Lulu Guinness


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Sep 8, 2008
I can't believe what I have heard her say today, this afternoon when a bag was on introductory price she said you don't need to have it on I troductory price
This evening a bag was on easy pay and she said I don't know why it's on easy pay
I can't believe what I have heard her say today, this afternoon when a bag was on introductory price she said you don't need to have it on I troductory price
This evening a bag was on easy pay and she said I don't know why it's on easy pay

Hmm, they're on easy pay so people like me can afford them! LG is very upmarket so maybe she thinks the lower prices are lowering the tone. I don't think she struggles for the price of a cup of tea to be honest but we can't all just have £300 lying around to buy a bag. I'm sure she'd rather sell her bags to everyone and easy pays do help.

Yep, I heard that remark! Just watched the 8pm show on QVC+1 and have to say that I thought Jill F looked rather nice in her matching 'vanilla edged with black' top and trousers and black peep toe killer high heels.

The one or two items I checked out were just a few quid cheaper than on the LG website! Hmmmm.
Lulu does seem to live in an "Ab Fab" world lol. Like when she said about a handbag compact mirror something about it making the perfect little gift for someone. I recall it was about 50 quid.
She's an eccentric British designer straight from luvie land but I do like to watch her now & accept that's really what she's like.

She certainly put JF's abysmal inaccurate/insignificant mublings to shame 2nite! Lulu corrected JF on numerous occasions, quite right too!
If I had the money I wouldn't purchase one of her bags. Talk about overpriced. the first time I saw her on QVC I thought she'd bewen drinking. She comes over to me not as an eccentric but a rather silly person.
If I had the money I wouldn't purchase one of her bags. Talk about overpriced. the first time I saw her on QVC I thought she'd bewen drinking. She comes over to me not as an eccentric but a rather silly person.

I was like you at first, Sandy, and even now I don't like the " and you get ME " part of her advert, but now having watched her a few times, I think she is just one of these pampered society people who do not know how the half live. She comes across quite alright and she has even got into my good books by doing those tote canvas bags for Red Nose and is giving a good sum of the profit to the cause.
I have bought one of her bags and would love to get others, (one is the polka dots, another is a Croco Print Large Leather Hillary Bag )but I just cannot justify the prices. The bag I have is lovely and well made and I am well pleased that I got it as an OTO:happy:
If I had the money I wouldn't purchase one of her bags. Talk about overpriced. the first time I saw her on QVC I thought she'd bewen drinking. She comes over to me not as an eccentric but a rather silly person.

It has been documented & in the public domain that Lulu has been battling with mental illness for a number of years. She's one of the most genuine guests QVC have imo, expecially after her superb handling of the akward fiasco courtesy of Jill Franks during her show last nite.
I did have my doubts about her also in the begining but I've actually warmed to her.

As for the price, been said on here before on a number of occasions. I think that so long as someone hasn't robbed to get the money or inflicted cruelty on others what people spend it on is entirely up to them. Some people pay £1000 for other designer bags, they work hard for it good luck to them!
If you see some of the Lulu bags in a shop rather than TV anyone could see why many of them sell out repeatedly in days. Yes they are a considered purchase but that's because they're made from superb materials and expertly designed. She does many styles so not all will be everyone's taste. That doesn't mean they're not worth the money.
She also does fab sales too where bags sell out within hours. Many of the forum users keep each other informed about them & wait for the sale to commence. They're not often, twice a year I think, but well worth the wait.
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(mum writes)

I accept that it's totally up to people what they spend their hard earned on, but, the fact is designer goods, of any sort, are simply not worth the prices asked. You can find goods that are just as well designed, made from the same high quality materials but at a fraction of the price (and most likely made in the same overseas factory). The designer simply feels that their name is worth that added mark up. I have family members who have worked in the manufacturing business for some very high end items and I know just how much some of these goods cost to make. Compare that to the selling prices and the mark-up is sometimes into thousands of %. For what, exactly?

