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aah don't dread your holiday hunny, I am sure the break will be fantastic for you, for both of you! You see different surroundings, new things to try, do and eat, it will all be wonderful, you will have a ball I'm sure!!! I find that exercise is helping me in lots of ways, it releases endorphines in the brain so whilst I sweat like a pig doing it which is gross, I do feel calmer afterwards. Perhaps if the hotel has a pool or even better a bubbly jacuzzi you could spend some nice time together in there. It sounds like you thoroughly deserve a bit of pampering and special time too, I hope you enjoy yourself. Just think new places to shop at too :eek:)

I know what you mean about the mood swings, mine are pretty severe too and not something I was particularly imagining or expecting to happen. You hear in articles and on tv etc all the time about night sweats etc (all the classic stuff) but I don't think anybody really touches on mood swings and for me they are definitely starting to interfere with my relationship, the same as you :eek:(

Having to get my head round no more children is a task in itself but coupling this with my OTT outbursts and ridiculous behaviour is a whole new ball game. (ie me going bonkers whenever hubby just says something "the wrong way") I think we must have real humdingers about twice a month but inbetween I can fly off the handle at the touch of a button very easily, we've started a little game of hubby waving his hands around his head saying "hormones, hormones" which too a degree has helped me think twice at that given time and I attempt to reign things in, but sometimes once that blue fuse paper has been lit I just gotta explode. And most of the time I know I am being ridiculous and unreasonable too which is what's so frustrating .. and whats weird is that if at that very moment I was on my own I would be absolutely fine, nothing would happen, its just having another person in the mix creates my mood, we've been together for 25 years and he has never once left over night or slept at a friends cause of a row or anything, but since all this in the last few months he has stomped off to sleep in the car twice! I want to get "me" back again for him too. Mother Nature is certainly not on my christmas card list this year, gone off her big time!!!!

I heard that Red Clover and Black "something" are both good herbal things too, I think they treat more of the classic symptoms tho like night sweats etc rather than mood swings, but you never know it may be worth giving it a try. I was recommend the Red Clover Menocare range for help with my nails and skin, but it is about £25 a box and I just can't afford it, and because there is no "drug, drug" (being herbal) in them you cannot get them on prescription :eek:(

I don't know how long all this lasts, is it forever now or does it wain or do we just get used to it and adapt? or does it all stop after X years? what joy!! hope you have a great weekend and fantastic holiday, take care xxxx
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There are several menopause websites around which are very informative. I took the hrt route and it has been a godsend but there are risks such as breast cancer. Men understandably find the whole thing totally confusing as their women are turned into mad women. I am still working due to hrt whilst many of my friends and family couldnt cope with the strain
iloveshopping ... alert .. daft question coming up, sorry!! ... how do you know if it doesn't suit, cause I am suffering so many issues as it is, is there anything obvious or different so I'd know? what brand are you on, I was told I should be sequential to start with, two different types.

I am so sorry about your scare, god it must have been awful time for you! had you been on it for long at that point? Hope you are all ok now!! (you don't need to answer anything you don't want to obv!!) xxx

Hi as i still have my womb then yes i take one that has both oestrogen and progesteron and is seqential. I am on climagest 1mg. Sympthoms vary from perrson to person and can be thrush, breakthrough bleeding. Type in climagest sideeffects and you will get the patient information leaflet.
i wasnt too frightened about lump diacovered during my 3 year routine breast scan as many years ago was recalled for lung scan which was just an unclear image and i worried myself so much that time.
Try the menopause websites for info and pm me if you need anymore info.
I hope you are feeling better soon.

My nails went terrible after wearing nail polish so I no longer wear anything on my nails.

Everyday I apply oil to my nails it can be any type of oil e.g almond oil, olive oil etc. I am currently using a Botanicals nail oil which is nice and rich. Once a week I do a manicure starting with filing with a glass nail file, then I have an olive oil nail bath I then use a nail brush, gently buff the nails and apply oil to both my nails and hands. My nails are stronger and no longer peel.
It can be confusing when saying you have had a hysterectomy, as it can mean total or not (oopherectomy?). I had a total and at my really bad moments, hugged a beautiful-faced teddy, I called Snarly, 'cause that in itself made me smile. Hubby knew if Snarly was in my lap, he had to WatchOut. The night before my op, they put me in the Maternity Ward, how s-t-u-p-i-d and insensitive is that?
It can be confusing when saying you have had a hysterectomy, as it can mean total or not (oopherectomy?). I had a total and at my really bad moments, hugged a beautiful-faced teddy, I called Snarly, 'cause that in itself made me smile. Hubby knew if Snarly was in my lap, he had to WatchOut. The night before my op, they put me in the Maternity Ward, how s-t-u-p-i-d and insensitive is that?

