Lori Greiner TSV 16/12/09


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They are nice, especially the tall mirrored one. However, I never got the idea behind it as a consumer. Why would I buy one; so that someone can lift it and run away with it?

I never bought one, just thought they were a good idea. Any burglar running off with my jewellery would be disappointed as I don't like gold and prefer gemstones to diamonds. In fact, we were burgled twice, two years ago, and one could almost sense the frustration as they went through my jewellery-and stole nothing....:mysmilie_697: They would have been looking for the gold that Greek ladies covet....

Why do you say the anti-tarnish lining is not suitable for pearls?
Ralph Rossini has stated on air that it is fine to keep your pearls in anti-tarnish boxes, as has the Prezerve lady.
I keep my pearls with silver claps in my LG jewellery wardrobe and they are fine.

Hiya Plint! :mysmilie_348:
Well, it just worries me slightly, as pearls & silver have totally different storage requirements, so I can't help but feel that an anti-tarnish box designed specifically to help keep silver tarnish free can't be the best environment for pearls?

I don't have many pearls but I do have a fairly massive silver collection (cutlery mostly! lol), which is kept very dry & in a fairly warm place (it is both the love & bane of my life, looking after it! lol) but I do remember my mother insisting on keeping her pearls separate from her other jewellery, away from any heat etc. & not left too long without coming out for an airing! lol

I suppose they would be OK as daughter only has a few Honora pieces (& she does wear them regularly!) but I still wouldn't want to risk fine pearls in such a box, just in case?
I never bought one, just thought they were a good idea. Any burglar running off with my jewellery would be disappointed as I don't like gold and prefer gemstones to diamonds. In fact, we were burgled twice, two years ago, and one could almost sense the frustration as they went through my jewellery-and stole nothing....:mysmilie_697: They would have been looking for the gold that Greek ladies covet....

I am sorry to read about the burglaries, Artemis.

:mysmilie_17: i also covet gold....LGreiner, not a good idea in my case.
I have a mixture of tatty cheapo silver bits and some really good stuff in the anti tarnish pouches and they have stayed perfect for years.
I also have a strange compulsion to yearn for hideous tasteless monstrosities such as the tsv and a crystal lamp shaped like a pineapple but I never act on these impulses. It's a reaction to having to be tasteful and minimalist I think :D
I have a mixture of tatty cheapo silver bits and some really good stuff in the anti tarnish pouches and they have stayed perfect for years.

Now do not be slagging off the 'tatty cheapo silver bits' Vampy, I like those best, as they're (whether jewellery or cutlery!) the bits that get used (& washed etc.) most often & thus don't cause me any trouble!
It's the more expensive pieces that get used less often that sit there in the dark, plotting.......'we will wait until just before Xmas & then we will all go blacker than a pieces of coal together, yes, agreed?'.....! :mysmilie_17:

I also have a strange compulsion to yearn for hideous tasteless monstrosities such as the tsv and a crystal lamp shaped like a pineapple but I never act on these impulses. It's a reaction to having to be tasteful and minimalist I think :D

You are just too funny for words Vampy! :mysmilie_17:
Now do not be slagging off the 'tatty cheapo silver bits' Vampy, I like those best, as they're (whether jewellery or cutlery!) the bits that get used (& washed etc.) most often & thus don't cause me any trouble!
It's the more expensive pieces that get used less often that sit there in the dark, plotting.......'we will wait until just before Xmas & then we will all go blacker than a pieces of coal together, yes, agreed?'.....! :mysmilie_17:

You are just too funny for words Vampy! :mysmilie_17:

You think I'm joking about the monstrosities? I am the fearless immune to sniggering owner of a totes umbrella of eye popping ugliness. It has sunflowers on it, withered diseased looking things presumably their attempt at visual irony, Anyway in the store people were laughing at it (quite understandably) for it's ugly appearance and I bought it because I felt sorry for it.
You think I'm joking about the monstrosities? I am the fearless immune to sniggering owner of a totes umbrella of eye popping ugliness. It has sunflowers on it, withered diseased looking things presumably their attempt at visual irony, Anyway in the store people were laughing at it (quite understandably) for it's ugly appearance and I bought it because I felt sorry for it.

You are not alone - residing on my pillow (along with a couple of friends!) is 'Pavement Teddy'! Although quite cuddly, he is slightly squished & looks a little bit like he had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson & was then run over by a Chieftain tank!
Walking through town one day, I passed one of the charity shops & they had a big wire basket with toys in & one had fallen out & was just lying there on the pavement, all sad & unwanted! I picked him up to put him back but couldn't do it, went in, paid 2 quid for him & he's been with me ever since! lol
They are nice, especially the tall mirrored one. However, I never got the idea behind it as a consumer. Why would I buy one; so that someone can lift it and run away with it?

My Aunt has one, the one behind the mirror. So I have the picture in my head of someone trying to run off with the rather big stand up mirror:mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17:
Almost love to see that.
You are not alone - residing on my pillow (along with a couple of friends!) is 'Pavement Teddy'! Although quite cuddly, he is slightly squished & looks a little bit like he had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson & was then run over by a Chieftain tank!
Walking through town one day, I passed one of the charity shops & they had a big wire basket with toys in & one had fallen out & was just lying there on the pavement, all sad & unwanted! I picked him up to put him back but couldn't do it, went in, paid 2 quid for him & he's been with me ever since! lol

i like you two, its the sort of thing I do.:mysmilie_82::mysmilie_696:
sorry the link of the quote is not in there but it is meant as a comment for both of you
At least KWC felt sorry for something with a (rather mangled) face instead of an automatic opening mechanism that only works half the time.
i like you two, its the sort of thing I do.:mysmilie_82::mysmilie_696:
sorry the link of the quote is not in there but it is meant as a comment for both of you

I've never actually managed to work out how to do a quote from two different posts either Star - I'm sure I've seen it done so there must be some way of doing it.......? *looks blank* lol

Yeah, poor little 'Pavement Teddy', another one for OH to put into amusing positions/hiding places for his nightly ritual of 'find the teddy/look what teddy's doing now' - probs sometimes wishes he'd actually stayed on the pavement when he's swinging upside down from a coat hanger! *gasp* :mysmilie_17:
Just click multi post button for whichever quotes you want to use, the button turns red on each selected post, then hit post reply at the end of the thread to the left and above the quick reply box.

The posts appear in the order you clicked them btw.
Oh, you absolute witch Vampy......I demand you tell me how you did that immediately! You total rotter! lol

Just click multi post button for whichever quotes you want to use, the button turns red on each selected post, then hit post reply at the end of the thread to the left and above the quick reply box.

The posts appear in the order you clicked them btw.

All this time & I'd never even noticed that button before.......!
Yay, it works! Thank you Batty! xx

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