QVC seem to be heading way out of most people's leagues with some of the items that they air. The prices are ridiculous for what they are. QVC isn't some niche shop in London that sells high priced items that people would be willing to travel to and buy. They are supposed to be selling to everyone in the UK (or most of us at least) but they look more and more as though they're only wanting to cater for the top few with all that money to spare. Either that or encouraging others to run up debts they can't really afford because they're selling the aspiration. What aspiration? To have a item with a "name" on it? Oh please. Most people don't know who these names are anyway.
Fair point Moth & yes Q do seem to be stocking ever more expensive items.
I would just say that us canny shoppers get Lulu G bags in the sale, up to 50%-70% off, thus making them affordable. Of course if someone wants a bag that isn't in the sale like I say, everyone's perogative to do that if they have the money to do it. Even at full price some of her summer 2013 bags have long been sold out. Q never even got them in stock they went that fast!

To my knowlege LG doesn't have bags under another name, nor have I ever seen rermarkably similar bags to hers at far cheaper prices. They're not cheap agreed. I bought her patent Franka bag, £317 plus p&p on Q at the mo', Cocosa 1 month ago £129 plus a fiver p&p. Guess which one I got lol!
Normally I'd expect a patent leather bag to be heavy & inflexible. Hers I have to say to me is worth every bit of what I paid for it. The leather is maluable, super glossy and in a different league to any other patent bag I've had or seen for the price I paid.

Some designer brands are a bit of a rip off but not all of them are, nor can comparable quality be found elsewhere at a fraction of the price always. Trust me, I've looked & looked hard, I'm a woman it's in my genes to do so. :grin:

Thinking about some of the prices on Q the Perricone was unbelievable, maybe some people love it but it must be the same price or cheaper to get bertie botox. & don't get me started on the £270 odd quid "limited edition" charlie bear! So like I say Moth you make a valid point in terms of Q's marketing strategy at present.
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Its each to their own , but i agree with everything moth says. Even £129 is a lot for a bag in my opinion but then admittedly i'm not into bags.

Its each to their own , but i agree with everything moth says. Even £129 is a lot for a bag in my opinion but then admittedly i'm not into bags.


Yet...:mysmilie_61:Stick around this forum for long enough & who knows LEL..who knows? Happened to me :giggle:
Yet...:mysmilie_61:Stick around this forum for long enough & who knows LEL..who knows? Happened to me :giggle:

Well it hasn't happened in four years, so i wouldn't.hold your breath.:grin:

If i had any spare money, i can confidently say it wouldn't be spent on a LG bag
Most people don't know who these names are anyway.

I don't mind what people chose to spend their money on, we all have different desires, but the comment above is so true. Apart from fashion and accessories, I'd also never heard of most of the beauty products Q sell either, or some of those discussed by forumites. I don't buy newspapers, magazines, have Sky or watch fashion related programs etc. But it's strange because, I work with women of all ages and backgrounds, they are often chatting about this and that, usually iPads, mobiles etc, but I've never heard them discussing designer handbags, shoes etc.
Ah well you made it without being bitten by the bug LEL :angel:
I agree, I'd never say £129 is cheap, just that I got to a stage whereby I thought I wanted to pull myself up out af a rut & revamp my wardrobe. I have a hectic job, I nearly became a person that does a job rather than a person who has one if that makes sense.
I looked at my business attire & thought it just wasn't me anymore plus I then realised I hadn't bought business clobber for a couple of years. Casual or evening yes, daily work wear no. I always hunt for sale items and feel like I'm back now. Not that I needed bags or chothes to do that, just that we all can sometimes get to a point when we forget what we're actually working for.
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Ah well you made it without being bitten by the bug LEL :angel:
I agree, I'd never say £129 is cheap, just that I got to a stage whereby I thought I wanted to pull myself up out af a rut & revamp my wardrobe. I have a hectic job, I nearly became a person that does a job rather than a person who has one if that makes sense.
I looked at my business attire & thought it just wasn't me anymore plus I then realised I hadn't bought business clobber for a couple of years. Casual or evening yes, daily work wear no. I always hunt for sale items and feel like I'm back now. Not that I needed bags or chothes to do that, just that we all can sometimes get to a point when we forget what we're actually working for.