Hiya, yes I understand the confusion. I had a sub-total abdominal hysterectomy, which means my womb has all gone but I retain my ovaries. I had it done just before Christmas and was supposed to have a 6 wk check up afterwards at the hospital, but for various reasons my outpatients appt came through for 16 wks, we phoned and complained as I had had a really tough time of things and they brought it forward by a fortnight which was a bit of a relief, but then just before this time they wrote cancelling the appt until 30th May as my consultant does charity work in India meaning all appts he had over this time had to be cancelled. The new appt was now even later than the original one so in all my "6 wk" wait turned into virtually 6 months - nightmare!! During this time my insides went into shock following the operation (which I've told can sometimes happen) and my ovaries began shutting down. I had monthly hormone level blood tests done to monitor the constant change and I took these all to the consultant last week. He just took one look and said "yep from all your symptoms and your test results" you went smack bang into the menopause months ago. He was really angry that my GP constantly refused to prescribe HRT as if my ovaries had been taken in the op then I would have left the hospital with it, but they stopped working within a few weeks and for 4/5 months I received no treatment. He said I should have made more of a fuss to get back in to see him earlier, but I did and he cancelled the appt cause of his India work! But at least things look like they be moving now.

So yes, Mrs Womb has gone, ovaries are in place but don't work, so HRT it is - but what I don't understand is why it is sequential when my womb had gone? and how can I have break through bleeding if there is no womb lining to shed? #confused!!

God I'm really sorry that they put you in the Maternity Ward, how insensitive! I had similar when I went in as the lady in the bed next to mine was in to have a termination. She even commented, so matter of factly, with her friend that it was her 5th! I think future birth control is a better option for her!!! I think everything is so clinical and matter of fact to the staff tho (which really I suppose it needs to be as otherwise it would be a horrendous job to get through) but for us individuals it comes over callous. When I miscarried a few years ago I was waiting for the operation and the lady next door was celebrating having been told she was expecting a little boy. Which was fab for her but tough on me, but unless people have been in our position they don't get it, as sometimes we are just another medical number on the days list.

I love your teddy idea! so far my hubby just knows from my body language I think that I am in a huff LOL.

Thanks for your advice xxxx

oh btw do you have to pay for HRT on prescription cause I'm assuming if it is two different hormones is it two charges, or does it work like "the pill" whereby its free?? hope so! xxx
Oh Toadette I really hope NOTHING spoils your holiday. I'm pre-menopausal so have some symptoms. I would say try to be really prepared for your holiday. The most stressful thing about holidays for me is getting there. So get everything ready to go so you're not rushing about like a loon. With a hot flush.

I had a hot flush when we were checking out last year from our lovely hotel. I got myself into a right pickle and paid for my drinks bill with my company credit card. Then I made the poor receptionist recall the transaction which took forever and he had to make several phone calls. By the end of it I needed to go and dry my hair and change my clothes!! Well bugger that. If I do that again I'll pay it off and not get in a flap. It didn't ruin my holiday but it wasn't pleasant.

And picking up on the insensitivity of hospitals. My son was born at 7 months as an emergency Caesarian. The only bed they had for me was in with the new mums. When I'd just been told my baby would "hopefully" make it through the night and was in SCBU covered in bleepers and buzzers and on oxygen. They did move me to a private ward the next day but how I wept!
if you have the combined hrt then it is a double charge. i get it prescribed for 6 months so only need prescriptions twice a year. i've bought a year's prescription card recently circa 120gbp as i knew i was going to have loads of prescriptions this year.
disliked your last post (but in the nicest possible way) ;o) was hoping it would be free like hormonal treatment The Pill. Still like you say there is always a prepaid card I can look into. I'm just worrying incase they try different ones plus if the sequential works I then am supposed to go over to a totally different single one only?? - Thanks for the info, appreciated! Forewarned and forearmed and all that, my chemist lady is scary at the best of times LOL.
I mentioned to the consultant last week about the weight issues as I lost 4.5 stone last year which was fab and a real confidence boost as people were commenting etc, but since Christmas I have put 1.5 stone of it back on, partly due to swelling etc from the op and lack of movement and etc, and partly because my ole bod just seems to pile it on now :eek:( I go to the gym 5 times a week for using the treadmill as they say walking is the best recovery, but despite this I haven't lost any of this weight at all. He said its because when you menopause you metabolism goes right down", so whatever you do at the gym will either take forever to shift the added pounds or it will literally maintain you where you are at. Bit soul destroying eh.

Load of rot!!! It takes 1 year for the anasthetic to get out of your you still have some in your system, no wonder the body slows down. And you have had a major part of your body yanked out....and the rest of the body doesn't like it.

