lulu guinnesss tsv this sunday.......


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Wow - that was sudden! It's almost as if someone read what we said :confused: I will keep an eye out for a bad review MM, hehe!

I notice the reviews for the bag I bought were all high too, saying best bag ever etc. To be honest, it was a nice bag, but if you're happy to pay £200 for a plastic bag with a 'posh' name on that looks like it cost £50 from Next then carry on, just not for me :wink:

I'm starting to doubt my own mind now!!:sweat: Have I missed something?? I can't believe the reviews - I honestly can't. There are many things I'd spend £130 on, but that bag wasn't one of them!! I obviously don't 'get' it!!
I'm starting to doubt my own mind now!!:sweat: Have I missed something?? I can't believe the reviews - I honestly can't. There are many things I'd spend £130 on, but that bag wasn't one of them!! I obviously don't 'get' it!!

I thought the same, for about 30 seconds! Then I realised that there are plenty of people out there who will pay anything for a label, and obviously you and I are not in that clique :wink:

If it was gobsmackingly gorgeous and screaming quality, then I may have considered keeping it. Don't doubt yourself MM, if like me you were quite excited about it and opened it and went "oh" - then you've done the right thing :mysmilie_499:
I thought the same, for about 30 seconds! Then I realised that there are plenty of people out there who will pay anything for a label, and obviously you and I are not in that clique :wink:

If it was gobsmackingly gorgeous and screaming quality, then I may have considered keeping it. Don't doubt yourself MM, if like me you were quite excited about it and opened it and went "oh" - then you've done the right thing :mysmilie_499:

Thanks Capirossi!:clapping: I can't understand some of the reviews going on about what great quality the bag was. I don't think so!!!! I rarely leave a negative review for items - I usually give items 4 or 5 stars so the bag must have been pretty dire for me to have given it a poor review!!
I have seen the large Anna IRL in John Lewis and it looked lovely. The clasp is better on the original one too. At least you have saved some money.
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There's 9 reviews up now. All 4 or 5 stars. :wonder: Yours should be up there too surely! When did you submit it?

I posted a review around lunchtime yesterday (11th.). If it doesn't appear then fair enough but then I'll know for sure that QVC do 'censor' their reviews!! Yes, on the upside at least I've saved some money and I'm not heartbroken about the bag!:clapping:
I've seen one in the flesh..

I bumped into a neighbour yesterday, nice enough lady but the only thing I know about her is she's a bag collector. I mentioned the Lulu Guinness TSV and she said she'd ordered it but was disappointed. When she showed me I could see why: The shell of the bag and the bow trim don't match; the bow looks like a plastic version of the body of the bag, the only clue that the bow is patent leather is that it's dreadfully creased. Because it doesn't match the fabrication of the bag it looks like an afterthough that's been stick on.

She's quite a formidable character who owns prada, mulberry and other exquisite hand bags; I pity the CS rep who took her call. As we parted I was feeling sorry I'd mention handbags and it's not even my fault :sweat:

Jude xx
I posted a review around lunchtime yesterday (11th.). If it doesn't appear then fair enough but then I'll know for sure that QVC do 'censor' their reviews!! Yes, on the upside at least I've saved some money and I'm not heartbroken about the bag!:clapping:

Did they reject your review? There are 16 on the website now all 4 or 5 *.
Oh dear, it's not looking good for Ms Guinness is it? The sad thing is, if QVC only publish good reviews the powers that be will never know the true account.....I see the latest review is a negative one but is still a 4 star review......hmm. Maybe they only publish 3 stars and above? It's feeling more and more like 'thoughtcrime' every day to be negative towards a darling QVC product :bandit:
Yes, I see that my review seems to have been mysteriously overlooked!! I haven't had an e-mail to say that it has been rejected but of course it should have appeared by now as 3 others I posted this week have been accepted - surprise, surprise - as they were 5 star reviews!! I really believed that QVC's reviews were unbiased and selected by an 'independent body' as they often state but now I know that's a load of old tosh! How naive I was.:doh: I mainly leave 5 star reviews for items and some of them appear within a day or so - so I definitely smell a rat with the Lulu review!! I might send them an e-mail to ask why they have blatantly ignored my review. I wonder how many other negative reviews QVC have conveniently ignored. I reckon that QVC are too scared to post negative reviews for 'high profile' guests/brands such as Lulu Guinness as she might just tell them to get stuffed and withdraw altogether - and I'm sure QVC don't want that to happen!!
I'm glad that you have seen the bag in the flesh, Jude. It's not up to much is it?!! For £130 too. I really can't understand the postive reviews at all going on about how wonderful the bag is!! It's okay but not worth the money. I've seen much nicer bags around, for much less.
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It's the emperor's new clothes effect: someone is reluctant to stick their neck out and challenge the given perception of quality or challenge the inflated price against the item's real value; for fear of seeming ignorant.

There are people out there who can't see beyond a brand name or a man-made "limited edition" or similar cynical marketing ploy. If they don't realise before their 30 day MBG runs out they'll be stuck with their mediocre little bag but to save face they'll perpetuate the brand mythology by convincing others that they made a great purchase!

Jude xx
It's the emperor's new clothes effect: someone is reluctant to stick their neck out and challenge the given perception of quality or challenge the inflated price against the item's real value; for fear of seeming ignorant.

There are people out there who can't see beyond a brand name or a man-made "limited edition" or similar cynical marketing ploy. If they don't realise before their 30 day MBG runs out they'll be stuck with their mediocre little bag but to save face they'll perpetuate the brand mythology by convincing others that they made a great purchase!

Jude xx

Yes you're right! I was very excited to order the bag and thought that I would be blown away by it but it was a real let down. I wouldn't have minded paying 'over the odds' for it to have a genuine Lulu Guinness bag if I felt it was worth it to some degree but I didn't and was shocked to see glue all over the leather too! That's really bad. It was much smaller than I expected and in no way 'premium quality' as I'd been led to believe - i.e. that you can 'see and feel' the difference when you step up a gear and buy a 'designer' piece! I must admit I'm not averse to buying the odd 'designer' item when it comes to jewellery every so often, even though I know I'm paying more for the 'name', but if you are happy with your purchase then that's the main thing, no matter what it costs. I would have felt like I'd been fleeced if I'd kept the Lulu bag!!
It is a shame you have had a bad experience as I have some lovely LG bags - not bought at full retail price though. Maybe visit her shop as you will see the quality of the bags there. I did not like the look of the tsv where the interior was lips lining and the flap was plain. It reminds me of the BandW bag tsv where some people obviosly thought the had bought a great thing when clearly it was rubbish.
It is a shame you have had a bad experience as I have some lovely LG bags - not bought at full retail price though. Maybe visit her shop as you will see the quality of the bags there. I did not like the look of the tsv where the interior was lips lining and the flap was plain. It reminds me of the BandW bag tsv where some people obviosly thought the had bought a great thing when clearly it was rubbish.

It is a shame as I do like Lulu's colours and quirky style! I went for the TSV as I thought it would be more practical being leather and I'd get a lot of use out of it, but I do like the 'novelty' type bags such as the 'shop front' bags and those decorated with the make-up and lips motifs etc. as they are very distinctive and fun. Maybe they are better quality.:happy:
Ok, I am seriously annoyed now. :mysmilie_365:

I left a 3 star review for the bag I ordered and it has been rejected. I can't remember exactly what I said now, but along the lines of how it was a lovely bag, very well put together but lacking in the wow factor and not worth the price tag. I gave it 3 stars for the quality. I so wish I had kept a copy.

I can't see how I have not adhered to their rules. I am about to email QVC to ask them what the point is in inviting customers to leave reviews if they only show the favourable ones? I have a good mind to contact Ms Guinness herself and ask her if she is aware of her disatisfied customers on QVC that they are trying their damndest to keep secret?!!! Also, who are the regulatory body for shoppers? I must look it up to mention in my email...

