Ms Franks does it again!


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Yes she was in full flicking mode last night and it was very distracting. I thought she looked terrible. Quite a few presenters are guilty of hair flicking, you would think the producers would tell them to give it a rest.

Miss Julia is also guilty of swishing her hair.
Yes didn't she just used to present exercise machines etc at first. Not a QVC presenter.

Yes, she did. The first time I saw her stray from the exercise machines was on one of those epic over nighters like Gold Day or Silver Day. Can remember how nervous she was and the "claws" showing off the jewellery as she tried to think up things to say.
Long before the exercise gigs Frankenweenie did all things Oral Health on QVC as a guest for electric tooth brushes and flossers...around the same time that Pipa guested for Blueblockers sunglasses.
Long before the exercise gigs Frankenweenie did all things Oral Health on QVC as a guest for electric tooth brushes and flossers...around the same time that Pipa guested for Blueblockers sunglasses.
I've been with Q for 21 years, as you probably have too and for the benefit of other newbies perhaps, that's absolutely correct. Q also sold some really nice gems and jewellery at that time but, whether there is any connection of course, I don't know, but some of the companies who regularly featured were a guy on his own, sorry can't remember his name, but I can see his face right now, and also John and Laura Ramsey who were gem experts, in fact I purchased their beautiful book. Since 9/11 we never saw them again, and I have often wondered if they were victims, or if they just decided no longer to deal with QVC.
Only time I ever bought a piece of jewellery from Q was about 6 years ago on a complete whim. I didn't look at the channel much al all, and then just for a minute before switching over, but happened to switch on and plumped for a silver ring with a flower design of small rubies. After wearing it only a couple of times, one of the rubies dropped out - that was 8 months after I bought it, and I'm pretty sure I didn't catch it on anything. I was not impressed, but to be fair it was only quite cheap. Because I didn't think it worthwhile getting the missing ruby replaced, I donated the damaged ring to a charity collection for an animal charity who re-sell damaged or unwanted jewellery to raise funds. But I have heard from several other people who have purchased Q jewellery that it tends to be the old stuff, purchased in the early days of Q over 18 years ago, that wears well. The new stuff today is, in the main, vastly overpriced and I've heard from several people that they've sent items back. If you shop around, you can buy identical or almost identical items much cheaper.

I've been with Q for 21 years, as you probably have too and for the benefit of other newbies perhaps, that's absolutely correct. Q also sold some really nice gems and jewellery at that time but, whether there is any connection of course, I don't know, but some of the companies who regularly featured were a guy on his own, sorry can't remember his name, but I can see his face right now, and also John and Laura Ramsey who were gem experts, in fact I purchased their beautiful book. Since 9/11 we never saw them again, and I have often wondered if they were victims, or if they just decided no longer to deal with QVC.
She needs to have good shoulders with her off-the-shoulder dresses and tops that she favours. I think she she go for the "flashdance" look - an off-the-shoulder jumper, 80s hair and leg warmers. At the moment she's something of a fusion between Skeletor's sister and a coconut shy!
I thought the Pilates programme was like a horror show !

Margerine looking every one of her 61 years and more (and did you clock her feet ??? bunions that could have their own Thread on here !), Jill looking more like Iggy Pop's daughter every day, and those moving statues in the background gave me the giggles.

I'll stick to my own Rubenesque curves I think - I know what its like to cuddle a whippet !!!!!
I would imagine Jill Franks is naturally very slim and a slight build and I guess she has made a lifestyle choice, many runners, as I think she is, are naturally very slim with lean muscle.

For me I'm scrawny and I'm sure its horrible for my boyfriend to give me a hug with my hollow arm pits and bones sticking out and I no doubt look much older than my years but it isn't always a lifestyle choice, sometimes its due to other factors such as illness. Having always previously been a slim but healthy weight for most of my adult years due to sensible eating but also eating pretty much what I like favouring treats, sweets and fruit and my veggies too being as I am now, well I never ever thought for one minute trying to get 2.5stone on (at least) in weight would be so unbelievably hard. Some of us skinnies aren't like this by choice and I'm trying to get weight on but maintain a healthy outlook also to take me through my life which includes trying to keep active.

Don't know why I'm saying this really, no digs at anyone, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech but having had some awful stares over the past 6 months or so because of how I look and no doubt judgements made over my appearance being painfully thin can be just that - painful and embarrassing xxx (ooo and I'd love some rubanesque curves but have never had them sadly anyway :( )
So sorry to hear of your health issues L/Tia, no comments are meant to hurt intentionally and I'm sure most of us on here make our 'assumptions' with health problems aside - whether too plump or too slim, but its a fact of life that those in the public eye - especially those selling us healthy living products who have a messianic approach to their spiel, are there to be popped at.

