never stops......


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Apr 27, 2009
Just watched the Join show (sorry, the Debbie Flint show). I rarely watch her if she's on, but I stuck with it because I like some of the Join 'pieces'.

She never stops does she ! it was self promotion between every item, ie my blogs, where you can find me, I'm moving house again (why? another short term rental ?), and the never ending referral to sodding tweets, facebook and how she's sung for charity, Elemis competition, more details on her blog, on and on it went.

Sadly because its all to do with QVC they ain't gonna stop her, but its self promotion between the lines. Why do I want to give her a good slap ?
Just watched the Join show (sorry, the Debbie Flint show). I rarely watch her if she's on, but I stuck with it because I like some of the Join 'pieces'.

She never stops does she ! it was self promotion between every item, ie my blogs, where you can find me, I'm moving house again (why? another short term rental ?), and the never ending referral to sodding tweets, facebook and how she's sung for charity, Elemis competition, more details on her blog, on and on it went.

Sadly because its all to do with QVC they ain't gonna stop her, but its self promotion between the lines. Why do I want to give her a good slap ?
I have to agree, the whole show was 'Me, myself and I'. I would love to slap her too!
Yep Brissles, I think that just about sums her up.............I'll just go and take my place at the end of the queue.
I seldom watch DF now, because of the self promotion and the dreaded Ipad. I can't believe that she was one of my favourites her first time around.
I seldom watch DF now, because of the self promotion and the dreaded Ipad. I can't believe that she was one of my favourites her first time around.

Me Too!

I saw (and heard) Debbie on a show earlier in the day when she alluded to her telling her personal stories and said she'd have to stop or she'd get told off... finished with a laugh. No doubt knowing perfectly well that she can do pretty much as she pleases.

I don't think she realises (or maybe just doesn't care) that what this constant self-promotion reveals is a monstrous ego, joined with an equally massive level of insecurity.

Debbie does QVC and herself a great disservice with the way she conducts herself nowadays, unfortunately. As long as she continues to pull in the sales, which I am sure she does, it will not change.

I must also add, that while on mute (as she always is these days) on the Join show - as well as every other show I've seen recently - Debbie looked simply dire. Of course it's going to be no-contest for most presenters next to Evie, but even so I don't think much thought went into the outfit. The white, peep-toe, wedges have been retired and replaced with a horrible pair of boots which are neither stylish nor flattering... I know that Debbie has very broad hands and feet, but surely something better is available to wear than either of her normal footwear choices? In both footware choices, they look like they are well looked-after, but still worn-to-death.

Mostly Debbie seems to have adopted those horrible Slim n Lift "jeans" style leggings and wears them regardless of the colour of the top she puts with them... and I know they say you can wear anything with jeans, but they don't look like jeans - they actually look like sheer blue tights... so she ends up looking like a pantomime lead male (always played by a female)... is that seriously the look she wants to project?

So not only does QVC turn a blind eye to her relentless self-promotion (and cronyism with her mates on social media always getting name-checks on air, and in some cases more off-air) but they allow her to put together outfits which make her look terrible, and the clothes unsaleable. Unless it's a secret challenge to assemble the most awful outfits from QVC's rails? Thing is, I'm pretty sure it's how Debbie dresses anyway...

To be constructive now: if it were down to me, I would get her into a nice fitted dress (she used to look much nicer when she didn't dress like she was lounging around at home), probably in a royal blue. Said dress would finish at the knee. I would put her in an enclosed, nude, heeled shoe. She would look both taller and slimmer, in my opinion, than in what we see here wearing show after show.

Sorry, I am finding Debbie particularly annoying at present... and it seems I'm not alone. Rant over.
at the beauty bash she was wearing a wrap dress ingenue i think, she looked fab. also alison young she looked beautiful.
If she's on, I press 'mute' straight away. It's nothing else by me, me, me and gawd, is it boring. Even 5 minutes of her's enough. She must be SO insecure and needy to go on and on about herself and her life. Luv, you're there to flog things, and give us some relevant (stress the word 'relevant') information about the product, nothing else. She should be marketed as a cure for insomnia.

Just watched the Join show (sorry, the Debbie Flint show). I rarely watch her if she's on, but I stuck with it because I like some of the Join 'pieces'.

