My Bank Fraud Dept Called This AM Guess Who Q!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Mar 3, 2014
I awoke this am to a call from my bank fraud department, Q had tried to draw some money from my account at 3.30am immediately I replied it wasn't me but could be an EP or Auto delivery etc but couldn't find what it was, my bank made sure the payment was declined, they do not like this practice of drawing money when your not present at these type of hours. So I searched my account, why oh why can't Q give us an easy way yo see our Auto deliveries and waitlist items are they afraid will see just how many we fall for and then cancel loads?

Anyway after lots of drudging through, as I didn't want to miss any auto deliveries by my banks cautiousness, I realised I choose to purchase a bangle about 10pm - 11pm I went for advanced orders as I'm still waiting for, in particular incorrect refunds that still haven't been sorted and I've ordered quite a bit lately and I'm getting fed up of the onslaught of individual parcels! Well as per usual they hadn't in the end sold out and they tried to take payment for this item that I was expecting the money taken in July! Now while for me it is of no concern if my bank had allowed the payment to go through it may have caused others problems with important payments coming out of their accounts! When this happens Q should contact the people on Advanced orders and ask would you like the item now or do you want to continue on Advanced Orders, what if someone's mortgage payment then came up short etc this is another case of, although most understand Q's systems and the way they work but another way in which you can't trust them!

Good on my banks fraud department not sure how they knew I went to bed at midnight and took a sleeping pill but good on them, unless they have a camera in my bedroom :mysmilie_19:
My bank's fraud department rang (landline and mobile), left a voicemail on my mobile, texted and emailed yesterday but I managed to miss all of these! I think that my ebay purchase for £3.19 yesterday might have triggered this as I'm told fraudsters often make a small purchase initially and if it works move on to bigger items. I'm just relieved I did see the message before I went to the garage to fill up with petrol as that could have proved rather awkward.
My bank's fraud department rang (landline and mobile), left a voicemail on my mobile, texted and emailed yesterday but I managed to miss all of these! I think that my ebay purchase for £3.19 yesterday might have triggered this as I'm told fraudsters often make a small purchase initially and if it works move on to bigger items. I'm just relieved I did see the message before I went to the garage to fill up with petrol as that could have proved rather awkward.

Yep they've told me that in the past too, sometimes I think they want me to stop shopping so much with Q :mysmilie_14:
I'm always grateful for these 'flags', no matter how inconvenient. My card was once cloned in a very nice Berlin restaurant. We didn't know it at the time, but a couple of weeks later it turned out someone in Russia had tried to use it to purchase a computer from a business in Poland … but hadn't been able to thanks to an alert credit card company.
All I would add is ring QVC and ask them to note your new card details for any outstanding easy pays or advanced orders as they will try to present the old card details even if you have updated your QVC account and deleted the old card there. It's a bit hit and miss as some staff seem to be able to action this whereas others can't do it until the payment is due or been attempted. They have a rather snotty template letter accusing their valued customer of welching on a payment even where they've had advanced notice of the new card.

Off Topic: I've only used Expedia a couple of times but after every booking (years apart) I've had payments flagged by the card issuer and the card stopped and replaced. Considering that I have a huge internet shopping footprint it's made me reluctant to use them again.
What IS going on with these advanced orders, I recently received 2 separate orders that shouldn't have been delivered until next month! I know they say will be sent out if they come back in stock sooner, but you don't expect it 2 days later, could have put me right in the **** or do QVC assume that because we shop with them we must have more money than sense, so it doesn't matter if the odd £50 comes out sooner than expected!! Like JW2 says they should be obliged to warn us!
Each time an EP is due, the Q does email me. If I have ordered an item on waitlist, or AD, I also get an email. Quuite often, however, the email comes after I have received the item!
All I would add is ring QVC and ask them to note your new card details for any outstanding easy pays or advanced orders as they will try to present the old card details even if you have updated your QVC account and deleted the old card there. It's a bit hit and miss as some staff seem to be able to action this whereas others can't do it until the payment is due or been attempted. They have a rather snotty template letter accusing their valued customer of welching on a payment even where they've had advanced notice of the new card.

Off Topic: I've only used Expedia a couple of times but after every booking (years apart) I've had payments flagged by the card issuer and the card stopped and replaced. Considering that I have a huge internet shopping footprint it's made me reluctant to use them again.

You've lost me, what new card lol! Seeing as I knew it was Q they didn't lock the card, I try hard not to phone CS if possible as their award winning staff sometimes wind me up something chronic lol!
Each time an EP is due, the Q does email me. If I have ordered an item on waitlist, or AD, I also get an email. Quuite often, however, the email comes after I have received the item!

Yes, I did get an email saying they were on their way, but then they arrived that day so it was too late to do anything about it!:mysmilie_51:
I have had this happen with recent advanced orders. The presenter said items will be delivered week commencing xx, the onscreen information states w/c xx, the online order page states w/c xx, I budget accordingly...and it's delivered 2 or 3 weeks earlier!! When that happens, I send it back and QVC lose a sale.

