Marlawynne TSV 25/06/21


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I was taught that ‘and’ and ‘but’ are conjunctions, they join 2 phrases in one sentence. As such they cannot start or finish a sentence.

mind you that was 53 years ago so things might have moved on.
In my opinion they're moving backwards; I use different from something not to something, can't cope with unique being qualified & hiss when I hear autumny. As for lecturers being told not to use capital letters because they could scare anxious students.
You need to click on it to enlarge it. 😉


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Clearly we are of an 'age' Twirly' .

My English Language teacher decreed that starting sentences with ... and / because / but was strictly verboten.

Some years ago I wrote to the Editor of a national daily, protesting about this breach of grammar by his columnists. He didn't argue the point, but politely mentioned that William Blake, when writing Jerusalem started the whole thing with........"AND did those feet in ancient times. What could I say ?
Talking of William Blake when Mr Twirl and I were first courting he had a huge print of The Ancient of Days in the front room. After we married and redecorated it made its way into the living room. I asked him to remove it when the Twirlettes came along as I thought that it was a bit scary.
I believe it languishes in the cellar under the stairs now - no doubt scaring the spiders!
Talking of William Blake when Mr Twirl and I were first courting he had a huge print of The Ancient of Days in the front room. After we married and redecorated it made its way into the living room. I asked him to remove it when the Twirlettes came along as I thought that it was a bit scary.
I believe it languishes in the cellar under the stairs now - no doubt scaring the spiders!
His paintings have always given me the heebie jeebies.
5 Pocket Flatter Fit Melange Capri Pant
5 pockets? On capri pants?!!!! I thought they were supposed to be a fitted garment! I know there are pockets on pairs of jeans, but apart from blokes who tend to stuff everything into pockets, I don't think I've ever actually put anything in the pockets of my jeans. I can't quite work out where these pockets are all gonna go. Obvs 1 on each arse cheek, which will be for decorative purposes only, two side pockets which you probably won't even be able to squeeze your hand into, a side pocket? (but they're normally on Cargo pants), or maybe one of those funny little slit pockets near the waistband that you could possibly put a bus ticket in! No doubt they'll be wetting themselves with excitement about these pockets, whilst we'll be wetting ourselves laughing!
Marlawynne TSV is now showing as Friday 25th June.
The 10th of June is DannI Minogue (according to the TV guide)
Who cares? I won't be splashing my cash on Ms W whenever she appears or literally doesn't appear. There's obviously such a huge mark-up on this self-styled "premium" brand that they don't need to sell that many to make their zillions.

Back to grammar - WHY do so many people nowadays start every sentence with "So..."? Even educated people do it. I think the usage is called a filler word, which is all it is - filling vacant space. I want to scream at the telly every time I hear it, it's like nails on a blackboard.
I was taught that ‘and’ and ‘but’ are conjunctions, they join 2 phrases in one sentence. As such they cannot start or finish a sentence.

mind you that was 53 years ago so things might have moved on.

I look at grammar now and wonder when did it all change. The rules I learnt seem to have long long long been forgotten about. And I did grammar for English and Welsh, but. I also did typing as a filler subject in the sixth form. We had to fill our timetable with stuuf to keep us busy if there were not enough lessons in our A levels. We did a bit of grammar work there, again in both subjects, but.

Today... Who knows. I've received a parcel from Q that has the address...
-Postal Town
-County (abandoned last millennium)
When did our address layout change? I don't know exactly when those county names were abandoned but as a guess it would be very close to when Q started in the UK. I'm not sure of either date. But you would have thought in about 25 years Q could have got up to date with its address system.

Edit. Even trying to bung in an and here and there, I automatically deleted them on rereading. So, I can't even do it on purpose. And that is my last gor now.
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‘So’ is very odd. It’s like starting a sentence in the middle. I also don’t like ‘to be fair’ when people mean ‘to be honest’. Fairness has nothing to do with it. Then there’s the awful ‘for yourself’ instead of ‘for you’. Language evolves all the time though and old fogies like me feel😡.

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