She never stops does she ! it was self promotion between every item, ie my blogs, where you can find me, I'm moving house again (why? another short term rental ?), and the never ending referral to sodding tweets, facebook and how she's sung for charity, Elemis competition, more details on her blog, on and on it went.

Sadly because its all to do with QVC they ain't gonna stop her, but its self promotion between the lines. Why do I want to give her a good slap ?
My word I would love to give that obnoxious woman a hearty slap too. If I was going to be hauled up for assault Charlie Pie Face and Dale Greaseball might as well get a bunch of fives to make it worth it. So count me in for these.....for starters.

N:B. Please be assured I am not a violent person in real life.
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DF reminds me of a neighbour I had years ago. I am not ashamed to admit that when said neighbour knocked on the door I sometimes hid behind the sofa and pretended to be out, I kid you not.
She was a hyper, self opinionated, and full of herself person and my husband used to say she was like an iron fist in a velvet glove ie. all smiles on the surface but determined as hell underneath and all for herself. She`d make caring noises if someone was having a tough time etc but you knew it was all a front and within seconds the conversation would revert back to her talking about herself, her husband or her kids but mainly about herself. To hear her talk, nobody was ever busier, better at something or more charitable and she must have had a hide thicker than an elephant because people would literally groan when she approached them,, mainly because you could never get rid of her, she was totally oblivious. She had a knack of inviting herself to everything from a kids birthday party to a funeral and whatever the occasion she somehow managed to be centre of attention, often for the wrong reasons. Yet again my husband hit the nail of the head when he said she slid into every available opportunity to be centre stage, quicker than sh^t off a shovel. You can tell how much he liked her.
I honestly shudder when DF is in full flow, its like deja vu !
I seldom watch DF now, because of the self promotion and the dreaded Ipad. I can't believe that she was one of my favourites her first time around.

Ive just heard her tell Simon Wilson that she is moving to Devon!!! He asked her if she was leaving and she said that it took her a long time to get back on QVC so she was only going for half the week. Looks like she wont be going any time soon but might not be on so often.
My word I would love to give that obnoxious woman a hearty slap too. If I was going to be hauled up for assault Charlie Pie Face and Dale Greaseball might as well get a bunch of fives to make it worth it. So count me in for these.....for starters.

N:B. Please be assured I am not a violent person in real life.

Ive just heard her tell Simon Wilson that she is moving to Devon!!! He asked her if she was leaving and she said that it took her a long time to get back on QVC so she was only going for half the week. Looks like she wont be going any time soon but might not be on so often.

There's a place in Devon called Slapton.
So it would seem that we will get her for virtually every show for a few days a week.

Hardly matters as I rarely watch now and it is on mute the few times it is on.

Any chance of Chuntley going on a slow boat to China anytime soon
I more than reached my limit today. Late afternoon she was doing a jewellery show, and aided and abetted by Alison O'Reilly (who I like, normally) she found every opportunity to launch into song. If it wouldn't be a mess I'd have to clean up, I could have launched something at the telly. As it was, I followed my own advice and put the telly on mute.

All the guests and presenters who have been anywhere near Debs today have been disgustingly sycophantic about her singing endeavours. Honestly, as if any encouragement were needed. Compared to today's version of Debbie, I find it hard to relate to the professional, if relentless, hard-sell, person who I actually quite enjoyed watching.

All in all, a number of my most favourite presenters have plummeted to the bottom of the chart, while others who I previously avoided have risen to the top... all because some have become beyond insufferable, pumped up by the fawning and ego stroking they experience on social media. Others seem to still be recognisably themselves, and long may that continue.
I saw this show and it was full of self promotion! She really needs to tone it down or I will be zapping her too! :mysmilie_486::mysmilie_490:
DF is the only presenter that I cannot watch. There were two others but they now left. However, she has saved me a fortune because, as I don't watch her shows, I don't buy anything. If there is ever a show in which I'm interested, and she is due to present it, then I just look on the website and then invariably look online to see if I can source it more cheaply elsewhere (which I often can.)
I saw this show and it was full of self promotion! She really needs to tone it down or I will be zapping her too! :mysmilie_486::mysmilie_490:

Did you get your taser from QVC, Glittergirl? Do you have the item number?

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