and her husband travelled there and stayed overnight for his daughter`s wedding the following day.
We were bloody perishing. The house was big, old, high ceilings, lots of stone and old draughty doors and massive rooms. They had open coal fires in the downstairs rooms which they never lit and also central heating which was never put on.
My sister went out into the nearby village and bought 2 new towels because she refused to use the old dingy threadbare ones my sister in law gave us. We were asked not to waste water and we were fed starvation rations. Yet on the same day my sister in law couldn`t wait to show us the Antique, moth eaten sofa she`d paid nearly 2 grand for and that was 30 years ago because it had been made by a certain furniture maker and to be honest I`d have given it to the tip !
Their marriage broke up when they were both touching 70, to this day I don`t know why and I`ve never asked him. They sold the house they owned then, it was a custom built one in Cornwall, my brother bought a detached bungalow in Devon with his share and his ex wife bought a luxury apartment in Bournemouth with hers. My late sister often visited him in Devon and by all accounts he hadn`t changed. She was reminded not to use the "big flush" on the toilet unless she really had to and he was still serving anaemic looking tasteless turkey mince plus refusing to heat the place or use his washing machine more than once a week. I guess his ex wife is doing the same.
My sister died 4 years ago and I`ve never visited him in Devon but we talk by phone and he has an open invitation to come here anytime but he`d probably tut at me for turning on the heating as and how I please, for washing clothes as and how I please, for cooking whatever I want as and how I please, for changing my towels daily and for not caring a damned whether he used the little flush or the big flush on my toilets !
She rang me about 10-30 pm yesterday to say that "They had forgotten to have an evening meal" so she was making herself a sandwich as she was very hungry.
She rang me about 10-30 pm yesterday to say that "They had forgotten to have an evening meal" so she was making herself a sandwich as she was very hungry.
Poor thing cold and hungry. She ought to get back home.
OH rang me last night to say her son told her they would be leaving about 0900 today so she got up early to get ready by 0900 only to find they were all still asleep! As it was cold, she went back into bed in her clothes to keep warm.

In fact, I told her to take his time estimate with a pinch of salt, as he is notorious for being late; they left at 1200!!!

It is 155 miles, so at least a 3 hour drive, but there were no holdups so she got home about 3-15pm.

Son is having a cup of tea then driving back, he doesn't seem to mind, yet he only learned to drive when he was over 40. Her 3 other sons never have driven (although one died a couple of months ago aged about 50 of a devastating stroke).

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