New lows for Flint


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The others are as bad tristar, like i said before she is just more blatant and doesn't do the B*** S*** before she gets to the point.
My advice is do what i do with CH switch off.
The others are as bad tristar, like i said before she is just more blatant and doesn't do the B*** S*** before she gets to the point.
My advice is do what i do with CH switch off.

Indeed, in a twisted logic kinda way, she's probably the most honest of the lot of 'em.....! :grin:
It`s the same everywhere not just on Q. Hard sell is the name of the game these days but can`t say I like it. The minute someone starts with the bullsh*t whether its on tv or in a store, then I walk away or turn it off, can`t stand it. We live in such a consumer driven society it was to be expected I suppose because we`re always on the look out for the next new thing to buy so we`re reaping what we`ve sown.
As for vulnerability, well I reckon we`ve all been taken advantage of and fallen victim to it. If we all look back and think about the things we`ve bought over the years and often just for the sake of it because someone has said it will do this, that, or the other, it speaks for itself.
Yep I daresay there are a small minority who are unable to shop any other way but that`s always been the case even before the hard sell hit the screen. I actually think the worst victims aren`t the housebound or supposed vulnerable folks ( who btw often have carers or a responsible adult keeping check of finances ) but those with either addictive personalities or who simply can`t live without spending money because it fills some kind of void or relieves stress or think it gives them the edge in life to own certain things. The shopping channels know this and prey on it. DF is just one of the presenters from just one of the channels, look at others and they`re just the same though maybe a little more sly about it.
had a mesage and tried to add something but deleted instead, sorry, let me rephrase:
I like this forum, but sometimes it gets a bit heated and agressive here, however, I liked the way everyone respected their different views on here and wanted to say thank you for that, it was a pleasure reading it.
I personally dont think u can put debbie flint and catherine Huntley is the same category, ive never once felt like CH was trying push me into buying something and its been said by many guests on QVC that CH is one of the presenters that takes the most time to research the products shes selling. DF is just interested in selling as much as she can at any cost and the amount of views this thread has got the majority of people of this forum agree . Again just my opinion :)
last year she was flogging a throw or a blanket thing and I was appalled when she suggested buying it for "an old person to stop them getting hyperthermia" (sp). Those weren't her exact words but she was going on about how expensive heating is and how it makes pensioners reluctant to turn the heating on\up and the throw would be a real boon to them. It was the most shameless thing I have witnessed on Q.
I was at the Ideal Home Christmas show last week and if you wanted to see hard sell then that is the place to go.
I was given a demonstration by a "very nice man" selling a "magic" device that all of the posh hospitals use but the NHS can't afford.
In total I must have spent 3 or 4 minuets with his device held on to my wrist after which he switched in to hard sell mode.
When I asked how much this "amazing" gadget was going to cost he showed me a list of numbers ranging from £1200 to £650 of course I was eligible for the lowest one, but and it was a big but I had to buy now. When I asked for some information or a web site I could visit for more details I was very quickly told the they didn't have either as it was a product that had to be tried to see how good it was. I walked away saying I would have to ask my husband before I spent that sort of money (I have been divorced for 12 years now but he still comes in useful sometimes!!).
I passed the same stand several hours later to see an elderly lady being given the same hard sell as I was, only she didn't walk away and was signing up to buy the machine . She defiantly didn't look as though she has a spare £ 650 in her bank to be spending on a machine that may or may not work.
At least with Q you get the chance to send things back if you realize it is not for you and if you are buying on easy pay you only have to pay the first payment plus P&P
I have been one of the biggest detractors of Q over the years but may be they are not as bad as I thought.

Yes MadMax, you are so right! the Ideal Home Show is the worst. I have had things over the years from there and when got home they either didn't work or packed up shortly afterwards and because you bought it from there, the Companies did not want to know.....:angry:
last year she was flogging a throw or a blanket thing and I was appalled when she suggested buying it for "an old person to stop them getting hyperthermia" (sp). Those weren't her exact words but she was going on about how expensive heating is and how it makes pensioners reluctant to turn the heating on\up and the throw would be a real boon to them. It was the most shameless thing I have witnessed on Q.

was that debbie or catherine?
I personally dont think u can put debbie flint and catherine Huntley is the same category, ive never once felt like CH was trying push me into buying something and its been said by many guests on QVC that CH is one of the presenters that takes the most time to research the products shes selling. DF is just interested in selling as much as she can at any cost and the amount of views this thread has got the majority of people of this forum agree . Again just my opinion :)

Count how many times in an hour CH mentions. the MBG , how the easy pays won't always be there so best to get it now,how she has seen whatever item she is talking about in a dept store and it was so much more expensive, how her friends can't believe you can actually try an item for 30. days,how she loves the item and must rush off to buy it after the show. She has these phrases on a loop throughout the show.
She is the syrupy version of DF imo
Count how many times in an hour CH mentions. the MBG , how the easy pays won't always be there so best to get it now,how she has seen whatever item she is talking about in a dept store and it was so much more expensive, how her friends can't believe you can actually try an item for 30. days,how she loves the item and must rush off to buy it after the show. She has these phrases on a loop throughout the show.
She is the syrupy version of DF imo

Every presenter does and says that even julia. However Df takes it to the next level
had a mesage and tried to add something but deleted instead, sorry, let me rephrase:
I like this forum, but sometimes it gets a bit heated and agressive here, however, I liked the way everyone respected their different views on here and wanted to say thank you for that, it was a pleasure reading it.
That is the big plus point of this forum, WildRose, we all air our views, but we also respect the other's views, and we do not bear a grudge. We disagree with someone's view one time and will support the same person's view another time, depending on our opinion of the subject:happy:
CH going on and on and on and on about the Tova earrings a while back that she just didn't have time to order and she loves loves loves. Embarrassing.
CH going on and on and on and on about the Tova earrings a while back that she just didn't have time to order and she loves loves loves. Embarrassing.
She is always doing that:doh:I also do not like it when they say, I did not see it. How can they say that if they are presenting the item?
Does anyone know if Df sister Linda? i think it is actually works for Red carpet manicure or did she just get the gig coz of debbie?
Good for Debbie Flint if she went bare faced on YBF alongside Stacey but I get the feeling Debbie Flint would go on air in just her bra and panties if she thought it would get more selling done. She seems this desperate for sales figures, she would surely resort to almost anything, bullying and coaxing, cajooling, and prodding. Give the hard sell a rest and just concentrate on letting the product sell itself a bit.

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