my viewing habits have changed - have yours?


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They flog NN to death. TSV today & theres another TSV on 1st September.:sad:
I've only ever really watched the beauty shows, even the brands I don't like as i find them so relaxing, I tend to never see a show all the way through as I fall asleep lol

I occassionally watch other shows as I always like the tv on in the background and something might catch my eye

I work on the basis that if I didn't know I needed it until I saw it on TV then i probably don't really need it.

They are really good at tempting me though with all manner of cleaning type things etc. when I catch a show other than beauty.

I always tend to look online for better deals though and usually find them. I have brought a J Williams try me kit and was in two minds partly because you can only get it from QVC but hey ho in for a penny etc
Sadly, QVC will make money from folks like me (they made thousands, though no longer) who have no high street and those who are not computer friendly. It's 40 miles each way to a John Lewis or Debenhams and over 30 to a Boots large enough to carry more than essentials. Almost the same for supermarkets. So, people are willing to pay the postage & packing rather than the petrol and parking. We sometimes forget how much of Britain is rural with villages that have no shops at all. If you are not internet savvy QVC is your best friend and as we hear with Tcallers so often, there are lots of lonely folks out there.
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I work on the basis that if I didn't know I needed it until I saw it on TV then i probably don't really need it.

Go without and I promise most of the time, the feeling you get is better than the disappointment of the purchase

What fantastic observations! Couldn't agree more with both of you. I used to buy beauty TSVs virtually as a matter of course, I didn't really even consider what was in them, I just thought these are good ranges, the value is excellent, ergo = purchase. I still consider many of their ranges to be good, and the value is often excellent relative to the full market price, but now I do my own valuation - would I pay the TSV price, regardless of whether it's half the RRP? Nine times out of ten I’d never pay the RRP anyway! And as others have observed many products can be found cheaper elsewhere, and even if the price is the same, the P&P – or lack of it with other retailers - makes it considerably cheaper. I also do find the sense of personal satisfaction when I f.a.r.t. is immense! I really liked the Leighton Denny TSV but resisted and instead painted my nails with the last Nails Inc kit which had hitherto lain virtually untouched...

I also wonder about how many people are in debt due to QVC. The presentations can be very compelling, and even though no-one has an arm twisted up their back I think there is an element of playing to the more vulnerable, especially through ranges such as Kirks Folly and Uri Geller. And whilst some of my purchases have genuinely improved my quality of life - my Jack the Lad juicer, sonic toothbrush, and OH's bathroom sealant application tool (!) - I agree that if I hadn't seen these things on a TV shopping channel and bought them I wouldn't have expired from an impoverished existence :giggle:

This weekend I've had some time to myself for the first time in ages and have watched quite a bit of QVC. I've read others' posts about how groundhoggy QVC has become but I didn't realise how accurate these observations were - even the Hot Picks are on three times a day each now. Yesterday it felt like the hours were on a loop. I enjoyed some of the ranges shown, especially Tova DMQ (!) but still got bored by the end of it :sleepy:

Isn’t it interesting how many of us watch QVC whilst ironing? No wonder they’re always showing those steam press things. Hasn't convinced me yet. When I watch them do that particular presentation whilst ironing, I can't say I think "yay - yet more ironing" :wink:
Agree with all the comments, it is all looking very stale and dated these days. I live in Nottingham (ah yes, we gave the world J R!) and as regards beauty I can get all the "preestigeous" brands at our massive Boots or John Lewis, and no p an p. O K they don't do Laura Geller or Mally but the practically the whole ground floor of the main Boots store is given over to skin care, make up and perfume with loads and loads to choose from and some excellent budget ranges. Appreciate that if you do not have inernet or live near a big town or city then QVC might appeal, but they have become so complacent. They need to take a stroll down the dreaded high street and a good browse on line and check out the competition.

I think over the years watching QVC we are all very much aware as to what is actual advice given and what is complete full on sales spiel but there are many people who are not.

Funnily enough I was in Nottingham on Saturday shopping and went to John Lewis beauty dept to check out items that are on QVC!
First stop Philosophy, then LE, Ojon, Elemis (where I tried the new Exotic perfume), Decleor, L'Occitane and others not stocked by QVC.

Next up was House of Fraser where I usually buy my Aveda styling products and tried more Decleor, Origins, Bobbi Brown, Nails Inc, had my make up done by BellaPierre, tried some Bare Escentuals. Noticed that they had a new Shiseido make up and skin care.

On leaving the shopping centre last stop was Boots and was amazed at what they had too with the bonus of earning Advantage points as well as no p+p charges. I was chatting to one of the girls on the counter and she gave me their number (as I live about 45mins away from Nottingham) and said any products I wanted just give her a call and it would be sent out free of p+p charges! Likewise you can order from their website and collect from your own branch.

As someone else said, QVC need to rethink how they are going to keep up with the competition as many of their brands are sold elsewhere. But I don't think they'll change as they are always going to be the choice for people who don't have another option as Concordia as stated.