Having spent the best part of 20 years in a classroom, I was just relieved if i made it through the day without any clothes covered in paint, glue or any bodily fluid the children are so keen on wiping all over you.:grin::grin:
Fair point Moth & yes Q do seem to be stocking ever more expensive items.
I would just say that us canny shoppers get Lulu G bags in the sale, up to 50%-70% off, thus making them affordable. Of course if someone wants a bag that isn't in the sale like I say, everyone's perogative to do that if they have the money to do it. Even at full price some of her summer 2013 bags have long been sold out. Q never even got them in stock they went that fast!

To my knowlege LG doesn't have bags under another name, nor have I ever seen rermarkably similar bags to hers at far cheaper prices. They're not cheap agreed. I bought her patent Franka bag, £317 plus p&p on Q at the mo', Cocosa 1 month ago £129 plus a fiver p&p. Guess which one I got lol!
Normally I'd expect a patent leather bag to be heavy & inflexible. Hers I have to say to me is worth every bit of what I paid for it. The leather is maluable, super glossy and in a different league to any other patent bag I've had or seen for the price I paid.

Some designer brands are a bit of a rip off but not all of them are, nor can comparable quality be found elsewhere at a fraction of the price always. Trust me, I've looked & looked hard, I'm a woman it's in my genes to do so. :grin:
I agree to what you say about the quality of Lulu bags, Nikki. I don't like all her bags and I have bought one that I liked when it was on reasonable price as OTO at QVC. I have lusted after a couple of her other bags and will only buy them if I find them at a reasonable price.... I won't buy them not because I cannot afford them, but only because I think they are that price because of the name only.
I really love the Romily bag that I have, it is very soft and not at all heavy, surprisingly light for a quality leather bag. It is also very functional and very suitable for my needs.
I have got Tignanello bags and they are also well made, but a lot heavier and if I may say, though of good leather, cannot at all be compared to my Lulu.
I have Radley bags, and again though not cheap, have not got the softness of the Lulu bag, and lack a few safety aspects I look for in my bags.
I did not buy any of the Lulu bags at the winter sales, because there wasn't any there that I fancied, no point buying one just because it was in the sales.
I bought an expensive Charlie Lapson leather bag that went straight back because it was "placticky" and cheap looking.
I can understand that some people have the life style that requires some kind of "show" and need to buy the higher "branded" designer bags. For them it is a necessity.
I only feel sorry for others, who would buy a designer item, when they cannot really afford them, just to say they own one.
QVC does tempt a lot of people into buying things that so many cannot afford to, by saying things like" only £150" or "a bargain at" "cannot believe it is only"
For those who cannot afford a good designer bag, maybe it will be an idea that instead of buying lot of cheaper bags, save up instead and buy a good quality bag.
Yes Caretodiffer, that reminds me I bought a bag in clearance from Q, seemed a bargain on the original price however the suede turned out to be very thin & was backed by pvc on the inside. It looked nice but split in a few weeks. It was only used for light items too! I think it was about £50 in clearance so not that cheap either. I bought the red Lulu Romilly bag in the Jan sale, my 1st LG purchase. Like you say I was pleasantly surprised by how it didn't weigh me down at all. It's also a true pillar box red so goes with practically all my winter clothes. It's surprisingly hard to get a good colour red in leather. I was delighted like you were with yours. Worn brilliantly thus far too, still looks like new despite being bashed about on trains & used most days.

All the shopping channels make me laugh the way they flamboyantly declare how everything's such a bargain, even if it's £100, £300 upwards! Some of Q's "T" callers proudly declare that they have dozens or over 100 items from a particular brand. I just think Jeez how much have they spent & where to they put it all??

I am economising tho'. I bought the red carpet manicure TSV as I always like to have french or pale painted nails. I didn't get it when it was on as a TSV the last time & kicked myself every time I was waiting for normal nails to dry & have them chip on me 2-3 days later. So it was a planned purchase. Spent £81 incl p&p on the RCM gel system, but bought the Sainsbury's own acetone remover for £1.30 saving 70p compared to Sally Hansen's one. Ultra thrifty me lol :wink:
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While waiting for an appointment at the clinic last night, I spied a girl with a beautiful pillar box red Lulu bag, it was stunning and jumped right out at me. She was wearing quite a casual outfit, black slim fit jeans and a jacket, but had her Lulu and a beautiful scarf on which matched and looked lovely.

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