Lulu - now she's doing jewellery.


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As far as i remember Andrea McC said QVC came to her and asked her if she would like to do a jewellery line, and
the same with Tranny and Susie, so i suppose if you're asked you would consider it. I probably would if i was in the
limelight, so i suppose you can't blame them. And Lulu used to wear lovely jewellery (the star earrings) i remember
them on her, so i bet people have been phoning in and asking so they all seen it as a good business opportunity.
Not that i bought any of her jewellery, but trying to see things how i would view them if i was in that position :cheeky:
Well, I'm going to rock the house here and say I dont think it is THAT bad. I didnt hate it! (except the armadillo ring - reminds me of a woodlouse and I'm not good with woodlice!) Quite liked the cuff bracelets actually BUT, that said, I think it was just too pricey - more than bibi bijoux (which I also like). I will watch with interest what the reviews say!

I don't hate some of it either...I just think its outrageously overpriced.
Well the moon pendant must have sold out because its no longer on the website. People must have more money than sense paying such a price for costume jewellery. If Amazon can sell an almost identical sterling silver pendant like the link I posted earlier in the thread for £39 and still make a profit then just how much profit are Q and Lulu making from the cheap nasty plated stuff which must cost next to nothing to make ?
All about the Benjamins.. That's all it is! Greed! I'm sure it will be to some peoples liking, but when people spread themselves think like marmite on toast - it just gets boring. What next? Tena Lady pads? (or any other sanitary towel)... Mind you, if I were in her shoes, or any other ex-pop stars, would I be doing the same? Trying to prolong my career? Or move into a new career too? Maybe.... I just won't be buying it. I thankfully like most of the posters on here, can see through these gimmicks, pitches and promotions..
Lulu looks so happy in this show following her jewellery presentation..........most probably thinking of all the easy money she has made from her "Primark type" jewellery range.
Can't believe the prices for these things, they look cheap, like the sort of thing you'd pick up for a couple of quid on a market stall.

Sandra xx
OMG I have just watched her show (I taped it earlier) and the prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a crystal cuff bracelet for £166 with the P&P - WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and as for the ring that Pipa has been wearing, it looks like a giant cockroach and it is £144 with P&P

Well, people must be buying as a lot have sold out!! unbelievable
It was mentioned this evening on the Time Bomb show that the jewellery had sold out. Didn't see it so can't comment, but I suppose Lulu thought she was worth the prices charged as no doubt she would expect quite a big cut. No wonder she seemed so pleased with herself! Good for her - she can't be making much from the singing these days, so probably needs the dosh from the skincare & jewellery.

Gobby looked well over-done, but I gather that was from the Bobbi Brown show. Dreadful!
the prices!!! I have just been paid and out went all my direct debits for the things like council tax, gas, elec, water, t V licence etc etc and I have as usual just enough to get by this month and to finish my Christmas shopping which I am doing locally or via Amazon. I don't think I am in Q's demographic any more, i.e more money than sense..........
I watched part of the Or Paz show last night and at one point both the presenter and the guest were rambling on about the high cost of costume jewellery and how Or paz was real silver not plated and how some costume jewellery was sooooooo expensive for what it was etc etc and I thought hang on, just a few hours earlier you were flogging Lulu`s " costume " jewellery as if it was the bees knees. Goes to show they don`t care what they say in order to sell sell sell and the double standards Q have.
It does appear to be taken for granted that, whatever area a celebrity takes a foray into, it will be a success. Why should it? Just because someone is a household name, does not mean that they are specialists in any given field. Lulu - as we are discussing her although other celebrities are doing the same - is a singer/actress; what does she know about skincare? She has admitted to having botox - certainly not a glowing endorsement for her range. One would question why her skin looks the way it does, her skincare routine, or the procedure? I would tend to go with the latter. Regarding her jewellery line - I cannot comment on the appearance/quality of the line as I didn't watch the hour - it is a money spinner for her. Whatever she/QVC says, in all probability, she has designers who have the experience required to develop the jewellery. Same with Andrea McClean; what does she know about designing jewellery? It's a nice little earner for her. QVC also seem to see Diamonique as a financially successful range when they have designer/celebrity ranges on board. Obviously, some people are entirely consumed by wearing jewellery which has been 'designed' (poetic licence) by celebrities. The Q are, quite rightly from a business point of view, cashing in on this.

Lets not leave out the biggest "non-designer" of the lot............ Mrs Beckham, - who tells her cast of thousands whats in her head, and they transfer it to something wearable, then Mrs B gets the glory and all the fashion 'types' swooning over her. (pass the sick bucket)

I feel really sorry for all those that have scrimped and sacrificed to get through college/university to study their craft, then watch these non-entities put their name to a product and rake in the cash. Lord knows there are few enough jobs about for these poor kids with design skills once they get their qualifications, so its a travesty that this is allowed to happen.
Lets not leave out the biggest "non-designer" of the lot............ Mrs Beckham, - who tells her cast of thousands whats in her head, and they transfer it to something wearable, then Mrs B gets the glory and all the fashion 'types' swooning over her. (pass the sick bucket)

I feel really sorry for all those that have scrimped and sacrificed to get through college/university to study their craft, then watch these non-entities put their name to a product and rake in the cash. Lord knows there are few enough jobs about for these poor kids with design skills once they get their qualifications, so its a travesty that this is allowed to happen.

Couldn't agree more! Would just love to see the likes of VB cutting a pattern & getting her 'designs' through production!
I don't think Kelly Hoppen went to university/college either.

I remember reading an article on her a few years ago & seemingly,she's self taught.

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