It has changed my habits as I tend to go only for TSV's as they can work out in some cases cheaper than or at trade prices plus only one lot of p+p. :happy:
I agree with just about everything you've all said. In the beginning I found qvc strangely addictive although I was never a compulsive buyer. I've heard then say more than once that the average viewer takes about a year of watching before making their first purchase. Then I suspect there is a flurry of buying followed by a tailing off.

Lately I just dip in and out and still buy the odd thing but only if it represents genuine value to me. I like beauty tsv's but again, only if I know I'll use all the bits in them. I do feel they hustle people into buying because of the value, but there's no value if you have no need for the items.

I'm finding the auto delivery fest hard to bear as well. It takes so long to explain the wretched thing that they don't demonstrate the item properly. Very annoying. Especially when AY is involved, when it just becomes about her squawking about the incredible value which is why a gazillion of you have just jumped to the phones. Grrrrr. Show us what's in it woman!

The money back guarantee is a winner for them of course and much appreciated, but once you know what you like and want then it can generally be found elsewhere for less.

As someone else said, I find myself squirming at the number of vulnerable T-callers who are patted on the back for needing an extension to house their qvc collections. It's not as bad as qvc in the States though, where I first came across them. There, they really do seem to suggest that your life will be transformed and 'friends' will be queuing up to praise you for owning such a wonderful ring or perfume or whatever. Dreadful and shouldn't be allowed imo.

A vote of thanks is in order here for the forum and the sound common sense it so often provides. Thanks all.
I totally agree with all the comments here. The thing I really miss is the Christmas Molton Brown TSV that was always excellent value, I used to split it into separate pressies. The only thing I think is good value these days are the Gatineau TSVs - well the last one was, the next one in September will probably closer to £60 with P & P. Someone mentioned a NN TSV on 1 September, there is another one on 16 September! How much bedding do they think everyone needs. They just keep rolling out the same old stuff.

Most of the beauty stuff isn't that great.

Their gold jewellery is way too expensive these days and the silver is pretty naff. They seem to have way too many different types of eeeeek (as mentioned in a previous thread) and what has happened to VIva Las Vegas gems - another one bites the dust and Gems of the Orient - I used to really like that stuff.

They really do need to up their game with the stuff they sell instead of keep repeating the same old things month after month - desperate times?
The only thing I think is good value these days are the Gatineau TSVs - well the last one was, the next one in September will probably closer to £60 with P & P.

This is a good point, I remember when beauty TSVs used to be under £30 and sometimes even under £20. Now they're all near £60.
All makes sense. I can see the advantage for people who live miles away from a town & don't have access to high street shops, shopping mall.

I must admit when I was ill before Christmas 6 years back QVC was a life saver as although I live only 5 miles from a main town & only 35 minutes drive from a shopping mall I just had no energy to fight my way through it all.

I think autodelivery is a con. I used it a few years back & received another item very quickly. It was supposed to be every 3 months. When I counted they had sent it after only 46 days. I had a terrific row with CS who argued me out that I was wrong & it was 6 weekly & I had misheard. Well very very fortunately I had recorded it ( still used video ) & still had it so prior to ringing them I had checked the tape. I played it down the phone to the stroppy little mare I was dealing with in Liverpool & then told her that I wanted a full refund, a pre paid label, cancel the item or I would go to trading standards. She changed her tune very quickly but it sent alarm bells ringing with me. So ladies do be aware & check the timings for auto delivery.
Today I have deceided to choose one item that really catches my eye (am on leave and doing a lot of deeply boring tidying up) and instead of buying it I will donate the money to the Pakistan flood victims. Have just put the news on and it is heartbreaking.Have been flinging a bit of change in the buckets they have in Asda but feel I need to do a bit more.
I used to put QVC on in the background when working on the laptop as they didn't distract me. Now, they just annoy me to be honest.

AH!!!!! Back in the day it was all new and exciting. Brands you could not get in Northern Ireland excellent prices. Aveda I so wanted to try Aveda, they UK headquarters would not ship to Belfast!:confused: But then along came QVC and they did. Molton Brown TSVs like a christmas tradition usually under £20!

As someone else said the internet have really kicked QVC into the side lines. Same brands less postage and most times special offers of 20% off. Stuff arrives so much quicker than QVC.

I do have some diamonique rings 14ct white gold tiny stones but I still wear them and they look good. Now its all silver for the price I paid for my white gold.

Jabba and I were talking to Decleor area manager the other week, we bumped into her in Debenhams. She was honest and said the counters and salons could not beat the TSVs, but otherwise it was cheaper to buy from a counter. Plus you normall got loads of samples as well.

I have never used the MBG unless an item did not fit or was broken, these going back a good few years too. The last thing I bought was a L'Occitane super size duo of shea body lotion and cream bath and only because it had easy pay. That was July before that I bought in Feb! I stopped buying every beauty TSV which was more habit I think. Now I only buy if I really want and know I will use. Elemis I like, but did not buy the last two TSVs as I did not like the products in them. This coming one, I will buy as I use and love the night cream.

