My presenter switch off..


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Nice 'n Easy...
Jun 24, 2008
is Claire "silly sausage" Sutton.
I just can't watch or listen to her any more.
Her high pitched squeeling in an immature excitable manner and her attempts at looking coy to camera along with the hair flicking just make me switch off.
The QVC customers are adults, not 4 year olds that need to be told they are "good girls" for buying a necklace or ring etc in the faux posh accent!!

She needs a talking to and sorting out.
Moan over.
is Claire "silly sausage" Sutton.
I just can't watch or listen to her any more.
Her high pitched squeeling in an immature excitable manner and her attempts at looking coy to camera along with the hair flicking just make me switch off.
The QVC customers are adults, not 4 year olds that need to be told they are "good girls" for buying a necklace or ring etc in the faux posh accent!!

She needs a talking to and sorting out.
Moan over.

Oh're so right!!!!! At least she's stopped banging on about babies and pregnancy..or has she? Like you I normally change channel when I see her presenting!
Dare i say her name - Jill Franks!! Both her and Claudia bore me to tears. There is nothing either one could say to convince me to purchase an item they endorse and dont even get me started on Craig!
Oooooh there are so many,definitly agree with all your suggestions I think the only one I can watch is Dale,he's funny and doesn't take himself too seriously,my worst is Keenan loves herself and screeches like a Banshee at all her own jokes,also talks over any guest she has,obviously they can't have anything to say more intersting than her!
Craig - can't watch him at all.
Alison Young - like the items so watch with the sound off!!!!

and don't know whether I can include him in this presenters list but David WTF is he on Hawkins!!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Oh where to start.........

Alison Keenan
Alison Young
Richard Jackson
Countless others, I could go on and on and on and on........................
I don't really mind the presenters it's their overused phrases that get me switching off.
is Claire "silly sausage" Sutton.
I just can't watch or listen to her any more.
Her high pitched squeeling in an immature excitable manner and her attempts at looking coy to camera along with the hair flicking just make me switch off.
The QVC customers are adults, not 4 year olds that need to be told they are "good girls" for buying a necklace or ring etc in the faux posh accent!!

She needs a talking to and sorting out.
Moan over.

She likes a sausage.:D:D
is Claire "silly sausage" Sutton.
I just can't watch or listen to her any more.
Her high pitched squeeling in an immature excitable manner and her attempts at looking coy to camera along with the hair flicking just make me switch off.
The QVC customers are adults, not 4 year olds that need to be told they are "good girls" for buying a necklace or ring etc in the faux posh accent!!

She needs a talking to and sorting out.
Moan over.

I thought she'd toned it down a bit last time I saw her on...wondered if she'd already had a talking to....
I like Claire although I do realise she can grate.I think it's the fact that she has 3 children(one with Downs)so talking in that baby-waby mode is her default setting.

At first I really didn't take to her at all but my respect for her grew exponentially.Considering that her first child had Downs,she then went on to have two more.I think I would have been scared to keep trying after the first one but she wasn't.That takes balls I think(and a great husband).

As for my presenter hates ,ALISON YOUNG unwatchable,plus the fact that she's mean spirited and unecessarily snarky to other women...mark my words she's headed for a fall somewhere along the line.People on this forum can bang on about what a "great sense of humour" she has and yadda,yadda,yadda...but this so called humour is underpinned by bitterness and insecurity.

CLAUDIA SYLVESTER,I never watch her EVER,not because I dislike her,it's because her voice is nasal and monotone.

ANN DAWSON-when she eventually returns from her extensive dental work is another no,no....cannot bear her.

Everyone else I can take in small doses.

My faves are Pipa,Claire andCatherine...........and Loen from Ideal World who I would watch selling ANYTHING.....if only she would/could defect to QVC that would be magic.
Craig - I can't stand him and don't think he's improved at all over the past year...I see they don't give him many shows either. I don't think he comes across as sincere (mind you, not many do!:33:) You can see he's really trying hard, but perhaps that's the problem. Jill Franks too, she never really bothered me, until I started reading these threads! I then thought to myself - they're right...and now notice all the same things as everyone else does and yes, she is very annoying. There's also a chap who's smarmy with dark hair, who I can never remember the name of...I think he was on another shopping channel a few years back and I wish he'd go back there:23: He realy puts me off. When he's talking about something, it's like he's programmed. I can't watch him!
I have four children,(all growing up now)but I can honestly say that I have never ever talked "baby talk" in my professional role.
Would never,could never...and would be expecing a reprimand if I did!!
i have grown up children, and can promise i never spoke baby talk to them EVER. i cannot understand the logic of teaching a child to say doggy, pussy or bobbo and so on, only to have to correct it when they are older, i mean i can hardly imagine the word doggy been used in a boardroom, so never did it and had to tell the MinL more than once to stop it.

having said that, i do speak baby/doggy talk to my dogs, but thats cos it will never be ness to train them out of it when they are called to the bar :54:

miserble cow aint I
Craig, a sure cure for insomnia, Claire for her babyspeak voice and Debbie G for her silly attempts at humour...for me all three mute button presenters. :54:

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