Meet QVC's New Glam Presenter!


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I missed seeing Anne, maybe she is getting ready for the august wedding when she will be 'mother of the groom'. Good luck to her... at least she is not boring us with all the preparations. She seem a very normal person.
I missed seeing Anne, maybe she is getting ready for the august wedding when she will be 'mother of the groom'. Good luck to her... at least she is not boring us with all the preparations. She seem a very normal person.

It is very refreshing. QVC is a job, she has a life. The two are not being blended together for sales purposes. She hasn't hyped up any of the events she's been involved in. She might do a blog post about some things, but I do not recall her dragging any aspect of her life, bar references to holidays, into her "patter" to sell. While she does say "let me tell you" and "you know what" quite a lot, it does tend to be followed by full sentences that make sense (unlike the verbal diarrhoea which spews from Jill's mouth when she's fully up to speed).
Yes I agree with all the postings Anne Dawson, is probably the best presenter with regards to 'age appropriate' clothing, proper interviewing and speaking techniques and the fact that she doesn't use an ipad is because as she has stated many times her self she is not 'up' on technology. I think that she is good ambassedor for 'selly telly'. Unlike others such as DF who are always going on about their Blogs and the charities that they support, I know other support their own charities but they are not constantly going on about it. Oh and how many photos do we really want to see of Allison Keenan's granddaughter!

Why do I cringe when I hear her granddaughter's name ?........ Honey. Who calls a child that ? its an Americanism of the 'honey I'm home' type.

Why do I cringe when I hear her granddaughter's name ?........ Honey. Who calls a child that ? its an Americanism of the 'honey I'm home' type.

If "Honey" wasn't bad enough it's followed by Bea (Beatrice) it might seem all cute and cuddly as a baby, but not so much as the child gets older. It's a presenter trait rubbed off on their children I'm afraid, were they think they've some kind of Hollywood celebrity status, were this name would almost seem tame, round Chiswick though is a different matter.
Anne Dawson has been the stand-out presenter for many months now, in my view. Her hair and makeup are beautifully done; she dresses well for both age and dress size; she asks questions of the guest and, shockingly, she actually lets them answer... and she doesn't use one of those :mysmilie_11::mysmilie_11::mysmilie_11::mysmilie_11: iPads constantly during her shows, nor does she read endless tweets or show ridiculous twitpix of people's collections of whatever brand they are showing. Some find her shouty, some find her accent not to their taste, but for me these days she has become the only consistently watchable presenter. The others should look and learn.

It is almost like the story of " The Ugly Duckling" .
I watched Pippa later and I used to like her (when she had the spiky hair) and used to think that she dressed well in clothes that suited her. ....but this time, she looked dreadful in peddle pushers and looked as if she had just put on clothes that were lying around. She was also back on her "yea" " yea" :doh:
Yes I agree with all the postings Anne Dawson, is probably the best presenter with regards to 'age appropriate' clothing, proper interviewing and speaking techniques and the fact that she doesn't use an ipad is because as she has stated many times her self she is not 'up' on technology. I think that she is good ambassedor for 'selly telly'. Unlike others such as DF who are always going on about their Blogs and the charities that they support, I know other support their own charities but they are not constantly going on about it. Oh and how many photos do we really want to see of Allison Keenan's granddaughter!

I agree, she does not go on length, off topic chats that has nothing in connection to what she is selling, like Chuntley .
I agree, the presenters seem to have lost track as to why they're actually there, not to sell books, or websites, or themselves, or anything other than present the goods so hey! Fibby Flint, Chuntley, Queen Julia, the clues in the title of your job description "present!"

Well said, shopperholic :clapping: Sometimes some of them spend more time talking about them and "my mummy" " my grand daughter " " the launching of my book" " the high street " etc and less of the goods they are supposed to be selling.
So very true. They start to believe their own publicity, and think they, and their uninteresting personal lives, are far more important than the products they are selling. Personally, I couldn't give a toss about their personal lives, as they don't care about mine - it's the product details I want to know about (so I can look it up, and maybe buy it elsewhere!). Ok, I have no problem with a presenter mentioning the odd personal facts, that their daughter has this or that, for instance, but I object to being given a list of friends, relations, Slebs and casual acquaintances who I'm expected to believe could not live without it: it's totally unrealistic, for a start, and you can tell when someone's trying it on. This is why many people like Ellis Ward on Gems - she can laugh at herself, tells you true facts about the products (such as there being no consensus on Tanzanite grading and no industry-wide standard), fesses up if she makes a blooper on anything and she has a good eye for knowing what items from different ranges will mix and match well. Some of the other so-called presenters just take the Mick out of their viewers, IMO.

You have all the points that I detest too. If they want to talk about themselves, they have their blogs to do that and if we are interested, we can look there ( I will admit that I did when Alison got married) Their working hours are to sell products and to describe them to the viewing customers.
I wonder how long it will be before the awful Jill Franks returns.

It has been so nice without her:mysmilie_47: I do not watch QVC as much as I used to. Nowadays, I set the reminder on the hours (usually fashion as I can't window shop on the high street as I used to,) or some jewellery shows and it has been a blessing not to hear her and how much she "adore" and "those of you who know me will know how much" " I use this everyday" and " I love, love" etc. :mysmilie_17:
I missed seeing Anne, maybe she is getting ready for the august wedding when she will be 'mother of the groom'. Good luck to her... at least she is not boring us with all the preparations. She seem a very normal person.

Do you know, I only knew about this wedding since you mentioned it here. This just highlights what all of us have been saying. I just cannot imagine how many times it would have been mentioned if it was Debbie, Catherine, Kathy, Alison and even Julia (sorry Julia, but it is true)

Sara and Debbie would bore us to death with all the little details and we would see them on the I-pads.

If it was Catherine we will be told of the personal details:mysmilie_17:

I do hope that Anne will post some pictures of the wedding on her blog, I would like to see how she was dressed.
Please Anne don't do a Kathy Taylor and Ali K and turn it into a QVC wedding. Nothing wrong with using/wearing a Q article but don't let's see and hear about it for months.

We are still hearing about Kathy' FU cape and Ali K jewellery.
Please Anne don't do a Kathy Taylor and Ali K and turn it into a QVC wedding. Nothing wrong with using/wearing a Q article but don't let's see and hear about it for months.

We are still hearing about Kathy' FU cape and Ali K jewellery.

Please, no! I also don't want her to do a Kathy Tayler and morph from a really nice lady into a rude lady on air.

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