Mr & Mrs Charlie Bear


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Jun 24, 2008
They both look ill.

She's sat hunched up, looking like she wants to disappear into the back of the seat, with a hot water botte on her lap.
He's sweating and leering over her, almost sat on her lap with the hot water bottle, making bears wave at the camera.


Mind you, anyone who thinks this is cute must be on a different wavelength...

Great, just switched over to see what Burlz meant and theres that little bear with the sad face and big collar of bells round its neck. You can buy stuffed toys in aid of wildlife and domestic animal abroad charities.
I don't like 'em much, as a couple, they're both slightly weird & creepy but I do hope Mrs. CB isn't seriously ill or anything?

She's always going on about how cold she is, I'm wondering if she has severe Raynauds or something? I can relate to that, as can others on here who suffer with it; the heating can be turned up to max, with everyone else virtually dripping with the heat but I am still frozen stiff, even when/if I feel warm to the touch on the outside I can still be shivering as I'm bl**dy freezing on the inside, hard to explain but soddin' miserable to live with! Might explain why she always looks so p*ssed off, I frequently sport a similar expression & demeanour myself! LOL

Agree about the hare thing, I already commented on that elsewhere & I haven't changed my mind with each new viewing of it! LOL
I don't like 'em much, as a couple, they're both slightly weird & creepy but I do hope Mrs. CB isn't seriously ill or anything?

She's always going on about how cold she is, I'm wondering if she has severe Raynauds or something? I can relate to that, as can others on here who suffer with it; the heating can be turned up to max, with everyone else virtually dripping with the heat but I am still frozen stiff, even when/if I feel warm to the touch on the outside I can still be shivering as I'm bl**dy freezing on the inside, hard to explain but soddin' miserable to live with! Might explain why she always looks so p*ssed off, I frequently sport a similar expression & demeanour myself! LOL

Agree about the hare thing, I already commented on that elsewhere & I haven't changed my mind with each new viewing of it! LOL
I find submerging them in warm water the quickest way to warm (warm, not hot) my feet and hands, kitten-with -claws. I have even used hair-dryers.(never have them on the hot setting though).
They both look ill.

She's sat hunched up, looking like she wants to disappear into the back of the seat, with a hot water botte on her lap.
He's sweating and leering over her, almost sat on her lap with the hot water bottle, making bears wave at the camera.


Mind you, anyone who thinks this is cute must be on a different wavelength...

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lol i just put in another thread that i think the hare looks evil :)
I find submerging them in warm water the quickest way to warm (warm, not hot) my feet and hands, kitten-with -claws. I have even used hair-dryers.(never have them on the hot setting though).

Yes, good advice & I admit to doing the placing cold extremeties on/in/too close to overly hot things as know when you were small & your nan warned you against doing stupid things like putting frozen hands too near the hot fire etc., or....'you'll get chilblains'?.....turned out nan was right! :blush: :doh:
Every time. i see them, he gets bigger and she gets smaller . She looks so fragile.

I pity any child that opens up their Christmas present and sees that Hare staring up at them.
I can sympathise too though not for myself. My husband has it quite badly, he's always complaining that he's freezing while I'm here wilting, he has the heating turned up so high. Not easy for either of us.
Three of his fingers have been white since the middle of September, it doesn't need to be very cold at all for them to suffer.
Has anyone found that cashmere gloves are warmer than other sorts? I was wondering about getting him some as I 've already bought him those thinsulate ones, as well as fleece, wool, you name it & hand warming gadgets to not much avail.
I can sympathise too though not for myself. My husband has it quite badly, he's always complaining that he's freezing while I'm here wilting, he has the heating turned up so high. Not easy for either of us.
Three of his fingers have been white since the middle of September, it doesn't need to be very cold at all for them to suffer.
Has anyone found that cashmere gloves are warmer than other sorts? I was wondering about getting him some as I 've already bought him those thinsulate ones, as well as fleece, wool, you name it & hand warming gadgets to not much avail.

Cashmere etc. is usually warmer than say, standard wool as the fibres are much finer & the wool has more air pockets to trap air, which is what keeps you warm, so yes, I think so! Certainly the cashmere mix and angora wool socks I have are, I think, much warmer than my Shetland wool ones for example!

I would also recommend Sealskinz gloves, which are excellent, though loads of styles to choose from - one of the DDs also has Raynauds & they were the only things that allowed her to still function enough to play with the horses come winter, as she just 'shuts down' & stops moving/thinking/anything much at all really if she gets cold enough!
Thank you Kitten, that's very helpful.
I haven't heard of Sealskinz but will investigate.
Thank you Kitten, that's very helpful.
I haven't heard of Sealskinz but will investigate.

I should add that they're made of high tech manmade fabrics, not, err, don't be scared to look at their website! LOL

If you have a decent tack shop near you, they may well stock them, quite a few do! :nod:
I just can't watch them.I fail to understand why he is even needed...shes more than capable.....

Because I just can't bear to watch....has she really got a hot water bottle with her when presenting?????
I can't bear to watch them, they creep me out so badly.

I found cashmere gloves to be so much better than anything else I've tried, but now I'm off to check out the Sealskinz!
He's needed so he can tell the story of how they meit In the hope the viewers will go aaah and buy loads of bears.
I just can't watch them.I fail to understand why he is even needed...shes more than capable.....

Because I just can't bear to watch....has she really got a hot water bottle with her when presenting?????

Yep, she showed it earlier. Said she's always cold and has them all over the place. Maybe she does have a medical problem which is a shame but going on telly with a hot water bottle? Is that really necessary?

I do appreciate that they have to sit reasonably close to each other for cameras etc but he's so big and she's so small and fragile looking that the whole set up looks and feels uncomfortable. It is not a relaxed presentation, which isat complete odds with the product they're selling.
I do appreciate that they have to sit reasonably close to each other for cameras etc but he's so big and she's so small and fragile looking that the whole set up looks and feels uncomfortable. It is not a relaxed presentation, which isat complete odds with the product they're selling.

It wouldn't be quite so bad it if were only one or other of them doing their weird thing but what with him looming over her in that overbearing way and her doing the pale & shrinking bit, it's all a bit much IMHO!
i think you all need to take a look at what you are saying- i mean have any of you even met them? no?
i have...many times and they are a genuine, nice couple who are indeed interested in their work and fans...yes they 'sell' their product as any company does, but charlie and will are two of the nicest people you could want to meet..

and talking of're all sitting posting on a forum about two people youve never even met....wierd. i mean why are you even watching- turn the damn channel if you dont like it!

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