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welcome to the forum Madcatman love your gorgeous kitten x

I thought the kitten belonged to Vienna ?

Hi MCM ! you've clearly got the presenters sussed - and pretty much spot on. Personally Craig does my head in, and its so distracting the way he has to express every word with a hand motion - waving about like he's air drying his mitts. Just watch him, and you'll know what I mean.
Welcome! I actually watch Q so little these days & when I read the comments on here I realise the gems I am missing.I order (if anything) I want as I know most of the stock without watching a presentation.That is not meant to sound ‘ I know it all’ but I have seen a lot before! I was a Q solid fan years ago but times and our needs change.Love the comments though, have given me a smile thro’ trying times!
welcome to the forum Madcatman love your gorgeous kitten x
Thanks. That's gorgeous little fella belongs to Vienna I think, if I've quoted correctly.

Hi Madcatman and welcome from another (nearly) newbie. They're a great bunch here, you'll find support, strong opinions, laughs, tears, grumbles, rows - much like any family, in fact.

From one cat person to another - there can never be too much kittie cuteness. 🐱 I adore cats but sadly I'm allergic to their fur so I can't have one of my own. Are we either cat people or dog people?
Hiya. Thanks for your warm welcome. I love cats and dogs but cats will always be my preferred pet. I love that my cats stay with me because they want to. What a compliment! BTW, I'm allergic to one of my girls. She's 19, has dementia, only a few teeth and is deaf, but she's happy as Larry and all her bloods came back normal yesterday. When she's on my lap her saliva is free-flowing and my skin comes up in angry red bumps if I don't wash my hands immediately. I swear her saliva is the same as a komodo dragon's!

As I wrote yesterday you'll have a giggle & an arm put around your shoulders when needed. I can't say that I've ever heard Queen Julia described as likeable or Chunts as relaxing 🤨 'The presenter with the fangs' - Katy Pullinger?

Queen Julia seems quite nice to me, but I can see she annoys a lot of people in this forum. I've just checked the photos and Katy Pullinger is the one with the fangs. They're all I see when she's presenting. Very distracting.

Hi *waves*!
Yeah,the sonic toothbrush wench is far too shrill...volume🔇 top tip on here: stand your ground some folk think they know everything,apart from that it is a hoot😉

Hi, Miss Babs. Love the name. Another Acorn Antiques fan here. :D

Cats are the most beautiful creatures on earth ❤
Absolutely. I don't think it's possible to love my cats any more than I do already, but then I see them fast asleep and I want to kiss their little faces and tell them how much I love them. :love:
Hi Madcatman, ‘ una gattara ‘ ( cat lady ) here, as the Italians would say ! Also allergic to them ! Just got a little fella re homed, third one this year, so many animals in need of love and care, so nice to see that so many like cats.
Little Moth in the photo I posted above is the new family member at my son`s house. He is already spoiled and they also have 2 dogs. My son is actually allergic to cats but his daughters, my grandkids have wanted a kitty for years. He`s pint sized at the moment but already rules the roost.
I have both a cat and a dog. A black cat called Treacle (she`s 14) and an 8 year old black lab called Bronte but I must admit when I first met little Moth I had more than a touch of kitty envy.
Hi and welcome. Here`s a photo of the newest family member. He`s called Moth and lives with my grand daughters. This was taken about 3 weeks ago so he`s grown a bit since then.
View attachment 19471

I am going to catnap him

Hi and welcome. Here`s a photo of the newest family member. He`s called Moth and lives with my grand daughters. This was taken about 3 weeks ago so he`s grown a bit since then.
View attachment 19471

Puss is gorg. How did you/grandkids manage to get a kitty inthese 'different times? I thought they were all snapped up by others 'on furlough' #curious
Puss is gorg. How did you/grandkids manage to get a kitty inthese 'different times? I thought they were all snapped up by others 'on furlough' #curious
He`s from a farm cat SB. My son`s Mother In Law owns a farm in Wales and a farming friend of hers had a litter from one of the farm cats. Moth was hissing and spitting like a good un when they first got him, as tiny as he was, he was a mini lion but with lots of good food, lots of handling by the girls and lots of love, he`s turning into a right softy of little man.
Welcome MCM, from a perfectly sane Cat Woman !

I lost my beautiful Eric in July last year, he was the ripe old age of 21 y and 9 m, and you can imagine how much I still miss him, having spent one third of my life with him 😢

my hope is to foster or adopt a puss from our local Cats Protection home but goodness knows when.

Having volunteered for CP, 'heads up' that they are very non proactive. Local 'branches' vary however, & I'd recommend shopping around for one of these 'proactive' branches, & then find a puss. I'm hoping you just want a lovely moggy who needs a home & aren't fussed about having the prettiest cat on the block?

Some branches get the hump if you sway from your 'catchment' area, I'm sure you'll find a way forwards.
I'd love to have a cat, but living in an upstairs flat with no access to a garden it's a no no for me as I couldn't cope with having a litter tray in my flat. Always grew up with cats as I lived in a house with a garden, and to be fair we did have litter trays at times when the poor cats became elderly and infirm, but certainly wouldn't want to start off with a young cat who had to use a litter tray from the start - They turn my stomach, and apologies for those who do have house cats....I'd prefer a cat to be able to have access to outdoor space even if it's enclosed.
Hi MCM ! you've clearly got the presenters sussed - and pretty much spot on. Personally Craig does my head in, and its so distracting the way he has to express every word with a hand motion - waving about like he's air drying his mitts. Just watch him, and you'll know what I mean.
Hi. Can't say I've noticed so far but will have a look.

Hi Madcatman,
Welcome! :)
Thanks, Ani. (y)

Welcome MCM, from a perfectly sane Cat Woman !

I lost my beautiful Eric in July last year, he was the ripe old age of 21 y and 9 m, and you can imagine how much I still miss him, having spent one third of my life with him 😢

my hope is to foster or adopt a puss from our local Cats Protection home but goodness knows when.
Ah, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Eric was an incredible age - nearly 22! Wow. That's an achievement.

Whenever our much-loved pets leave us, even if it's after a very long life like Eric's, it always feels too soon. My little man Angus died in 2011 at 14 and the pain was still enough to make me tearful up until last year, until I had a lucid dream and he came to see me. I was able to pick him up and hold him again and see him just as he was before he became ill. They call them lucid dreams, but this was real. I could feel the air on my face as I "walked" down the road where we once lived. I knew that he would be there too, and he was, between two parked cars. I crouched down to pick him up and he leapt into my arms and held his face against mine. This was no longer a dream. It happened! And ever since that night the pain has left me and I can look at the hundreds of photos I took of him. I know Angus is waiting for me, and Eric will be waiting for you too.
Yes, Angus will be there. At least one of my dogs that died is here in my house (not the ashes, the ghost). I see a fleeting shadow, feel him against my legs and I've heard his claws on the tiled floor. Mr CC used to scoff until one day he said he'd heard the claws too. They never leave you and they will all be waiting at the bridge.


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