Lulu's Time bomb? ha!


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Watched Lulu's show for the first time last night and she came across well, and her products actually seem pretty good in terms of quality and value for money.

Dont think she should have any more work done on her face, though, as he cheeks looked quite puffy (pillow cheeks, perhaps?) and anymore would generally spoil her appearance as she actually looks okay considering she'd probably had quite a few things done.
Just ask yourself this question: If her products are so miraculously good, then why have'nt any of the big named department stores taken her products on board ? One would think that as she is such a big name they would give it the full monty in PR terms, like they do with the big name perfume ranges. No, its either her own website or qvc. Odd that.

The whole exercise is just a name for a beauty range - in essence its like wondering if Kim M ever wears her own stuff in private. Huh I should'nt think so for one minute ! So we are supposed to believe that Lulu's creative genius in mixing her own potions together could make us look like her - er, no thanks !
Didn't Twiggy used to sell her own skincare on QVC?

I see she's now the face of Olay.:rolleyes:
Shame - and there was I thinking her 'youthful' look was down to the high tech, well researched skin care products and it's actually injectables? I feel cheated now.
After spending a small fortune on skincare products since joining QVC 4 years ago, I have realised 3 things:

1. I got carried away with the guilty pleasure of buying "upmarket" and relatively expensive creams etc for the first time in my life

2. If any skincare range actually delivered all the results promised on QVC, there would be a worldwide rush to buy it and prices would soar beyond all but the top celebs' budgets

3. You can get decent results from using high street skincare brands as long as you use them regularly and as part of a wider beauty and healthy living routine

So I'm going back to my roots - Olay, Boots No 7 and Simple.

I agree, Erics Mum, up to a point. I haven't found anything that matches Clarins Hydra Quench Serum for my dehydrated skin. But I think with other high priced skin care, much of it is the "feel good factor".
Twiggy's range was inexpensive and also in Superdrug if I remember? I did see it on shelf somewhere, don't think it was Boots. I laughed at Lu wittering on about mixing her own oils at home for years etc. So giving the impression she did it all herself and used privately since way back. Didn't someone find online it was created by the tech team from her ex John Frieda's labs?
Twiggy's range was inexpensive and also in Superdrug if I remember? I did see it on shelf somewhere, don't think it was Boots. I laughed at Lu wittering on about mixing her own oils at home for years etc. So giving the impression she did it all herself and used privately since way back. Didn't someone find online it was created by the tech team from her ex John Frieda's labs?

Didn't Twiggy launch her skin care twice / do 2 different lines? I'm sure I saw some of her skin care years ago in Debenhams (v. reasonably priced) and then about 5 years ago she had a range in Asda.

I think Lulu mentioned the John Frieda team a while ago during one of her presentations, but her story does seem to change from time to time so it's hard to know what to believe!
Didn't Twiggy launch her skin care twice / do 2 different lines? I'm sure I saw some of her skin care years ago in Debenhams (v. reasonably priced) and then about 5 years ago she had a range in Asda.

I think Lulu mentioned the John Frieda team a while ago during one of her presentations, but her story does seem to change from time to time so it's hard to know what to believe![/QUOTE]

I heard her say in the past it was John Frieda's chemist Jo, she said she worked will making the formula's.
Has this now changed ?


She's not the only one to change her story on QVC! I remember seeing the first Alpha H story and the rep said she had her own salon and liked the products so much she begged them to hire her and she worked her way to being the spokesperson for the brand. By the 3rd or 4th show she not only quite liked the brand but she developed the whole thing with 'her' team of scientists!

In terms of the Lulu brand, dermatologists agree that the only ingredient that can physically alter the skin in terms of wrinkles etc is retinol/vitamin A so unless this is included in a stable form in a cream, all the cream is doing is temporarily puffing out your skin which, yes makes it look better, but won't have any long term effect. As several before me have said, if Lulu looked like that because of her products someone massive brand would have bought the formula by now and be selling it at a £££ price point.

Didn't Twiggy launch her skin care twice / do 2 different lines? I'm sure I saw some of her skin care years ago in Debenhams (v. reasonably priced) and then about 5 years ago she had a range in Asda.

I think Lulu mentioned the John Frieda team a while ago during one of her presentations, but her story does seem to change from time to time so it's hard to know what to believe![/QUOTE]

I heard her say in the past it was John Frieda's chemist Jo, she said she worked will making the formula's.
Has this now changed ?



Well I didnt' watch much of her yesterday so not sure what she said then, but previously I have heard her say the John Frieda team/chemist/whoever helped her develop it (ie she wanted a cream to feel this way/that way and what could they use to do it etc), and at other times she has said she had been using the concotions on her own for years (as per Donna's post).

At one point yesterday she mentioned the formulas had been around for 10 years (maybe more - think it was when she was talking about the new neck cream, then she said okay in it's current guise it's been around for about 11/2 years) implying again that she had concocted it on her own.
Why do they do it?
She looked lovely a couple of years ago. Natural and so attractive. Now she looks like all the other weirdos with their puffy lips and odd eyes. Why oh why don't they realize after a certain age women just don't look good with that surgical look? It's a crying shame!

I couldn't agree more PP. I thought she looked dreadful, all pudgy and so un-natural, older women can be beautiful, wrinkles and all. Just think of the Dove adverts:wave2:I think you can nearly ALWAYS tell when someone been enhanced in some way or other. Each to their own of course but it's not for me:emo:
I think good skin is probably in your genes too:hi:
i have tried the hand cream, not bad at all, but i would not substitute the l'occ or LD for it.

if anyone would like to sample it, i would happily send you a 'fresh' tube.
hi watersiren I've sent you a pm.jeano
Puffed up with more than creams - she looked odd. She also looked a strange greasy grey.
AY never mentions cosmetic surgery with her mate 'Lu' does she?
i have tried the hand cream, not bad at all, but i would not substitute the l'occ or LD for it.

if anyone would like to sample it, i would happily send you a 'fresh' tube.

just an update i should have done quicker. the cream is already on its way to a lovely peep. thank you so your much for your interest and lovely messages and i am deeply sorry and embarrassed that i have no more to send to each one of you.

love, ws xxxxxx
The impression I'd always got was that Lulu had used lotions and potions from other companies for years, making a note of what seemed to work and what didn't in order to identify key ingredients - not that she'd actually ever mixed or formulated anything herself.

Given Alison's emphasis on salon proved formulations, I can't believe she endorsed this range, which was brand new to market with no proven efficacy, as I understand it.

Lulu annoys me - she talks complete crap a lot of the time. During the TSV launch she kept saying things like 'good for the cells', or 'your cells need this' without ever qualifying or explaining what ingredient she was referring to or how it worked. I think she knows bugger all about skincare formulation, and is just a 'name' for the brand.
The impression I'd always got was that Lulu had used lotions and potions from other companies for years, making a note of what seemed to work and what didn't in order to identify key ingredients - not that she'd actually ever mixed or formulated anything herself.

Given Alison's emphasis on salon proved formulations, I can't believe she endorsed this range, which was brand new to market with no proven efficacy, as I understand it.

Lulu annoys me - she talks complete crap a lot of the time. During the TSV launch she kept saying things like 'good for the cells', or 'your cells need this' without ever qualifying or explaining what ingredient she was referring to or how it worked. I think she knows bugger all about skincare formulation, and is just a 'name' for the brand.

Say it as it is!!!!! Totally agree with you though..............:clapping:
She does love her sound bites.

Now the bit I did laugh at was. She said I used and mixed aromatherpy oil for myself long before anyone used or knew about them. Lu must older than she looks as they used aromatherpy oils well over 100+ years.

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