How do they get away with the mystery box stuff on bid?
Its clear to see that what ever the assistant chooses is NOT in the box...if it is then why do we have to wait till after the link to see what it is..and is always the most expensive item....and dont get me started about last nights necklace..."ooh Bexs...whats the most precious metal..." to which she didnt even have an answer for....and then peters patter off.." oh no..its...(then half finished words....)..its 24 carat...24 carat ..ooh Bexs "...then once reached the table he states.."its 24 carat plated.." obviously we know its not gold..but why do we have to be lied to in this peter says...i dont belie....its extraor......its absolu...... its fantas....... wot a load of old cobblers ha ha.... but you gotta laugh.. peter simon has changed in the last few years and is getting harder to watch, but he is still able to sell all their old tat pretty quickly to the poor un-knowing public... (if youre watching betty just buy it!)..
but the fact is because it is so farsical, makes it good comedy!:tongue:
Its clear to see that what ever the assistant chooses is NOT in the box...if it is then why do we have to wait till after the link to see what it is..and is always the most expensive item....and dont get me started about last nights necklace..."ooh Bexs...whats the most precious metal..." to which she didnt even have an answer for....and then peters patter off.." oh no..its...(then half finished words....)..its 24 carat...24 carat ..ooh Bexs "...then once reached the table he states.."its 24 carat plated.." obviously we know its not gold..but why do we have to be lied to in this peter says...i dont belie....its extraor......its absolu...... its fantas....... wot a load of old cobblers ha ha.... but you gotta laugh.. peter simon has changed in the last few years and is getting harder to watch, but he is still able to sell all their old tat pretty quickly to the poor un-knowing public... (if youre watching betty just buy it!)..
but the fact is because it is so farsical, makes it good comedy!:tongue: