My mum


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I'm sorry to hear of our loss petpixie. You'll feel pretty yuck over the next few weeks - go with the flow. Time does heal but it can be a damn hard journey. My own darling mam died a few days after mothers' day which made it even harder - hugs to you.
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news Petpixie and I'm sending you my sincere condolences. I know that you were devoted to your Mum and you will be feeling like the bottom has dropped out of your world but try to take comfort that you did everything you could to make her life happy whilst she was with you and she knew that you loved her deeply. Your beloved Mum is out of pain and at peace now in a better place. She will always watch over you and walk by your side. Thinking of you. Sue xxx

So sorry to hear of your very sad loss petpixie, my sincerest condolences to you and yours.
So sorry to hear your sad news PP
Those we love dont pass away they walk beside us everyday.
These are the words on the bottom of my sons headstone and I truly believe that he is near by and looking over us.
My lovely mum and dad died before my son Tom so I like to think they are looking out for him ,Time is what you need to come to terms with your dreadful loss and cry all you want it really does help ((((hugs )))) from me
Oh Petpixie, what can i say. My heart goes out to you at this sad time. But i believe she's looking down on you,
willing you to be strong, as hard as it will be. My thoughts are with you.Gloria Hunniford said after her lovely
daughter Karen died, that every time you see a feather it means someone is looking down at you. And at the
weirdest times i see a feather and think of my lovely Mum xx
I'm so sad to read this. You did a terrific job caring for your Mother and we know how much you loved her. There just isn't anything wise or comforting to say because this is the worst of pain.
Oh Jacqueline, like everyone else has said I'm very saddened to read this & cannot imagine how you're feeling. Nothing we say is going to make the pain seem any easier but suffice to say we're all here, always willing to listen, comfort & support. Like others my advice is to take every minute & hour as it comes. This immediate pain will be the hardest to get through. Trust that you will in time remember some wonderful memories without the bottomless pit of grief that you are feeling now.

You adored her and likewise she you. An earthly passing for me is just the ending of 1 chapter and the transcending into another. The loved ones who have passed do see us every day. They know what we're doing in our lives and all about our happy & not so happy times. Often the signs they're around are not the obvious ones we're led to believe to look out for but the more subtle. Like Barb said, a feather. There's also smells, the odd phrase that pops into your head for no reason, a sudden shadow that catches your eye then it's gone & you think you mis-saw something.

Very best love to all those on this thread who have lost loved ones. Milly, I can't imagine how you have come out the other side from what must have been too immense for me to put into words.

I will pray & light a candle for your beloved Mum Jacqueline & ask that you are able to take each baby step. Pain caused by gried if often something we don't "get over", more we learn to live with & accept & feel honoured that we had such amazing beings grace our lives xx.
I'm so very sorry, Jacqueline. Please be very kind to yourself and just take things one small step at at time.
My thoughts are with you at this sad time. I also cared for my mum before she died and so understand how you must be feeling. It does leave a gap but it will soon be filled with happy memories of her, rather than the sadness that you feel at the moment.

Take care of yourself and we're all thinking about you.
petpixie I am so sorry. I can imagine. I don't want to, but I can. I would crumble. Please don't. If my mum died and I crumbled, I could just imagine what she would say! Maybe your mum too? If she would tell you to keep going and grab life by the scruff of the neck, try hard to listen. x

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I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I hope that all the love expressed here helps you at this difficult time. Many people are thinking of you, care for you and send their love. x
My heart goes out to you petpixie and I echo the words of others who have expressed their sympathy. Do take care of yourself and use us as a sounding board whenever you feel the need.

Much love
So sorry to hear your sad news, PP. There are some beautiful messages on here for you.

My Mum has been gone for just over six years now, and there are still times when it hits me light a bolt of lightning. My thoughts are with you. xx

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