Yes, Grizelda, the wig adjusting was quite funny! I know Mally is quite popular, but I’m afraid I can’t watch her. Why does she keep shouting and telling everyone how much she loves us? I must admit I have watched her clearance shows, as l have ordered a set of her eye shadow sticks ( a fiver each, so I thought that’s ok) I tried to find out the colours , and some info on them, so I watched the video on web site. She was presenting with Jill. I got no helpful information at all. Apparently you can keep them in your handbag, in your car ( you can apply them whilst waiting at the traffic lights) , in fact there seems to be endless choices. If you give them to a teenage girl she will scream with delight! I have no desire to hear teenagers scream , we live next to a school playing field, and believe me, that sound is to be avoided, and don’t start me off about when they get on the bus at home time!
All I wanted to see was the colours, but just a fleeting glance was all I got. I await the delivery with anticipation, maybe I’ll go for a drive, and apply whilst stuck in traffic!