N-Virosphere complaints upheld


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<img src="/images/nvirosphere.jpg" border="0" alt="N-virosphere" title="N-virosphere" hspace="4" align="right" />The <a href="http://www.asa.org.uk/asa/adjudications/Public/TF_ADJ_45904.htm" target="_blank">ASA</a> has upheld two complaints it received regarding Ideal World's N-virosphere, the channel did not send send evidence to support the claims that were being made on air.<br /><br /><strong>Full Adjudications<br /></strong><br /><strong>Ad</strong> <br />A teleshopping presentation promoted the "N-Virosphere" air-washing device. The presenter stated "how would you like to improve the air in your home, in your office, wherever you are? There aren't many products out there that can do that ... What you want in the home is something that can wash the air, if you're thinking Bradford's lost his mind, (I'm Dave Bradford by the way) ... this is going to do just that." The presenter tapped the top of the device, "it's going to wash the air in your room, whenever you want ... say you're in the lounge watching telly at the moment, relaxing. Maybe someone sat there is smoking away like a chimney and you're having to inhale that second-hand smoke, maybe your children are having to inhale that second-hand smoke ... this is going to literally take the air around it and it's going to wash it and deliver fresh clean air out of the grill at the front just here ... it draws the air in up the back of the cap just there where the flex is, sends the air down through the spindle into the water, ... all the particles, the dust particles, the smoke particles, any odours, that sort of thing, are trapped in the water...". </p><p>The N-Virosphere was shown in various locations, including a living room, bedroom and kitchen. A close-up of the device showed it next to an ashtray containing a lit cigarette. The presenter stated "Cigarette smoke, it's not an issue when you've got an N-Virosphere ... Now this VT ... shows you exactly how it works." The shot cut to a cigarette next to the N-Virosphere. "Now it's not working at the moment, we turn it on now and watch the smoke, there it goes," the smoke was drawn into the N-Virosphere. "Now that's an extreme demonstration obviously, but it's stopping the actual smoke going up into the atmosphere ... it showed you there literally how effective it is at directing the smoke away from the room and into the water ...". </p><p><strong>Issue </strong><br />1. Two viewers challenged whether the ad misleadingly implied the N-Virosphere could reduce or eliminate second-hand smoke.</p><p>2. The ASA challenged whether the efficacy claims made for the product could be substantiated. <br />BCAP TV Advertising Code: 5.2.1;5.2.2 </p><p><strong>Response </strong><br />1. & 2.<br />Ideal Shopping Direct plc (Ideal World) said when they first launched the N-Virosphere two and a half years ago the efficacy of the device had been substantiated by Analytical Laboratories (Singapore) Ltd and was acceptable for the claims they were making. They said they were aware of a recent ASA adjudication against Sit-Up Ltd that found that same evidence to be inadequate to support claims that the device could help asthma sufferers. They said that, although they had not made claims that the device could help asthma sufferers, they felt the evidence they had for their more moderate claims was no longer satisfactory. They said they had removed the references to "air washing" from subsequent broadcasts, and they had initiated a programme of tests to determine the efficacy of the N-Virosphere as an air-washing device. </p><p><strong>Assessment </strong><br />1. Upheld<br />The ASA noted Ideal World's comments. Because the presenter stated "Maybe ... you're having to inhale that second-hand smoke, maybe your children are having to inhale that second-hand smoke ... this is going to literally take the air around it and it's going to wash it and deliver fresh clean air", we considered the presentation implied the N-Virosphere could reduce or eliminate second-hand smoke. Because Ideal World did not send evidence to show that the device could reduce or eliminate second-hand smoke, we considered the claims were unsubstantiated and the ad was misleading. </p><p>On this point the ad breached CAP (Broadcast) TV Advertising Standards Code rules 5.2.1 (Evidence) and 5.2.2 (Implications). </p><p>2. Upheld<br />We noted Ideal World's decision to remove the reference to air washing from the ad, and welcomed their assertion that they had initiated a series of tests to determine the efficacy of the device. Because Ideal World did not send evidence to support the claims that the device could "wash the air", or that it trapped "dust particles, the smoke particles, any odours" in the water, or that it the stopped "actual smoke going up into the atmosphere", we concluded the efficacy claims made for the device were unsubstantiated and misleading.</p><p>On this point the ad breached CAP (Broadcast) TV Advertising Standards Code rules 5.2.1 (Evidence) and 5.2.2 (Implications). </p><p><strong>Action <br /></strong>The ad must not be broadcast again in its current form.
Action <br /></strong>The ad must not be broadcast again in its current form.

Seems the ASA is as toothless as a Gummy Bear :)
One of the presenters said his cats went into a room he never used when he'd put one in there. He said that they know 'things'.
Thanks Graham - I was watching last night and getting sucked in by all the blah. Now I'm not going to bother.
I think that, although the decision of the ASA is essential and welcome, it is still up to the individual whether or not to purchase the item.
A major reason for buying the n-virosphere is, I believe, that - especially in the case of smokers - they feel that at least they are doing something to prevent others from having to inhale their smoke. The makers of these types of machines are playing on people's emotions.
I have had the goodspheres which are, in effect, the same thing. I don't believe they perform as well as they allege. The essences are way overpriced. Having said that, I don't use aerosol air fresheners either. My mum smokes but goes outside to do so. When she comes back into the room, however, she still has the smell of smoke on her; the goodsphere does not "suck up the smell".
If you are happy to pay the money for the machine, so be it. I think with shopping telly, you have to take everything at face value. That is why the "try before you buy" guarantee is essential.
I agree with you, the ASA action is welcome but it doesn't mean this isn't a good product, just that, in this instance, Ideal have said a few things they shouldn't have. Of course, if this was applied rigidly I don't think any of the channels would still be in existence!! We all know that these channels exaggerate but I think when they exaggerate about health benefits they should be brought to account. Its one thing to say wax lyrical about a craft CD-Rom (don't get me started...) but telling people having this device will effectively reduce people's exposure to second hand smoke is wrong in my book.
My hubby says these were around in the sixties, and that they were rubbish then and rubbish now. Basically they emit a cheap perfume which covers up smells of cooking etc, but in no way do they clean the air.

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