I have had easy pay vouchers and discount voucher sent to me by QVC all unused I did not want anything. Infact found myself roaming the website looking for something to buy with the vouchers and told myself to stop.
I very rarely watch QVC nowdays as everything I need to know is on this forum, it's unbiased and honest, unlike the channel itself. If I want to look at something I'm interested in, I look for the clips online, if anything interesting has happened, it's usually mentioned on this forum and can be viewed online. I haven't purchased ANYTHING from QVC directly from seeing the sales pitch on live tv for at least 4 years. Thank's to the brilliant people who investigate and post all the bargain's and up and coming tsv's, I sometimes view whats the tsv at 12am online only if I'm up, never stay up and wait for it like I used to. When I see my fave presenters now they horrify me, mainly Alison Young, she has become a monster compared to what she used to be like.

The shoppingtelly forum is better than QVC for me.
I also think things don't sell out like they used to.......a sign to me,that the tide is turning against QVC.......

(Can't remember who asked - but I was/am in debt because of QVC -although not much to pay off now!)
I go through fads. We used to buy a lot from QVC then we stopped watching for ages. We have only recently started watching again. It is getting a bit samey though. The same companies are having TSV's all the time! I want new exciting things!!! Also presenters tend to annoy me more now. Whether thats me being more prickly as I get older or them, I don't know. I will always have a look each day to see whats going though and if there's nothing else on telly we will have it on in the background. Its often quite entertaining to see what tat they are trying to sell!!

I do now find myself not buying things due to p+p and also because sometimes it is cheaper in the shops/online.
Fredab - Gems of the Orient are still around - just. Ros Kwan was on a few weeks ago but the shows are few and far between and seem to be making way for more and more honora.
I think Ros brings some nice pieces though, and she's easy to watch as well.
I occasionally have it on in the background now, whereas I used to be glued to it.

I'll admit to going 'order crazy' when I first got Freeview because the novelty of ordering, without having to tromp round the shops, 'grabbed' me. I've now seen the error of my ways :wink2: and if I order anything now it's usually a re-order of something that I like and have run out of.

I've stopped buying jewellery, I don't need a 3-figure sum handbag because I'm not bothered about designer brands, I don't need any more pots and pans, I don't need any more cleaning products, I can't justify paying the prices for the bedding when what I've got is absolutely fine, I've reined in my Charlie Bears purchasing because if I get any more I'll have to move out or have a Bear Room built :eek: ................. so all in all, I think I'm sorted and my purchasing is much more discerning nowadays.

And to be honest ............ this forum has a lot to do with helping me with my former QVC addiction. So I'm proud to be a bone fide 'F.A.R.T.E.R.' with money in my purse at the end of every month.

So thank you, everyone. :happy:
Yep have to agree with most things already said.
Defo miss Molton Brown.
What I do now is record any shows I might have an interest in and whip through only stopping where necessary......I do an awful lot of whipping through and not much stopping.....!!!!
I recorded all the Mally hours yesterday, can't believe how many there were!!:wave:
I had a period where my mobility was seriously limited - trips to High St were a big NO NO & I got more into watching QVC when daytime tv was rubbush, & I started to watch more & more & buy more. I found the this forum when I had already started to realise how, more often than not, it wasn't such a "must have" or "great saving". Since my mobility is now back to normal & I'm back at work, getting out more etc, I don't watch any shows. I tend to dip in but very rare for me to buy anything. Not to take away that for many housebound , without access to internet, it does provide many brand names/good products. My moan is the p&p.
Due to lack of local shops/no department stores under an hour's drive away, QVC will always be attractive to me as I don't have much free time and it is more convenient to buy from them. I am also nervous about buying off any old website so only shop at ones I know and trust - I would rather pay more at QVC than risk getting ripped off.

Saying that, I can quite happily watch QVC and not feel the urge to spend - some products are nice like L'Occitane/Philosophy but I'm watching the pennies and can't justify spending out on things like face creams and bath products when supermarket versions are so much cheaper. I like watching the clothes shows mainly for a laugh/gasp at the prices. I don't watch a lot of regular tv so often have QVC on as a bit of background noise.

I think it will be interesting to see what happens to QVC next year when the VAT is raised - I know I am already thinking how this will change my spending habits even further :rain:
I think QVC lost its appeal for me when GREED took over in a greater effort to line their own coffers

Remember when Annette Baker-Malpas was on frequently with Tefal ? The shows were always sell outs, and fun and informative to watch! What did QVC do bring out Cooks Essentials ( their own exclusive brand)

They also used to have varied and (often quite unusual ) Jewellry shows ,but now the majority are various types of .....( yes you've guessed it )their exclusive Diamoneek, ......................theres also Prepology, Northern Nights............the list goes on and on, ad nauseum!

Thus M'Lud ...I conclude that QVC are simply maximising their own profits and dont give a flying fig about their customers, nor what they really WANT
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