miss molly
Registered Shopper
I have heard it is available from 10th November so be quick if you want one.
Spend £35 and buy calender for £35.
Spend £35 and buy calender for £35.
I got one yesterday, what an ordeal.
I went into the Hull store, the place was full of them but could i find anything to buy...no
so went to Vanguard Branch in York with my parents thinking that between us we should find something. We were in there for bloody hours, eventually my dad bought some slippers and a pack of baubles taking him over £35 so he got the calendar and I bought it off him so it only cost me £35 so well chuffed.
I can see why they are thinking of turning some stores into Food only stores, everything clothes wise is terrible!
both stores were drowning under calendars and in the hours we were in M&S other then mine, I didn't see anyone get one mind you nobody was buying anything though!
Does anyone know please whether M&S only stock cosmetics from suppliers known 'cruelty free'?
I know their own products are but am unsure about others.I was considering getting the Advent Calendar for myself and daughter to share.
Does anyone know please whether M&S only stock cosmetics from suppliers known 'cruelty free'?
I know their own products are but am unsure about others.I was considering getting the Advent Calendar for myself and daughter to share.
Burts Bees is owned by the company Clorox who do test on animals, so Burts Bees isn't necessarily cruelty free.https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=i...free&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari . Mind you, anyone who buys their beauty products from QVC is technically contributing to the world of animal cruelty products as 99% of their beauty are tested on animals.