Yes I put on after my op, and then another op 6 months later that went wrong (they damaged my bladder) so one day turned into 6 weeks in hospital!!!! Meds and insanity took hold...any wonder really. I managed to put on 5 stone plus in a year...through medication (anti inflammatories, anti biotics, anti depressants, sleeping tablets) and an awful lot of cream cakes in self medication. I'm now losing it...two more stone to go. So don't believe a word of know you can lose it, cos you've done it before. It won't be as easy, and it will take a time...but you CAN do it.

As for my nails, which have been total carp for decades, they are finally improving. The only difference is I am following Slimming I reckon I'm now eating a properly balanced diet...and my body appreciates it!
aaah thanks Jacaranda. My goodness it sounds like you have been through the mill too !! So pleased for you that things are now on the up and you are coming out the other side. I was told afterwards that my bladder was stuck on the uterine which they weren't expecting so it meant the op took longer than anticipated but thank goodness they didn't damage it, or at least if they did I haven't had any specific problems from it, other than nerve damage down there, areas of no feeling at all, but waterworks etc are absolutely fine. A couple of ladies on my ward were in for corrective bladder related surgery too. But 6 wks back in for you, wowser! I was in altogether for just over a week when it should have been a few days, and I HATED it. How on earth did you cope for 6 wks, crikey! I love the cream cake comment, very good! Its reassuring to know that the body settles and the weight comes off eventually. Sounds like you are doing fantastically well, keep it up hun. 3 stone, yipppeeee ... WTG you!!, thrilled for you. :eek:) xxx
@Spooky-Black Cohosh? In Wales, no charge for prescription, but am not taking any HRT, did for first 6 months only and that was 23 years ago. Googled Boots+prescription+charges. Are you planning a trip to NI? Visitors 'scripts are free there. There are other exemptions listed on their site. HTH Take care!!! x Snarly
disliked your last post (but in the nicest possible way) ;o) was hoping it would be free like hormonal treatment The Pill. Still like you say there is always a prepaid card I can look into. I'm just worrying incase they try different ones plus if the sequential works I then am supposed to go over to a totally different single one only?? - Thanks for the info, appreciated! Forewarned and forearmed and all that, my chemist lady is scary at the best of times LOL.

3 month and 6 month prepay also available which may be useful if they only give you a months supply at a time. you can buy prepay on internet like tv licence and it takes about a week to arrive. i felt like murdering someone when i first started hrt lasted about 10 days then no night sweats no anger and concentration back again. lucky me it worked.
I presume the pill is free as it's primary purpose is birth control. Anything "hormonal" that isn't the pill still comes with a charge. I take one drug that is often an element of the pill but mine is in pure form so I have to pay for it.
Just noticed a seche vite trio item number 226851 £18.75 plus 3.95pp but still a pretty good price at just under £8 each
I presume the pill is free as it's primary purpose is birth control. Anything "hormonal" that isn't the pill still comes with a charge. I take one drug that is often an element of the pill but mine is in pure form so I have to pay for it.

I have been prescribed the sequential HRT today it is called Kliovance, it has both hormones in it (progesterone and estrogen) but on the prescription it is down as only one item name so presumably only one charge, fingers crossed!!
I have been prescribed the sequential HRT today it is called Kliovance, it has both hormones in it (progesterone and estrogen) but on the prescription it is down as only one item name so presumably only one charge, fingers crossed!!

Unfortunately that's usually 2 charges (I'm on Climagest 1mg) and only once did I pay a single charge when they made a mistake. I queried it (what a fool) and they slapped on the other charge.

When I first started HRT I felt like murdering someone - any random person who had annoyed me - I would have just put my hands around their throat and squeezed. It was like PMT but I persisted with the medication and it worked - I love it and they will have problems getting me off it.

I'm having a few problems at the moment waking up in the night with restless legs but I am playing around with the time that I take the HRT. I used to take it at 0800 but decided that I felt hot around 0400 so now take it at 1200 and I think the restless legs may have always been there but I don't notice it when it was happening in the daytime. Most medications have some unwanted symptoms. Also as the medication is sequential I get different symptoms at different times. But overall it has kept me sane and able to continue working.
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I am still confused as the Kliovance are HRT tablets that contain two hormones in one pill. I was under the impression I took one pill with one hormone in it for 21 days and then a different one for 7 days which contains the second hormone. But it seems to be one pill with both in. Perhaps it will make more sense when I've got them from the chemist (waiting for my prepaid prescription card to come). I don't want to doubt the GP AGAIN! but I feel one tablet with both drugs in is not what the consultant was talking about, he said 21/7 days. Is this still sequential, as I have the consultant copy letter now and he has actually written sequential.

My mood swings are appalling so hopefully these work quickly. My hubby can't wait lol.

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