Nintendo TSV 1 December


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Registered Shopper
Jul 23, 2008
Any ideas what this may be:thinking2:

There are accessories for the DS showing on the website - is this a clue?
Do a quick google on "nintendo tsv". The US got the Wii so I'd expect that to be the TSV being close to Christmas. A couple of easy pays and I'll be almost tempted to go for it. You can just imagine the 30 days return being abused can't you.

And yes, here is the obvious joke: QVC will probably take the Wii for P&P!
Ideal World are selling the Nintendo Wii so i expect QVC are just playing catch up.

I thought it was quite a catch for IW.

Didn't tempt me as i got mine from PC World when they had a good deal on a few weeks back! Lol
I’m guessing it’ll be a wii wii, and probably include wii fit plus and the balance board.

QVC are a little late jumping on the Nintendo bandwagon, I got my wii stuff ages ago.:Yikes!:
I bought mine last Christmas for my boys and it hasn't been used since Boxing Day.
I'm hoping for a Wii and Wii fit for Christmas to aid with fitness and help with more weightloss.
With all the other add ons it will be a great family Christmas present as well.
I'll be watching but I'm not hopeful of much of a bargain to say the least, Wii's are seldom on any sort of truly decent offer (they don't need to be! lol) but you never know, even a spare remote/nunchuck would be better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!
(Littlest wants one, gawd knows why when we have an Xbox sitting here but she has craftily managed to come up with a list of games only available on Nintendo & won't be swayed! lol)
Damn I was hoping for a Nintendo DS, have the Wii, but am in 2 minds about getting a DS, mind it would probably be forgotten about, I definitely prefer the Wii to other consoles because it's not just pushing buttons. Mind saying that, since I got involved in FarmVille on Facebook everything else has been pretty much forgotten about!
I have the Wii fit and i think it is great but I got a good deal from John Lewis earlier this year. There is a new Wii fit out though so that may be part of the package.
Damn I was hoping for a Nintendo DS, have the Wii, but am in 2 minds about getting a DS, mind it would probably be forgotten about,

No, it won't be, the DS is brill, great fun! If you like the Wii, you'll almost certainly like the DS! :)

I definitely prefer the Wii to other consoles because it's not just pushing buttons.

Depends what sort of games you like - apart from littlest, my girls are not interested in the Wii as they're fairly hardcore gamers & apart from WoW on the PC, prefer playing on online shoot-em-ups (Left 4 Dead, Gears of War etc) or more in-depth RPGs like Mass Effect, neither of which are in any great abundance on the Wii! lol
Littlest doesn't consider herself very 'good' at gaming & sticks to things like Viva Pinata, so maybe she will get on fine with the Wii, I hope so!
If you want a good price on a DSi, check this on
I got one from this site and applied 2 vouchers
XX728 free PP
ZG003 £30 off
total £119 .............. and i got 9% casback using topcashback!!

thats a littlewoods company so be careful when using codes as i`ve read reports of claming them back if not valid for use by you,

i know it dont happen to everyone but you never know
thats a littlewoods company so be careful when using codes as i`ve read reports of claming them back if not valid for use by you,

i know it dont happen to everyone but you never know

Hmmm, I have an order confirmation with the discounts...
They should block codes if not accepted or not send out the order without a confirmation from the customers that he accepts the higher price. I have recieved my DS today and I will keep my eye on this, tx for letting me know
Damn I was hoping for a Nintendo DS, have the Wii, but am in 2 minds about getting a DS, mind it would probably be forgotten about, I definitely prefer the Wii to other consoles because it's not just pushing buttons. Mind saying that, since I got involved in FarmVille on Facebook everything else has been pretty much forgotten about!

The DS is great! i couldnt be without it. there are also sim. type games as farmville/farmtown. hold out on buying one a normal DS though as the prices are going to fall. I was quite shocked to see how expensive they still are at amazon and play, they have dropped here to 99 quid and the DSi is 150 quid and the UK should follow suit either just before or after xmas. I dont fancy a DSi myself but i spose its a step up. Make sure you get a R4 card or similar.

As for the Wii... its great! the bundles at amazon and play etc. are great value. I saw some places selling the old wii fit game and board bundle for a good price. it was cheaper to buy that and buy the new game than to buy the new game and board bundle.
Hmmm, I have an order confirmation with the discounts...
They should block codes if not accepted or not send out the order without a confirmation from the customers that he accepts the higher price. I have recieved my DS today and I will keep my eye on this, tx for letting me know

from what i read they do it 30 days or so later but thought i would mention it as not everyone gets caught but i did it to warn everyone just in case

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