CS each time told me it is in their terms and conditions, section 4.4 ...and it is...but how many people access T&Cs, esp if ordering via phone etc.?

See extract below:

4.4 When you purchase an item on advanced order hold, QVC will not charge you for the item until the item is on it's way to you (please note goods may arrive at QVC for the shipment earlier than the expected date). We will contact your bank to confirm that your payment card is valid, and has not been reported as lost or stolen. Your bank will decide to reserve funds against your account and you may notice the item's price is deducted from your available funds. Please contact your bank for further details about payment authorisations.
You've lost me, what new card lol! Seeing as I knew it was Q they didn't lock the card, I try hard not to phone CS if possible as their award winning staff sometimes wind me up something chronic lol!

Oh don't mind me I've lost the plot again;:mysmilie_13: my CC just cancelled my current card when the spotted the fraud; I've never had them query a bone fide sale. :mysmilie_11:
I have had this happen with recent advanced orders. The presenter said items will be delivered week commencing xx, the onscreen information states w/c xx, the online order page states w/c xx, I budget accordingly...and it's delivered 2 or 3 weeks earlier!! When that happens, I send it back and QVC lose a sale.

CS each time told me it is in their terms and conditions, section 4.4 ...and it is...but how many people access T&Cs, esp if ordering via phone etc.?

They have to say that because, although they say they don't, we all know they do, send out returns so its a get out clause for cancelled orders and returned items. That's all fair & good and understandable but they should contact the buyer first and say its in early so can we process the order IMO but then you would only expect that from top class award winning retailer/customer services :mysmilie_15:
QVC notify if an order is coming early!!!!! Really, come this is QVC we are talking about. A website that crashes an a regular basis, an app which does not work for many. To pay a CS member to do the job when they are cutting costs my more automation (mentioned in their first 2014 profit statement and figures), won't happen.

They will just continue to quote the T&C, they have themselves covered in the small print. I know on the moneysaving site forum members keep repeating always read the small print as the T&C will be in there. This is usually the, 'I have been scammed', by the weight loss raspberry trial thing were they never read they are entering into a auto delivery thing.
Both my Credit and Debit cards were cancelled at the end of last year ( separate incidents) by the Bank Fraud Dept.When I spoke to HSBC & they could never tell me what incident(s) had led to this.So I was always left wondering.
Both my Credit and Debit cards were cancelled at the end of last year ( separate incidents) by the Bank Fraud Dept.When I spoke to HSBC & they could never tell me what incident(s) had led to this.So I was always left wondering.

I have accounts with a few different banks, the bank on my opening post was Lloyds but a couple of years ago I purchased, or tried to purchase a rather expensive Range Oven, I had prepared by bolstering the account balance by a several grand and went to the shop, purchased over their internet using my verified by visa password and yet HSBC declined the payment I tried several times and in utter embarrassment and confusion left the shop and went back to my car and phoned HSBC to be told the fraud department had blocked the card as someone was trying yo buy something in the store I was in, in the town I was in, I screamed down the phone YES ME!!! I was livid what is the point of verified visa!! This was a shop I had purchased in many times in a town I live near, they don't give a damn about the embarrassment they caused, I went home and ordered it over the internet with the details the shop gave me, I rarely use HSBC for any large purchases I hate them so much lol!!
I always get notifications by email (and twice by phone!) when EP and ADs are due. Having said that, I try to stay on top of things financially (after a rocky patch with my ex-husband running up mega debt in my name years ago!). I use EP whenever available, but always make sure that I have the total amount in my account on the day I order and leave it there (yep, I'm totally anal in the finances dept.).

I would freak out completely if my finances got slightly unbalanced, after the nightmare out-of-control position I was left in. NEVER again!

I'm also pretty glad that my bank keeps an eye on potential "dodgy" behaviour seen on my card, too. I know a few people that have had their identities stolen and it was a hideous nightmare for them - way more hassle than my financial woes were.
I always get notifications by email (and twice by phone!) when EP and ADs are due.

Wow you are lucky with Q, if only they treated everyone they way they treat you! I've never received an email for AD's! Don't understand why on earth Q would phone someone to tell them EP's are due, I would call that harassment I don't have time to constantly answer the phone to Q lol!
I've never had the letter when Q have tried to get a payment and my card has expired. I usually get a very nice person on the phone asking me if I have cancelled a card and forgot to notify them etc. They've always been more than nice.

However, on the subject of fraud, my bank is also on the ball and phone me if they think air fares to Asia are unusual for me lol (yes that happened). Also £790 worth of goods trying to be bought in TK Maxx in Slough! I live in Scotland. I also had a brand new, never been used before, credit card that I bought something over the phone from the TV - not Q. Gave them all the details, number on the back etc and a week or so later I notice 7 or 8 mobile phone contracts set up on my bank account - some of which had already made payments of £60 or £70. The bank refunded it all but the hassle was huge. Be wary out there.


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