My presenter switch off..


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Love Claire, but Ali Keenan makes me want to throw water balloons at her for babbling INCESSANTLY over anyone she happens to be working with. I feel sorry for Dawn Bibby when she has to try to explain craft techniques over the top of that constant noise pollution!

I think for coyness overload, Ms Roberts takes some beating. At least Claire is still young enough to get away with trying to be cute (IMO). :1:
I quite enjoy Claire although I can see how she could irritate others, bless her. I identify with her because I'm fluffy on the outside too - but with ball of steel also!

I hate that they keep giving Alison Keenan and Jill Franks beauty hours as those are my favourite type of shows but I don't enjoy watching those two presenters and refuse to buy anything from one of their hours. Neither one of them would know sincerity if it bit them on the bum. The funniest thing I've seen on QVC is Jill Franks saying she uses a Gale Hayman lip palette all the time then being noticeably surprised at the texture when she put some on!

I couldn't watch Charlie if my life depended on it, and Julia Roberts' cutesy girlishness can be a tad bit wearing.

Alison Young and Catherine Huntley are my favourites because they always seem knowledgeable - or at least well informed - about the products they are selling. I like that they do some behind the scenes work about a product before they come and and urge us to buy it!
just shows how different we all are-I hear Alison Young's voice and press mute. I would rather listen to a dentist's drill! And the same goes for Alison Keenan. Apologies to all the lovely people out there called Alison-nothing personal!!!!!
My presenter switch off.............

was today when Claire was presenting L'Occitane and said she always used the same perfume (need to know?) and the sound men really raved when they smelt her!

I kid you not!
I like Claire although I do realise she can grate.I think it's the fact that she has 3 children(one with Downs)so talking in that baby-waby mode is her default setting.

At first I really didn't take to her at all but my respect for her grew exponentially.Considering that her first child had Downs,she then went on to have two more.I think I would have been scared to keep trying after the first one but she wasn't.That takes balls I think(and a great husband).

As for my presenter hates ,ALISON YOUNG unwatchable,plus the fact that she's mean spirited and unecessarily snarky to other women...mark my words she's headed for a fall somewhere along the line.People on this forum can bang on about what a "great sense of humour" she has and yadda,yadda,yadda...but this so called humour is underpinned by bitterness and insecurity.

CLAUDIA SYLVESTER,I never watch her EVER,not because I dislike her,it's because her voice is nasal and monotone.

ANN DAWSON-when she eventually returns from her extensive dental work is another no,no....cannot bear her.

Everyone else I can take in small doses.

My faves are Pipa,Claire andCatherine...........and Loen from Ideal World who I would watch selling ANYTHING.....if only she would/could defect to QVC that would be magic.

Didn't Loen used to be on QVC or am I thinking of another Ideal World female presenter?
Craig - I can't stand him and don't think he's improved at all over the past year...I see they don't give him many shows either. I don't think he comes across as sincere (mind you, not many do!:33:) You can see he's really trying hard, but perhaps that's the problem. Jill Franks too, she never really bothered me, until I started reading these threads! I then thought to myself - they're right...and now notice all the same things as everyone else does and yes, she is very annoying. There's also a chap who's smarmy with dark hair, who I can never remember the name of...I think he was on another shopping channel a few years back and I wish he'd go back there:23: He realy puts me off. When he's talking about something, it's like he's programmed. I can't watch him!

Do you mean Antony Heywood?
I love Claire to bits...ok so she's not everyone's cup of char...perhaps a product of her up bringing...who knows!

I have nothing but admiration for her determination that Thomas should have a normal upbringing...she's fresh and honest and a tad girlie. So what if she grates a little...she's little relief in a sad world!!

Les xxx

Charlie, Craig and breathy Franks could disappear tomo and I wouldn't give a fig!!

Claire's delivery is so immature and difficult to take seriously, but I tolerate her because she looks so nice.

Dislike watching Jill Franks and Anne Dawson. Can't think of anything good about them unfortunately. Got to switch off.

The two Alison's are too hyper for relaxing viewing. Using the mute button seems to be a great idea when they're on!

Anthony is one of my faves.
The only presenters that I can sit comfortably and watch are Sarah G, Alison Young and Julian Ballentyne. The rest all have mannerisms that really annoy me. Unless I'm looking to buy something I rarely watch QVC live - if I'm mildy interested I will tape it and then can flick through at leisure!
Well, really for me I have to say it's Claudia - to say I disliked her would be a bit strong, but there's just something about her I cannot warm to at all. She was on last night doing the Birki hour and there was just no warmth between her and the guest, Nicky - and like has been mentioned on the thread about her she is one of the nicest guest presenters they have. She tries to be funny and wacky all the time and it just comes across as so forced and unnatural. I just find her a bit false and insincere.
Well the one I always switch off is Jill Franks - I can't bear her gasping insincerity. She seems very full of herself and does love to mention how 'diddy' she is, just in case we hadn't noticed. She also often refers to the QVC viewers as 'they', { as in " I knew they would like this }as if we are the unwashed masses or another species , which she probably thinks we are 'cos she's a celeb.

But I have to say, since starting to read these threads about irritating things presenter do, I have started to notice all sorts of things that now get on my nerves. Even in presenters that I previously had no problem with - for example, I now cringe after I have heard Sarah Griffin describe something as 'devastating' for the umpteenth time, whereas before I got corrupted by this forum, I wouldn't have even noticed it !

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