New lips?


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Jul 2, 2008
Even though Alison Keenan has obviously had her lips injected [she has that swollen white shadow that Katy Price sports], she still always manages to look like the eldest presenter! I cannot believe she has just had her 50th birthday, that makes her about 3 years younger than JR. We moan about JR but she really does, when dressed decently look good for 50+.
Mutton....or rather, scrag end. :mysmilie_11:

Absolutely right. She is so slim that she has lost the fat and tissue that usually plump out your face and gives it a more youthful appearance. So she has to replace it artificially and it just does not work as well as the "real thing". You only have to look at the presenters with more flesh on them - JR, Jilly, Kathy T amd the 2 Debbies, to see how true this is - their faces defy their ages.

I'd rather have hips and a big behind rather than a scrawny face and neck, but I think it relates to body-shape and AK is very slim and narrow with no hips so it might be difficult to put on weight healthily. I, on the other hand have no problem putting on enough weight to make sure that my face will still be a smooth as a baby's bum when I'm 89 !

Linda :hi:
If AK is 50 I don't think she looks ancient at all, in fact I think she is quite attractive. Mind you, I have no idea whether/how much work she's had done and she probably is incredibly skinny because you look so much fatter on tv, especially now with widescreen. Whenever I've seen someone from the box in real life, I've always been amazed at how much thinner they really are, which doesn't bode well for JF!
I was surprised to learn AK's age. I thought she looked older - must be all the sun abuse. Certainly, if I had my time again I would take better care of my skin in the sun.

I do think her hands and nails always look well groomed.
Have to say I was stunned when I learnt that Debbie Greenwood is the same age as Kathy Tayler, Alison Keenan, Anne Dawson etc who all seem to have turned fifty within about a week of each other. I would've had Debbie at early forties (though thinking about it she's been on the box since BBC Breakfast Time in the early eighties so the maths don't really add up!) Alison Keenan definitely looks the oldest of the lot and it's got to be her slimness. My mum is a petite 10 and I'm similar whereas her sister is a good 18-20 as is her daughter and though they are both around the same age as are me and my cousin I have to say my mum and me are not ageing anywhere near as well as the other half of the family. Does this mean that I'm spending the same amount of money on over-priced Gatineau as they are on gorgeous food? Hmn :thinking: Pass the chocolate please...:pizza::cake:
Out of interest,how old is Jilly?
Close up camera shots reveal an awful lot of lines and wrinkles!
I'm astounded that Anne Dawson is only 50. She looks ancient compared to the other presenters.:eek:
I'm astounded that Anne Dawson is only 50. She looks ancient compared to the other presenters.:eek:

I've heard Anne Dawson mention several times that she went through an early menopause. I think this could maybe be a cause of her looking older than her years, poor old Anne. At least she dresses to suit her age though, we never see her in strappy numbers exposing upper arms and cleavage. AK and JR could take a leaf out of her book in this respect, they may well be fitness fanatics and take great care of their bodies but these areas in a woman of 50+ are never their best assets. Why on earth can't they just accept their age and dress to flatter themselves. They are both still smart attractive women and just make themselves look sad and rather pathetic trying to hang on to their youthful figures and dressing in clothes more suited to a 30 year old.

I was watching A.K on the Lize Earle hour yesterday and noticed she looked very tight and shiny around the upper lip and cheek area,and seemed to be having a lot more close up shots than usual.
Why oh why do the more mature ladies do this i have not seen one yet that looks natural and i think it takes all the personality away from the face.

Perhaps it has been done recently and will settle down.She has a lovely trim figure which a lot of ladies would be grateful for,and when she is presenting now i find myself watching her face and not the products !
Well ladies it just goes to show that it's true; once you reach 40 you have to choose between your figure or your face! :blush: I do have to admit to taking the pee out of Julia Roberts, but she does look fab for her age. I'm astonished Alison Keenan is only 50, I would have put her at least 5 years older than that. She's just too skinny. I can't stand her as a presenter either, I think she is far too bossy.

Anyway, I'm 40 in the summer and have already decided I'll never been skinny so face it is! :grin:
I expect the pressure to look good must be intensified a millionfold if you are a woman in the public eye - and maybe even more so if you work on TV with HD looming. :eek:

I'm glad that QVC has some older and relateable presenters. If they were all young, blonde, coquettish Holly Willoughby clones I think I'd be completely turned off. I would like to see a slighlty younger new generation coming through though, and more of an ethnic range of presenters would be great.

I remember bumping into an old school friend that I hadn't seen for 20+ years and telling my hubby that we both walked away happy cos I was thinking:

"Blimey! She's kept her amazing figure - but check out the wrinkles"

and no doubt she she was thinking:

"Great skin - but ooh hasn't she put on weight!"

Who was it that said that you have to choose between your behind and your face after a certain age? (Cos I think the decision has already been made for me! :grin:)
face or behind ?

What do you do if your face looks like your behind, i suppose that brings us full circle really. Better book the botox now !!
I haven't a clue how old AK is, but a few years ago she mentioned that she made her own wedding veil, and that she got married in the seventies. So I assumed she was well into her fifties.
I put a post on here not long ago referring to a previous suggestion that it is Hips vs Face after a certain age.We all have a natural body shape, mine curvey with the weight heading south to hips & bum.I have just had a fab facial this p.m & have come to the conclusion that we have to make the best of what we've got-- we are so pre-occupied in UK with 'looking young'.When I go to continental Europe I feel 'older women' ( I am a pensioner) have a place & I am not so conscious of my age as I am here.
I thought AK looked very "strange" the other day.I think shes had some recent (loads!) of work done.
Uhm I saw her in the technology show tonight and she was definately 'odd' around the gob and talking a bit skew whiff, perhaps she's had something done to her choppers?? The cheeks were suspiciously plump though and imo she's had some fillers.
I expect the pressure to look good must be intensified a millionfold if you are a woman in the public eye - and maybe even more so if you work on TV with HD looming. :eek:

I'm glad that QVC has some older and relateable presenters. If they were all young, blonde, coquettish Holly Willoughby clones I think I'd be completely turned off. I would like to see a slighlty younger new generation coming through though, and more of an ethnic range of presenters would be great.

I remember bumping into an old school friend that I hadn't seen for 20+ years and telling my hubby that we both walked away happy cos I was thinking:

"Blimey! She's kept her amazing figure - but check out the wrinkles"

and no doubt she she was thinking:

"Great skin - but ooh hasn't she put on weight!"

Who was it that said that you have to choose between your behind and your face after a certain age? (Cos I think the decision has already been made for me! :grin:)

Holly Willoughby is sure as hell NOT a blonde..have you seen those roots haha!!

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