My Cat


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Jun 26, 2008
Absolutely nothing to do with QVC, apart from his picture in my profile. Sorry if this isn't allowed.

Well he died last Weds at the ripe old age of 21y 9m and 16d. I've been like a zombie since then, sitting watching the telly much of the day. QVC has been my saviour ! :sad:
Ah, sorry to hear that Eric's Mum. What a lovely time together you and your cat Eric must have had. Love working both ways. It is very hard when a pet dies, I still miss the ones I grew up with, 2 cats and a dog. There is always a special place for them in my heart.

Remember all those good memories of your fluffy adorable cat. He has had the best life a cat could have with you as his Mum. x
I am so sorry to read this sad news about Eric; you obviously loved him very much & losing him after so many years is doubly hard. Be kind to yourself, find comfort in any place you can & always remember what a wonderful life you gave him. Lots of love to you x
Oh no! How horribly sad for you but what a wonderful age and I bet he had the best life. Really feeling for you as I know how hard the loss of a pet is.

CC :sad: :flower::flower:
He had a long happy life with you. It is like losing a family member and you do need time to mourn him.

It does ease with time and you will start remembering the happy times and things he used to do with a smile.
So sorry to hear about your puss. What a great life he had though. Hopefully, you have many happy memories to see you through this tricky time. Thinking of you.
So sorry to hear that, Erics Mum, your avatar was much admired by me - he was a gorgeous puss and obviously very well-looked after and happy. Take care eh. x
So sorry to hear that, Erics Mum, your avatar was much admired by me - he was a gorgeous puss and obviously very well-looked after and happy. Take care eh. x

Aww, he was indeed and I have always admired his photograph too. Such a lovely, serene little face - always makes me smile.

I don't know what it is about cats (I'm definitely a cat person, even though I don't have one). When my brother texted me at work to say his had died that morning, I burst into tears and had to leave the office for a walk.

Sorry to hear the news, Erics Mum. Hope you are ok. We're all thinking of you. Let's have some photographs of cats posted here to cheer us up. As long as that doesn't upset you, Erics Mum?
Oh no! I’m sorry for your loss. They bring us endless years of love and happiness, then when that time comes they smash your heart in to a thousand pieces. To lose a furry family member is a pain no other, thinking of you xx
So sorry EM. He was special because you loved him and he loved you back. He will be over the Rainbow Bridge now full health restored, no pain.
My condolences to you, Eric's Mum. Losing a pet is losing family. Treasure the years you had together, and know that time will help you come to terms with your loss.
So sorry to hear that Eric has passed. He was an old man who had a long and happy life and you and he shared lots of happiness together. Time will help the pain of losing him and as one pet servant to another (you never can be a cat owner because they own YOU)it is something we all dread when the time comes. Sleep well little Eric.
We lost our Eric 22 + years ago, he was a characterful white & ginger boy too and i often think of him still! Such a painful loss when a pet dies, maybe because they don't have the negative personalties some of our human family members have! I'm still missing wee Sabrina; she developed FIP (the dry version...don't google it unless you really have to know!) and she died just before Xmas.

There's no time limit on missing our furries, but you must have a long lifetime of memories with your handsome Eric to cherish forever.


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