Point 1: Focus on the product and your individual experience using it .
Ok, I did this by saying it was good quality and sat on the shoulder nicely etc, but it didn't impress me...

Point 2: Provide details about why you liked or disliked a product.
I did this in a very polite way, I even gave it 3 stars fgs!!! GRRR

We reserve the right not to post your review if it contains any of the following types of content or violates other guidelines:

Obscenities, discriminatory language, or other language not suitable for a public forum
I held back, I didn't curse once!!

Advertisements, "spam" content, or references to other products, offers, or websites
I may have mentioned "the high street"....OMG, not the high street?!!!

Email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of contact information
Nope, none of these.

Critical or spiteful comments on other reviews posted on the page or their authors
Nope, definately not.


EDIT: Just spotted this at the end:
If your comments are about product selection, pricing, ordering, delivery or other customer service issues, please don't submit this feedback through a product review. Instead, contact Customer Service so that we can respond properly to your feedback.

So basically, if you haven't anything good to say don't bother leaving a review!!!!!
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Very interesting, Capirossi!! Seems like I'm not the only one. My review, although negative, was still very courteous and honest so they wouldn't have any need to reject it. It's interesting what you said at the end, about other 'issues' that should not be covered in a review of the product. Maybe because I'd mentioned that my item was 'faulty' i.e. glue on the leather, they felt that it wasn't a true representation of the item itself - more that it was a 'customer service' issue so they rejected my review. However, I did mention that I was disappointed with the bag in general. I think if an item doesn't live up to expectations or that your 'buying experience' wasn't very positive, then you've every right to say why not in your review! I might e-mail QVC too and ask them about my review. They usually do okay with me as I usually give 5 star reviews, but I won't bother anymore, if they are deliberately being selective as to which reviews they publish. It is misleading and unfair to other 'potential' buyers.
Ladies instead of complaining to CS and writing reviews which QVC are not posting. Send the bag back and email LG CS and complain about the quality and how disappointed you are. Bet you will get a reply from them. :phone: If QVC don't tell LG about the unhappy customers she will continue on her way thinking everything is fabulous.

This sounds like the B&W one eyed croc bag, but instead of bits falling off you are getting extra blobs of glue stuck on.
Yes, that's a good idea, but I don't want to kick up too much of a fuss! Maybe I am in the minority and not impressed with the TSV bag but I do feel mystified why my review wasn't published and how many other 'negative' reviews have been 'ignored' too. There is however, one poor 1 star review now, saying what shockingly bad quality the TSV bag was, so at least that's something!!:clapping: However, most are 5 star reviews which amazes me! Anyway, I might try to submit another review and if that doesn't work, take it from there.
I have the TSV in red and at the risk of being shot down in flames, I have to admit I love it. I am not normally a handbag person (i tend to sew my own) so don't really care about brands but saw it ,liked it and decided to treat myself. It is a cracking little bag that looks brilliant in red and is absolutely perfect. I checked my little bag over carefully when i read these comments and there really isnt a stitch out of place. My aunt has the large anna in black with the original fastening and although beautiful, i think i prefer the bow finish and the red colour. My only complaint is that it arrived very badly packaged - I had expected it to be well padded but it was just in a plastic bag. Could have easily been damaged and I have received lip balms with more padding than this bag!!

Perhaps there has been a dodgy batch produced and some folk have been unlucky? At least qvc have their money back guarantee!
Yes, that's a good idea, but I don't want to kick up too much of a fuss! Maybe I am in the minority and not impressed with the TSV bag but I do feel mystified why my review wasn't published and how many other 'negative' reviews have been 'ignored' too. There is however, one poor 1 star review now, saying what shockingly bad quality the TSV bag was, so at least that's something!!:clapping: However, most are 5 star reviews which amazes me! Anyway, I might try to submit another review and if that doesn't work, take it from there.

You don't know that you are in the minority though, maybe there are plenty of others who weren't impressed with the bag and their reviews have also been rejected.

If you are on Facebook then post on the QVC page there as they seem to answer people who post this type of query. I have seen several posts there about reviews being rejected.

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