As we all know, she utilised the Q to gain exposure for her underwear business, then abandoned ship once she'd made a name for herself, never even mentioning she had been on the Q. Now she has become an expert in the beauty field, having launched her own line, she is back at QVC. I don't understand why the Q is allowing her back after the way she treated the channel. With her personality, she obviously has the gall to return to the Q with an unchartered territory for her - a bit like the days before anyone knew who she was. Still, she has just had to pay her husband many millions, so she will be desperate to earn a few quid from this latest range. I can only assume that the Q are looking at her return from a business perspective. Without doubt, the same will happen again. Once she becomes as well known for her beauty products as her lingerie, QVC will have served it's purpose. This is only personal opinion but, as a beauty professional, I wouldn't think Ali would have much faith in Ms Mone's offerings, or Lulu's, rather companies which know what they are talking about. I don't think somehow Ali would be into wearing ultimo underwear or using products 'invented' by a lady who came up with the concept for a push up bra, which she feels qualifies her to decide what needs to go into a product to be effective. Not that we believe for one minute that she created the range.