Lovely Amica


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Know i know they use different models for beauty shows but Amica always did Gatineau. But yesterday Amica was on saying how much she likes all the
Prai cleansers, masks, 24k gold stuff etc. Saying she uses the wrinkle cream etc etc etc. She was the only model for the whole day. But yet here she is tonight on the Gatineau show, saying much the same thing about it. So what are we meant to think. Or do they not think we notice these things. Or maybe were meant to use both these brands. You cant use two brands. You can maybe dip in and out and use bits and pieces but not to this extent. Her poor skin had Prai all Friday and today she"s going to have all Gatineau, hope it can handle all the "stuff" thats going on it
I don't think QVC has any respect for the intelligence of their customers. If they did, they would put a stop to the endless sales spiel by presenters and models that they own and use everything QVC sells.
I was unaware that people would favour just one brand of skincare until I watched QVC.
In the days when I could use anything I was more of a pick & mix type.
I'm with you Minim. I've never used everything from any one brand. I mix and match. Use what I like. I am, however, product loyal. Once I find something that works I do tend to stick to it though. I'm a mix of four brands at the minute ... Elemis, Liz Earle, Neals Yard and the fairly new addition of Boots No 7. Only two are available on QVC but I really only buy my PCMC these days. I buy the 100ml size PCMC.

Oh hell ... and I use Gatineau!! Well I am at the minute. I've got a tube of their orange smelling gommage/scrub thing to use up. I quite like that actually. I might buy another when I'm done and alternate it with Skin Buff. QVC never sells Skin Buff. It's almost like it doesn't exist. Very odd.

It doesn't particularly bother me what the QVC presenters or models say. They're there to sell and they'll do or say whatever they need to to shift the products.
I agree with ^^ they're paid to sell stuff so will say pretty much anything. What I DO find objectionable is when they make reference to Amica's illness in relation to the products. Using that to sell overpriced blobs of grease is distasteful.
I agree with ^^ they're paid to sell stuff so will say pretty much anything. What I DO find objectionable is when they make reference to Amica's illness in relation to the products. Using that to sell overpriced blobs of grease is distasteful.

Totally agree with BB on this...I find it really distasteful when Mally tells the story (and she tells it often) about the priest at Amica's church noticing that her eye makeup stayed on even when she had been crying as she was going through her treatment for cancer. On Mally's last visit, she told this story to demonstrate how 'bullet proof' the make up is. I'm sure this story is true as Amica was there as she was saying it but I felt it was really distasteful.
they like what they're paid to like I guess! No longer do I fall for the fact I hardly watch these days because it drives me bl00dy barmy, I like what I like and that's mostly High St brands these days..shock, horror, AY throwing up her hands, but at 65 (almost!) my skin is still ok, no wrinkles except my laughter lines when I smile, just starting to get some jowls tho and I don't suppose there's much can be done about that! :wink:
I'm with you Minim. I've never used everything from any one brand. I mix and match. Use what I like. I am, however, product loyal. Once I find something that works I do tend to stick to it though. I'm a mix of four brands at the minute ... Elemis, Liz Earle, Neals Yard and the fairly new addition of Boots No 7. Only two are available on QVC but I really only buy my PCMC these days. I buy the 100ml size PCMC.

Oh hell ... and I use Gatineau!! Well I am at the minute. I've got a tube of their orange smelling gommage/scrub thing to use up. I quite like that actually. I might buy another when I'm done and alternate it with Skin Buff. QVC never sells Skin Buff. It's almost like it doesn't exist. Very odd.

It doesn't particularly bother me what the QVC presenters or models say. They're there to sell and they'll do or say whatever they need to to shift the products.

That's how the TSVs rope you in & get you into brand loyalty. Once they've got you on the face-works they move south & point out the problems below the neck.