(actually, Rubanesque curves can be a bugger when trying to buy nice lingerie !!!)
I would imagine Jill Franks is naturally very slim and a slight build and I guess she has made a lifestyle choice, many runners, as I think she is, are naturally very slim with lean muscle.

For me I'm scrawny and I'm sure its horrible for my boyfriend to give me a hug with my hollow arm pits and bones sticking out and I no doubt look much older than my years but it isn't always a lifestyle choice, sometimes its due to other factors such as illness. Having always previously been a slim but healthy weight for most of my adult years due to sensible eating but also eating pretty much what I like favouring treats, sweets and fruit and my veggies too being as I am now, well I never ever thought for one minute trying to get 2.5stone on (at least) in weight would be so unbelievably hard. Some of us skinnies aren't like this by choice and I'm trying to get weight on but maintain a healthy outlook also to take me through my life which includes trying to keep active.

Don't know why I'm saying this really, no digs at anyone, I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech but having had some awful stares over the past 6 months or so because of how I look and no doubt judgements made over my appearance being painfully thin can be just that - painful and embarrassing xxx (ooo and I'd love some rubanesque curves but have never had them sadly anyway :( )

Very well said Lady TIA.

It's pretty much socially unacceptable now to make negative comments about overweight people, but it's still fair game to throw all sorts of derogatory terms at slim or underweight people. Freedom of speech is very important indeed, but it seems very one-sided when it comes to weight issues.
having had some awful stares over the past 6 months or so because of how I look and no doubt judgements made over my appearance being painfully thin can be just that - painful and embarrassing xxx (ooo and I'd love some rubanesque curves but have never had them sadly anyway :( )

I have the opposite problem Lady T and struggle daily to keep myself at a healthy weight as I put weight on so easily. I really can't do carbs much at all now.
Now, please forgive me if I've remembered this wrongly and I have the wrong person but I remember some years ago on the old forum we had a thread running where some members posted photos of themselves and I seem to recall that you joined in and unanimous opinion was that you are really beautiful!!
I was also once in the category of not being able to put on weight but it certainly wasn't a lifestyle choice as it is with Jill Franks, who has an almost messianic approach to healthy eating, let alone alcohol. Did she once spit out something on air, which I thought was disgusting at the time or am I misremembering? Sorry to hear about your illness, but Jill Franks has put herself and her ideals in the public eye for financial gain, so she's there to be popped at. After all, the QVC models are slim but not scrawny like her and there are no adverse comments about their weight, even though my 5ft 8 frame looks scrawny if I ever get to a size 12, whereas they seem to be fine as a size 10 and taller than me.
Thank you :)

brissles - thank you, I agree re presenters on QVC are in the public eye and yes this forum is for everyone to give their views which I've always thought is a great thing. Ahem - never mind bras I think I'll be back to wearing a nice vest soon! mind you I've never been well endowed, my sister lucked out on the boobs in my family!

Ellaaa - thank you - having once been overweight myself many years ago as a late teen I was called a fat cow by a fella in a club on a night out and it was so hurtful, I never forgot it but I think the quest for slimness and celebrities being too thin has sadly caused a dangerous trend amongst our population especially youngsters but thankfully lots of curvy girls are now in the public eye giving those who choose to follow them something else to work towards. I do certainly think there are more connotations linked to very thin people and generally its seen as more acceptable to pass comment.

loveallthingsitalian - lol I might agree with you there but mainly because of her constant sensitive skin references! that I don't for one minute believe she has (well not in the truest sense)!

Honeybunny - awww thank you so much , it may well have been me that posted and its lovely of you to remember, a lady stopped me the other day when I was at a hospital appointment and she said, my you have such a pretty face, I could have wept and hugged her, it was such a massive boost and I'm sure she couldn't have known the impact it had, as has you remembering the photo posts x I have had weight struggles myself many years ago in terms of trying to lose weight, I lost around 4 stone as a late teenager and know it can be difficult but I'm lucky that generally when all things are OK I tend to manage my weight at a healthy levels and feel sad for anyone with weight struggles whether like me trying to get weight on or to lose it.

thatu - I think you remember correctly that Jill did indeed spit out some food during a show, I think someone told her it had alcohol in it or something? I probably have a similar build to you, I'm usually a size 10-12, 8stone 5lbs-9lbs and about 5ft 6.5inches and a more athletic build so when I'm low on weight it seems to look worse, I work with people who I would say are exceptionally thin but have a smaller frame than me and seem to carry it off, I guess naturally some of us are on the slim side (although I do work at it in a non conscious way to maintain a balance with a weight I'm comfortable with) but need some meat on our bones to look healthier. Currently I'm hovering at 6st 3lbs and look scrawny but refuse to buy new cloths because it will all go back on (belts are wonderful things) I'm determined!!!

Thank you everyone for your kind comments, I don't often share and didn't wish to hijack the thread, in fact I rarely post these days but hey, its Sunday, I'm mooching around and thought why not - thank you for not judging me x

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