The other thing I was blissfully unaware of was me 'areas', until Q & Alison of course.
In the good old days I washed my face, wiped over with Revlon Moondrops & slapped on a dollop of Oil of Ulay.
No no no!
I've got to take care of me areas!
I've got to use a serum, a moisturiser, an eye cream and a neck cream.
I've got to use a mask & a night treatment x times a week as well.
I've got to treat age spots & use a lifting something or other.....
... And sunscreen

I nearly bought the Gatineau TSV, listening to the value of it, over £100, and only £12.49 a month, and
i don"t even use it. Then i heard them say you can see difference in 4 days, etc etc. etc. and i came to
my senses. :happy:
Lovely gentle Amica reminds me of CJ's yes men in Reggie Perrin: "Great!" "Super". I doubt we'd ever find out what products she really uses.

Jude xx
since having cancer i think she looks even more beautifull. her skin is glowng...whatever she is using
Amica has always claimed to use every product she has ever tried.
I always remember thinking that after she did an SBC show then Gatineau,then model's prefer,Lord and Berry and loved and used them all!!
I remember a Liz Earle show being on one day (I won't say I was watching as I really dislike the Stepford wives). Anyway, one of the regular models was on with her mum. I can't remember her name. Young, very short shiny bob, was in the Vanish advert...her and her mum were off to the side doing the smothering themselves in gunk routine and there was a voice telling them what they used in their daily routine. I thought it was one of them at first, but then realised it wasn't someone talking about their own routine. It then cut to them and the mother almost repeated word for word what I had just heard, but talking about herself.

So, I reckon the models are briefed and fed lines as much as the presenters. Of course, we're all such dribbling idiots that we believe every word that comes through the speakers....*rollseyes*

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
they like what they're paid to like I guess! No longer do I fall for the fact I hardly watch these days because it drives me bl00dy barmy, I like what I like and that's mostly High St brands these days..shock, horror, AY throwing up her hands, but at 65 (almost!) my skin is still ok, no wrinkles except my laughter lines when I smile, just starting to get some jowls tho and I don't suppose there's much can be done about that! :wink:

Jowls?! There's got to be some wallop for that. Isn't that new Elemis thing a jowl remover? Or that £190 Perricone stuff?

Have q go at them would you? I'm going to get jowls I'm sure certain so if you could have a go and report back that would be grand.

Min ... absolutely. That's why I've sworn off the beauty TSVs. For all the products I've bought from QVC the only one I use now that I didn't before I came across QVC is the Gatineau gommage. I still use what I was using before. Maybe I have more willpower than I thought.
Aw Gawd - JOWLS!
My mother had jowls, my Nana had jowls, .... keep smiling min! lol

I read Marlene Dietrich used to pull the sides of her hair up so tight that her jowls lifted - a bit.

There's a surgical wire threading procedure available. When I mentioned it to Himself he waved the stapler at me :eek:
Jowls?! There's got to be some wallop for that. Isn't that new Elemis thing a jowl remover? Or that £190 Perricone stuff?

Have q go at them would you? I'm going to get jowls I'm sure certain so if you could have a go and report back that would be grand.

Min ... absolutely. That's why I've sworn off the beauty TSVs. For all the products I've bought from QVC the only one I use now that I didn't before I came across QVC is the Gatineau gommage. I still use what I was using before. Maybe I have more willpower than I thought.

Cor lumme Tinks and me a poor old pensioner! I've seen a £1.99 chin lift doodah in Boyes that I'm mulling over...or maybe some lifting agent on a looped Kotex, round the lug'oles..? Sorry chaps, if you don't know Kotex, I ain't explaining!!!
yes do let us know how you get on Sparkly..I've seen it demo-ed and you deffo have to be in on your own to do it I'd say! Lock the cat out even! The one I've seen in Boyes is a similar thing but tbh I don't know whether I can be arsed, I'm too bliddy old to be vain and I look ok when I'm in front of the mirror minus specs!
Yes but when you put the glasses on you get a shock , don"t you. Everything is rose
tinted with out them he he Will report back BM

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